The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

All the listed deaths (which are all the same, just in different media) happened in the Warcraft 1 timeframe. And yet Medivh was there in Warcraft 3.


Makes you really have tremendous faith in the ability of the wow writing/story teams to weave consistent and well-composed narrativesā€¦doesnā€™t it?

One would think. Still he is alive in our current time. Hes just wandering off gods knows wheres.

For all intents and porpoises he might as well be dead for now.


Until blizz pulls him from nowhere to guide us to the REALM OF THE VOID! lol

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DIdnā€™t Medivh appear in the end of Legion Karazhan?
I remember him talking to Khadgar after the last boss, thought my memories are fuzzy and I canā€™t remember if it was just a sliver of Medivh or the actual character.

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Thats the sliver.

The real one appears during the content after the sword got stuck in the ground.


I remember only Khadgar telling us he would take no side in the war and saying he would retreat to Karazhan to try to find a solution with Medivh.

I might be confused. I canā€™t find it anymore.

After the Sword gets stabbed into the ground there was a short quest chain I thought that took you there. I thought thats where it is. Looks like it is the other one though.

Please no more AUā€™s. It is proven to be a bad idea, with how WoD has turned out, I rather see another world than an AU.

I find I ridiculous that your player base has a 20k thread on a race and they cannot provide it


Because that isnā€™t how the warcraft universe works. Azeroth, the great dark, and all potential timelines exist in ā€œrealityā€

Each form of magic has itsā€™ own dimension. The void exists ā€œoutsideā€ the great dark. The twisting nether is the realm of fel. There is a currently unnamed arcane dimension we know of because that is where aluneth comes from. Death has the shadowlands. Life currently has the emerald dream but I would not be surprised if something more existed in the future. As for the light we simply donā€™t know how to classify it. All we seen is itsā€™ agents. We have not even heard of the forces at the top of it like the void has the void lords.

So no matter what happens in the various potential timelines all of them share a commonality with the different dimensions. The burning legion is gone across all timelines. The demons canā€™t corrupt or make moves in another timeline as the legion is gone.

I would say WOD was bad because of the lack of content, and focus on garrison and the famous selfie camera update and then one other patch and literally abandoning the expansion until Legionā€¦ sort of like people who Horde story is bad because of being the bad guys when that story is good Blizzard just flip flops the narrative and drops the ball on writing the story the fault is on them not the idea or narrative

I would say AU is subject to being disliked as much as anything else but WOD being bad is one thing but the AU is subjective imo

WoD was bad simply because of the cut content.

I wish for a redo of WoD where everything planned could have been made.

I imagine a WoD with proper capital cities in bladespire and karabor, a 6.1 that was a story zone of farahlon where we take the fight to grommash directly. At the end when the iron horde is set to give in and start negotiations that is when gulā€™dan comes in with the 6.1 trailer cinematic we actually got. 6.1 would also come with the level 4 garrison upgrade.

6.2 would be the shattrath raid tier. This is where we see the start of the burning legion invasion and it would also come with the level 5 garrison upgrade which at this point would allow you create every building.

6.3 would be exactly how the real 6.2 played out.

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Were there supposed to be more Garrison upgrades? Iā€™ve heard of the other content cut you mention here but not of the Garrison stuff.

I just didnā€™t play WOD after I hit level and did my garrison for a bit tbh but I think itā€™s unfair to use WOD as the basis for saying AU is bad, AU is subjective yes but WOD was bad for all the reasons you just listedā€¦

I do recall people being hype on it originally though

We know additional larger garrisons existed. Nothing is stated that there would be something beyond level 3 but seeing as there is a lunarfall garrsion 3 times larger than the level 3 garrison it would seem so.

Garrison was a weird thing imo , and people cite it as why we will never get player housing ā€¦

My only frame of reference outside of wow is SWTOR and their stronghold system you can get on multiple worlds, and decorate to your hearts content, put an AH in there, companions, units etc. but it gets stale being there too long you still need to go out to do real content so the fleet and main world is always still active itā€™s not some ghost town bcz we have housingā€¦

Garrisons there were just an arbitrary number of people that showed upā€¦ I didnā€™t station them or position them or decorate anything I just built building in building spot and building appeared it was very ā€¦ weird

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The story within WoD felt actually bad too. There wasnā€™t much to make it an interesting concept actually.

personally I like the idea of a central hub that throughout an expansion we build up ourselves.

If we had true capital cities in karabor and bladespire I feel as though it wouldnā€™t matter if we could eventually get something like a level 5 garrison with all possible buildings.

The capitals would be so close near by it would be a good place to hang out still and the various vendors and NPCs would be there. Much of the stuff in ashran would instead be there with the only things in ashran being the pvp vendors and the associated rep quartermater. I would still leave them as they are though with all the buildings they have because it makes it look like a proper base. Like another garrison out in the world.

That is another thing I would have liked to see. Instead of killing off admiral taylor instead of an alliance questline where we save him and his garrison acted as a hub in the zone. Move the alliance zone outpost into this garrison.

Meanwhile the horde could have a counterpart in nagrand.


Iā€™ve seen many people applaud the questing of WOD which would be the story elements so again I would say that part remains subjective. Although Iā€™m sure WOD being bad or not is subjective too but I would say the lack of content made it a bad expansion, had it been good perhaps AU would be seen in a better light but Blizzard legitimately seemed to do ditch development across the board on it story included

It does sit funny with me that they cut so much from WOD. Like short term they cut there losses but long term AU could be great filler expansion like you said and now they will forever have a hard time selling AU again because they rushed and left WOD half done like that, I guess I do not have hopes, wishes, thoughts or regrets in WOD, I never really cared for Orc lore but I care from the standpoint of I would like to see AU Azeroth at different times and now that is hampered imo because WOD is looked at so poorly because of its cut content etc

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