The High Elf Love Thread 🥰


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I hope you’re joking.

His mother brought him back and he left to go someplace that we don’t yet know back in legion. His shade or a piece of him has been stuck in kharazan since his initial death… Because kharazan does that.

There is a living Medivh in our reality we just don’t know where he’s at.

I doubt we’d see him used for anything soon.

Oh, we’re doing star trek now?

Can we not?

There is a what? How many times does he have to be killed before he gets to be dead?

He’s only died once actually. I just double checked.

He left many shades and pieces of himself in kharazan and also spoke through time a few times.

His last contact as actual him was at the end of legion where he tells Khadgar that he has to go into the nether space. He doesn’t say exactly why.

The Medivh in WC3 never died.

He just had lots of pieces and echos of him elsewhere.

We don’t know where he went after WC3. (Unless the one we see in Legion is, in fact, the actual him.)

Just that he’s going to be with “The legends of the past.”

Which could mean we see him in Shadowlands… heh…

The end of legion Medivh said he’s the real one. Khadgar even thinks it’s just a shadow but is corrected.

Okey, I remember that now.

We kept running through that place over and over so I skipped the end a lot.

After the events of WC3, I’ve always imagined Medivh facepalming and groaning at the sight of all the faction conflicts in WoW. But I guess Khadgar pretty much did that for him at the end of Legion.

Awww. Don’t hate on me now.

Actually, don’t hate on fun.

so thats my question ? we have to stop sargeras right? why do we never try to stop sargeras before he wrecks draenor. before the draenei are genocided. since we’re doing all the fancy time travelling scenarios. why do we never try to stop the sundering

I would love to go to an AU Azeroth with a fully intact Night Elf Empire that answered to Queen Azshara still :heart_eyes: Suramar but more grand ZIN AZSHARI in its prime


there’d be no helfs at that point. just highborne and night elves, as far as i’m aware. they dont split off and sail to quel’thalas till the sundering.

No but I think Fliktargs idea opens up AU as some good filler expansions! So I guess it’d be a different situation but still awesome to see. I’d wanna be aligned with the Highborne though idk how that would work or who Horde and Alliance would work with, but Azeroth pre sundering is arguably a way different map too that be cool to see :crazy_face: :sunglasses:


That would be amazing. If its early enough you could have some fun with troll empire and Mogu, and even Aquir and Nerubians.

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That is what I was thinking too maybe the Horde would work with the Zandalari or perhaps not maybe Suramar would be the link and it’d be mid war of ancients. But I have always wanted to see Azshara in her glory days, I love a good monarchy / empire / social pyramid society story


Medivh in Warcraft I .

Medivh’s death has been portrayed in at least four different sources.

In Warcraft: Orcs & Humans , the player had to enter his lair and slay him. His lair was filled with summoned and cave beings: skeletons, scorpions, fire elementals and daemons.[57] Lothar, Khadgar, and Garona are all absent.

Medivh’s death was clearly described in The Last Guardian , where it is established that he was slain by the three listed above — with Khadgar wielding the blade that was run through Medivh’s heart (and Lothar then decapitating him); this version is supported by various sources.[39][58][59][60]

In the interlude The Last Guardian in the “Eternity’s End” campaign in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos , Medivh is shown in a flashback being killed by 5 human footmen and a captain. Though the captain figure in the scene could be Lothar, Khadgar and Garona are nowhere to be seen. In The Last Guardian it is, however, described that Khadgar and Garona were wearing Stormwind garbs, which would explain why they could be displayed as normal footmen. In Warcraft III: Reforged , Medivh is shown being killed by a captain and an apprentice wizard.

Finally in Flashback we see Medivh being stabbed through the heart by Khadgar with Lothar standing just behind.

ffs can’t that be enough?