The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

He’s been posting his fanfic for an expansion with AU Azeroth set after the second war where the Alliance teams up with Stormwind, Khaz Modan and Quel’thalas and the current Horde teams up with
 the Old Horde.

Yes, I read as much of it as I could before I had to stop.

It’s quite the Alliance fever dream.

The new Horde wouldn’t ally with the AU old Horde, and why would AU Que’thalas ally with our Alliance? Can’t pretend as though our Blood Elves wouldn’t have something to say about that

The fact that the Horde went to AU Draenor to recruit some Orcs is kind of silly, but it just goes to show how ridiculous allied race recruiting scenarios can be. That doesn’t mean we should come up with equally or more ridiculous scenarios to get High Elves though


I mean, it’s as ludicrous as taking the Mag’har from AU draenor rather than the perfectly fine ones we have in our current outland already. Blizzard wrote themselves into a hole with this situation making it more and more ridiculous to NOT introduce high elves at this point.

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BTW I found some examples of geoset glitches to explain what I was talking about before, and how they dress the different races rather quickly without having to manually fit them each. Check out these bracers on my elf and see how they fit around the ‘sleeve’ of his shirt, thinking its his actual arm.

EDIT: nvm, I can’t post links

Ugh, I hate AU. AU stuff never seems to work properly. WoD is the prime example of this.


you could employ the wild card that is medivh. he warned thrall to move the orcs to kalimdor before arthas’ scourge invasion. wasnt he also involved in getting the orc invasion thru the dark portal to azeroth, in the first place? he’s also under the control of sargeras at that point, if i recall. what a mess alternate timeline stuff is

No, no you really can’t
since he’s dead:


Medivh’s face in Warcraft I .

Medivh in Warcraft I .

Medivh’s death has been portrayed in at least four different sources.

In Warcraft: Orcs & Humans , the player had to enter his lair and slay him. His lair was filled with summoned and cave beings: skeletons, scorpions, fire elementals and daemons.[57] Lothar, Khadgar, and Garona are all absent.

Medivh’s death was clearly described in The Last Guardian , where it is established that he was slain by the three listed above — with Khadgar wielding the blade that was run through Medivh’s heart (and Lothar then decapitating him); this version is supported by various sources.[39][58][59][60]

In the interlude The Last Guardian in the “Eternity’s End” campaign in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos , Medivh is shown in a flashback being killed by 5 human footmen and a captain. Though the captain figure in the scene could be Lothar, Khadgar and Garona are nowhere to be seen. In The Last Guardian it is, however, described that Khadgar and Garona were wearing Stormwind garbs, which would explain why they could be displayed as normal footmen. In Warcraft III: Reforged , Medivh is shown being killed by a captain and an apprentice wizard.

Finally in Flashback we see Medivh being stabbed through the heart by Khadgar with Lothar standing just behind.

The idea that there were more involved than just Lothar, Khadgar, and Garona is supported by Shadows & Light (“
a squad of human warriors
”)[61] and Horde Player’s Guide (“A group of human heroes slowed the invasion by slaying Medivh”).[62] However, both sources also confirm that Lothar, Khadgar, and Garona were involved as well.[63][64][65] In Tides of Darkness it is explained that Lothar was with Garona, Khadgar and a handful of men when they defeated Medivh.[66]

And most recently:

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth .

The black dragon Wrathion journeyed to Karazhan to find a way to counter the Old Gods. While there, he encountered the shade of Medivh

As Bones would say

Can we please all just stop with the unnecessary rabbit holes that are AUs and Time Travel?


well technically, if you’re going AU, medivh doesnt have to be removed, he just needs intervention before sargeras possesses him. however, that isnt even necessary since we’d have the benefit of hindsight. even the corruption of the outlands orcs could be stopped, thus removing sargeras’ input into that event whether directly or indirectly. our orcs could intervene on the behalf of their own forerunners. we could still get azeroth orcs from outlands but it’d be under wholly different circumstances. how do we stop the invasion of outlands that turns the planet into a fragmented mess?

That’s the part I’m seriously trying to put an end to.

If we keep playing around with AUs then why not just suggest that out there somewhere is an AU where the windchimes and Draenei defeated the Legion on their own then swept through the multiverse eradicating every threat to peace or travel to an Azeroth where everyone has learned to live in peace together and the only threat is Nomi’s awful cooking?

AUs and time travel are the cheapest of handwaving devices imaginable, they shouldn’t happen unless Blizzard says their going to rip off Superman’s Bizarro World and create Bizarreroth.

