The high elf situation

Doesn’t matter. They’re not going to add high elves as a fully fledged race when both void and blood elves can look identical to them now. This is Blizzard giving us high elves. This is quite literally what high elf fans were asking for, normal skin tones on void elves so they can roleplay as high elves.

Sorry that me disagreeing with you affects you so much for some reason. :wave:t2:


Stop… Stop asking for more, especially when it doesn’t work. They are STILL Void Elves which can’t access the Light. They will NEVER and should NEVER get paladin.

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Then you x3 agree that we’re more than welcome in asking for more High Elf customizations like hairstyles and paladins and tattoos…etc.

Thanks for clearing that up.

lol Disagreeing with established, in-game lore and even developing lore isn’t a battle of opinion sweetheart, its a matter of fact vs bias. :kissing_heart:

Undead actively die, when using the Light, don’t pretend this isn’t a thing that wiggles its way onto WoW races.

Also, there’s multiple different types of paladins.

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They dont. Several undead can use the light. HOWEVER, there is a MASSIVE difference between a death entity using light (which is possible) and a void entity using the light (which is IMPOSSIBLE)


You guys are literally insane if you think Blizzard is gonna give Void Elves paladins because of a skin tone option.


Incorrect, if you want to be completely technical, undead should also not be able to use the Light.

You’re also missing the fact that Void Elves can already be priests, who actively use the light.

They can be priests but they can’t be paladins? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

You may get blue eyes, but you are still a void elf.

If this skin tone option turns out to be High Elves joining the Void Elves, why is that not a valid request?

There are High Elf paladins.

Undead have been able to use the light since classic. They just feel a burning sensation. One of the original four horseman was a paladin DK. Void Elves in the canon don’t use the light as priests. They are shadow priests in the lore. Just as Lightforged Draenei can’t use the void. They are holy priests in the lore.


Because they aren’t High Elves. They are Void Elves.

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Having the void elves as a race on alliance made it silly to have another blood elf model on our side. Instead we have the option to play with the aesthetics desired. That is enough.

I wouldn’t ask for more at this point.

So if they use Shadow to heal in-place of the Light, why can’t paladins use the Void in place of the Light as well?

Paladins are just Warrior priests.

So you just didn’t read what i wrote?

Answer what is asked.

Alli players are never happy are they lol immature

Because class skins aren’t a thing (yet)

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Bet, good to agree.

Priests use a mix of Shadow and Light. Shadow Priest all void…Disc 50/50…Holy all light. There are no “nonlight” Paladins.


And read what I answered.

There aren’t any High Elves joining the Void Elves. They are Void Elves who have a different skin tone option.

And she said that Void Elves can’t be paladins because they cant use the Light.

But said that they use Shadow to heal as “holy” priests.

Why is that magic not the same as paladins using Shadow or “the light”?

Which is coming from somewhere, same as Blood Elves getting blue eyes.

Everything connects to lore my dude.

If not then we can continue to ask for High Elves, since you keep saying they aren’t actually High Elves. :man_shrugging: