Yeah that. I didn’t fail english in high school, promise.
And so I’m asking for the race to include more than void elves. Please, read my post before answering it.
laughs you know what i’m happy people are getting high elfs gives me a chance to pull a arthas and butcher em all and then rip out ones soul forcing them to serve me
1- i’m not asking for a separate race. Please read the topic.
2- How is representing the requests of a community selfishness? please explain.
Yes. This.
Because you’re deleting another community to satisfy yourself. That’s why.
I’m asking for a race that includes both void elves and high elves, and for the opition to let you be a paladin if you have the high elven skin tone.
other races already work that way. It’s like denying the dwarves wildhammer opitions because ‘‘you’re asking for a bronzebeard not to be a bronzebeard’’. your argument is frail.
You don’t even have an argument. You’re blatantly asking for the deletion of an extant player race to satisfy your obsessive need for blue-eyed blonde Tolkien knockoffs.
How is asking for more opitions ‘‘deleting another community’’?
Really? Please do tell us what race will allow you to pick a restricted class ONLY if you choose a specific skin color.
When you make void elves and high elves the same race… guess what, one is being picked over the other.
No. That’s a strawman. I’m asking for an existant player race to include more factions while keeping the old ones.
You are NOT asking for options. You want to remove OTHER PEOPLE’S options, that they have had for 2-13 years so you can play a blue-eyed blonde elf.
Be satisfied with this chewed up, disgusting bone they threw out, or don’t.
I was referring to races who include multiple factions. But yes, that would be different in this sense. And? what’s the issue?
You asking for void elves to not be void elves.
That’s giving player agency. you are blatantly asking for people to be forced to play as a race they don’t like.
OP:“Make a race within a race within a race despite that race counteracting this race because I want it ok plz thnx.”
I’m asking for playable high elves inside the void elf race.
Good news then, we just got them.