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well these are the culprits:

the burning legion
the old gods
the void lords
the light when out of balance
the titans may be a problem but to what degree is the question

Honestly, I don’t think they are threats to the story to nearly the extent that time travel or AUs are. They are cheap plot devices that all too easily come out of the closet when the writers box themselves in.

For example; what if I demand an AU where Malfurion and Tyrande do with I think they should have done and eliminated the Highborne
all of them
right after Ashenvale instead of exiling them? No Highborne exodus to a new continent so no Thalassians exist at all because anyone they could have evolved from is six feet under in Kalimdor. So, the High Elf debate is ended because there never were any to begin with.

This is why you never mess with timey wimey stuff, I’m glad blizz is going away from it to be honest. Blizzard probably already made a time paradox in multiple ways but it’s best to just

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thats honestly, not a very nice position to take when all we are working for is finding an interesting story arc where the people of azeroth, including the night elves, orcs and so on, dont have to make the mistakes that cause the problems you think worthy of genocide. i think you’re just being cruel and obnoxious

what if we staged an intervention that stops the sundering. now you dont have a reason to want to wipe out your kin. high elves could still become a thing as the highborne found new lands of interest. the story acts as if sargeras’ blunders should be allowed to remain, while everything else is free territory. why did sargeras go bonkers in the first place? and thats the real question, isn’t it
 who/what messed up sargeras.

it just has to be well thought out and then well extrapolated.

No, I’m not being at all obnoxious Hyper
and you know me well enough to know I’m not cruel.

I am, and will continue to, pointing out how - from my point of view - ridiculous the use of AUs and time travel are. It was an example of an AU you and many others would absolutely hate, and with good reason. Note that I did not advocate for that AU, and specifically used it as a “the problem with AUs is that you can as easily get this AU” example.

And no, I don’t think we need to search at all for the why behind Sargeras’ actions:

Sargeras and Aggramar eventually agreed to go their own separate ways in order to protect several parts of the universe at the same time, allowing them to more effectively combat the demons. It was during this time that Sargeras learned about the Void Lords and discovered their plans. Coming across a world that had been completely infected by monstrous aberrations known as Old Gods, the titan ruthlessly interrogated a conclave of nathrezim demons who dwelled on the black world. From them, Sargeras learned that the void lords had sent the Old Gods out into the cosmos to infect any worlds that housed titan world-souls, and if they succeeded, the world-soul would be twisted into an unspeakably dark creature that not even the Pantheon could stand against: a Dark Titan. Enraged at this discovery, Sargeras cleaved the planet in two, instantly killing the nascent titan it housed. He then immediately returned to the rest of the Pantheon to tell of his discovery, but they chastised him for his rash action, insisting that they might have been able to purge the world-soul of its corruption without killing it. Sargeras tried to convince the other titans that what he had done was right, and that the universe needed to be purged of life - which, in his mind, could have been already corrupted by the void lords - in order to prevent the risk of a world-soul becoming corrupted and opening the way for the void lords (in his mind, even a lifeless universe was better than one dominated by the Void, for he argued that if life had once taken root in the Great Dark on its own, perhaps it would do so again). Eventually realizing that the others would never see things the way he did, Sargeras stormed off, and never returned.[9][9]

It’s all already in the Lore, Hyper.

PS, as people often tell me - the Highborne are simply a Caste of Kaldorei so no genocide whatsoever is involved here. It’s just housecleaning. But again, in case you want to come back to this, it was an example of how AUs could completely screw up the game.

And finally:

What on Azeroth leads you to believe that the same company that routinely comes under withering fire from High Elf fans for butchering stories and lore would suddenly get everything right and deliver something well thought and and delivered?

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Though I think it’s over 20k the view of replies from viewing the topic in the topic list in general is at 19.9K

So here is my support of HE’s one last time just in case :blue_heart: for the wonderful lore arguments, ideas, art work, and kindness I see from both pros and antis. While I wholeheartedly disagree with not allowing HEs into alliance I do very much enjoy the Pro BE sentiment and lore that is more often written on that side, though the pro HE community seems to have an immense love and respect for BEs as well!


I second this.


It can never be well thought out unless your universe is set around timey wimey stuff. It always comes to bite you in the butt when you decide to make a change to the story. Such as Nozdormu being corrupted via old gods becoming Murozond, completely ignored plot line because Blizzard would never think to think this far ahead, which isn’t their fault who thinks so many years ahead? Just an example of why timey wimey stuff = bad