The highest item level gear, not including pvp gear, should come from Heroic raids and +15 M+
This would mean that everyone that wants to push Mythic raiding and M+ over 15s would be doing so for the rights to show off achievements and such. However, I think any drops such as tmog, pets, mounts, etc should be random personal loot and not guaranteed drops (this will help cut down on carry selling).
the idea of a non-power tier is strange NOW after we’ve seen countless guilds skip the jailer - the guy on the cover and the biggest threat to bla-bla-bla because he didnt drop a tier token.
If I am being honest, in WoD I spent gold to get carried for the “Friendship Moose” I spent the gold even though some people were doing it for free because it was more convenient. I didn’t purchase tokens for that, I just spent the gold I had earned.
If they ever made a raid mount as good looking as the Friendship Moose (for the record, imo they haven’t. Except maybe the void dragon, I was not here for that) I would spend the gold again to get that mount as I typically would only ever go to Heroic difficulty.
I don’t know if other people feel the same way-- I am more inclined to spend gold on mounts, pets, and cosmetics rather than just gear with a higher ilvl. Ilvl comes and goes, mounts are forever.
I wonder if Mythic+ and Mythic raiders consider the prestige from the challenging content or from the rewards that are offered. I am sure there isn’t a one size fits all answer for that. But I feel like I know (lol) that people would just rage about it.
Rationale is probably to just have mythic raids be prestige, rather than power progression. Similar to how keystone item levels caps at, what, +15? PvP gear also caps (in pvp) at duelist rather than something like gladiator.
I don’t know. It could be fine. Just cut off gear progression a bit lower and have everything at the high end just be skill and prestige/cosmetics.
Considering people just hard skipped the mini tier octopus raid in bfa, or will one & done a frustrating boss and then skip it for the rest of the tier I would guess they’d not be happy.
“Well, mythic raid participation is dropping. I wonder if removing loot will fix this?”
An argument for making mythic more accessible, less finicky (one shots/one death being a reset), not tied to grinds, fewer bosses, etc. might make more sense than just kneecapping it with no other plan.
I was thinking of other analogies about not telling professional swimmers how to swim but I’m at work and my boss just went past. I didn’t mean it in a “mythic raiders are our superiors” kinda way.