The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Those are all different descriptions of the same death.

After that he was rezzed before WC3 and then went away after.

He was never killed after WC3.

Can you point me at the link to his rez?

All these posts aren’t in support.


Resurrected by his mother Aegwynn, Medivh returned as a mysterious prophet shortly before the beginning of the Third War, manipulating events in order to arrange the formation of a last-ditch alliance between the mortal races of Kalimdor, guiding them to victory at the Battle of Mount Hyjal.


Man, I now remember that scene of past!Khadgar talking to future!Medivh in the Last Guardian. I had totally forgotten it!


As he buried the skin sack that made up his corpse.

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Thanks Drede. :slight_smile:

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this isnt the only thread on the subject, nor are these all the people who voiced an interest in alliance high elves as a playable race over the years. people have been requesting this since vanilla. every time a new expac was announced, another series of requests for them. when they became a big presence in wotlk, the requests grew quite loud as people thought it was evidence they’d soon be playable. but it was not the case.

when allied races were announced, it reached a fever pitch, with thousands of posts and threads requesting them across reddit, eu wow and us wow forums, with several discord channels, websites and youtube videos made by big wow content producers came out as well. when the legion q and a, was announced and requests were made for players to present questions, the place was hammered with requests for info on playable high elves on alliance. it was then that ion gave his infamous speech that amounted to

go play horde.

p.s. you can imagine people saying
why didnt i think of that after 13 years of asking. i must be dense. :sunglasses: one youtuber claimed the guy was a professional salt miner. haha. if so, he struck a major salt vein that day.


They’re just waiting for the Alliance population to dip to 9% from 25% before they start talks. Until then we’ll get iron gnomes and mecha dwarfs

Edit: Also why does it claim 19.9k on the general forums page when the little blue post counter gives me an exact number of 20427?

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maybe its counting deleted posts?

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any request for alliance high elves or alliance half elves, needs to include the request they be a core race, so alliance can gain some new player interest. void elves are too hidden and skipped right over if a character boost is used, which comes free of charge in the special edition versions of bfa and shadowlands.

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Please tell me you’re not using the “Moonguard has twice as many Horde characters than Alliance!” numbers from what is it warcraftrealms?


lol? last realmpop before it popped was 53/47 - 54/46. If you’re referencing that thread where someone tried to use the census addon as a basis for a 25% number you should go back and read that set of numbers being ripped to shreds. Hell, it had some high-pop realms at zero and only sampled people who loaded and ran an addon.

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Good to see the thread is running smoothly. Anyone have any clue when threads hit cap these days?


I cannot find any information indicating what the Thread post cap is these days.

Glad the thread still lives! I’m enjoying my hot girl summer but love for y’all!


when you hover over the post number on the main page, there’s 7 (now 6) posts until that hits 20k, so may be almost done now

Hot girl summer came through and messed up my City Girl summer I still am in shock

Edit; also if this near the end sending love again to the HE agenda lol

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I mean, you can travel the globe, and hot girl summer never ends! Same can be true for City Girl Summer, but that would be a lot of Airbnb.


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I think it would be really strange to see Blood Elves getting blue eye options. They’d be able to look like an Alliance leader and NPCs before Alliance players can.

I also feel like Blizzard would actually include Void Elves in more stuff if Helves were made playable for Alliance. Right now I think they’re worried about their inclusion in things because it’s always met with bad reactions, because we wanted High Elves instead of exiled, ex-Horde, Void-ridden Blood Elves. Who knows though?