The highest item level gear, not including pvp gear, should come from Heroic raids and +15 M+

i just really prefered how gear is classic worked, the upgrades were much smaller and even if you outgeared someone they could still beat you at times

things were more unique and even tho they were less of upgrades, they felt a LOT better to acquire

Honestly, I’m not against such things in theory as it does address some issues. However, I think it also becomes an issue in other senses, especially reward or motivation to push higher difficulties.

It’s easy to say add tmog, pets, mounts, achievements, etc but realistically what quantity are we talking about, and how much goes into it?

Chucking in a single mount and maybe a couple of unique transmogs isn’t much work when the rest of the tier rewards are just upgraded ilvl, but making sure people have a unique reason to kill every boss and progress to the end would be a ridiculous amount of work.

To top that off you will have the issue that there would be no real reason not to just lock the raid and bash your head against each wall as reclearing wouldn’t be very rewarding. So people would most likely just one and done it.

Then we also have the issue of having so many unique collectables behind the mythic barrier which many people will feel unjust about not being able to acquire them. (Or of course just buy carries)

Nah, tons of people enjoy gear progression and hard content together. This is throwing the baby with the bath water because some top guild raiders just woke up from their 15 years hibernation cycle and saw that Blizzard was nerfing bosses after they kill them (when they’ve been doing that since forever) after Blizzard nerfed multiple time Sepulcher because of their insanely stupid tuning.

The most simple system has always been kill bosses get loot, don’t need to overthink it.

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You would just have people complain in a few tiers about heroic ilvls and run sales. They would want heroic to be cosmetic only and for normal to be the only difficulty with gear. This is a never ending spiral

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I’ll tell you a third, very esoteric one I bet a lot of people wouldn’t guess.

There are A LOT of things that are wrong with this game that are PLAINLY, OBVIOUSLY wrong. But if you’re just a lfr bum, you’re not “allowed” to have an opinion. You CAN’T know anything, you just do lfr. While that’s true about specific mechanics there are tons more general things that anyone can have a solid opinion about.

But as someone who’s dabbled in Mythic, I’m now “allowed” to point out when stupid stuff is stupid.

The challenge is nice. The gear is great. Getting together with friends is still that thing that makes the MMO genre unique.

Gear isn’t what holds the majority of players back.

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Blizz has done this a few times in the past, even before Mythic was a thing. Off the top of my head, Naxx, Trial of the Crusader and Trial of Valor (Mythic only) all included cosmetic rewards that were only available for a limited time, though it usually went beyond just clearing the raids (usually it had to be done with no deaths or wipes as well).

It seems like they generally limit it to AoTC/CE now, although Trial of Valor is still relatively recent so maybe they just do stuff like that where they feel it’s appropriate.

Deathless rewards would actually be anti-carry in a way as well, assuming the players who buy carries typically spend most of the raid as a corpse lol

Actually what she asked is exactly what the OP suggested. Turning the most difficult content in the game into a cosmetic farm.

The problem isn’t mythic raid. It’s that heroic raid is wildly overtuned relative to keys this season. The first 8 bosses in heroic raid and +10 keys should be comparably difficult since both give iLvl 265 in the GV. The last three should be comparable to a +12.

They never went by the Great Vault ilvl.

Item Levels for Sanctum of Domination
Heroic 239 | 246
Mythic 252 | 259

Mythic +10 229 | 239
Mythic +15 236 | 252

Item Levels for Sepulcher of the First Ones
Heroic 265 | 272
Mythic 278 | 285

Mythic +10 255 | 265
Mythic +15 262 | 278

I’ve seen this “argument” before; that high end players should be happy with achievements (ha!) and not power progression. Rarely in a PvE context though.

it wont.

I disagree. Its better content so it should reward better gear, and you know the old saying:

Better Content
Better Gear
Papa John’s


If they remove gear (power) maybe they won’t have to keep making mythic 2 psuedo difficulties anymore.

Because pre-nerf and post nerf SotFO may as well be a different difficulty setting at this point.

Put the RWF guilds on a special tournament realm with crazy overtuned fights.

It’s the obvious answer, which they already use for AWC & MDI.

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Over/under tuned is a matter of perspective.

Maybe Blizzard wants early clears to be more exclusive?

A lot of high end mythic raiders aren’t used to being told “git good” that often like Blizzard did with this raid.

MDI doesn’t re-tune the dungeons and arena is based on the same PvP tuning as live (whatever patch snapshot is used) so it isn’t the same thing. Completely different tuning on a tournament realm would be quite a departure from the norm.

It’s not just that, by having four difficulties blizz de-facto made 44 tunings they had to do for this tier alone. That’s insane in terms of workload. Compare that to ff14 with a grand total of 36 for the entire expac. When you’re already losing subs on a long term trend you tend to focus on efficiency and not silly make work. Blizz has basically made their lives harder than they need to be. Honestly making raids into two different difficulties (Normal/LFR and Heroic/Mythic) would be better. That would leave them a lot less pain and allow for the heroic/mythic version to be something a bit more special and with the expectation it could take longer.

I do agree with Brewa that RWF needs to be it’s own thing or just flat out ignored. It should never affect raid tuning and it very clearly does right now.

There are other reasons I can give for why mythic shouldn’t reward gear but those have been discussed elsewhere. It largely comes down to pressures placed on the team and how it causes less than ideal behaviors in players because blizz forces them to do stupid things to gear up.

This goes completely against the reason they race for world first though. Top guilds would just raid on live servers.

Also blizzard would have to acknowledge RWF as a sponsored event and then likely have to pay money when right now they get a boat load of free publicity.