The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Oh so we’re still at “the modern Horde would totally back the organisation one of their member races rejected”?

the wildhammer are already included. aerie peak is not big enough. It would be a quest hub and nothing more.

as for alterac it sided with the dark alliance.

The fact is quel’thelas has a higher likelihood to side with the alliance. We also must keep in mind they would have been working with stormwind before we arrived.

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Please tell me exactly what reason would stop our horde from working with the alternate timeline old horde.

I don’t see it. At this point demons are not tolerated and they had lost the second war and thus were tempered and only trying to survive.

The horde thrall took over was this horde. The amani had left by the time of thrall but in this timeline that wouldn’t be the case. After thrall took over he added the other races over time however these are still the same orcs of his horde.

This is the same that happened in our timeline.

Why would Alterac, the one kingdom to abandon the Alliance during its height, stick with the Dark Alliance.

You’re whole idea makes no sense.

Also bull that the blood elves would have nothing to do with their people. And bull that Quel’thalas would hate them.


you clearly do not know the personality of perenolde if you think he wouldn’t side with the dark alliance.

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Because they rejected that warmongering. The Horde of the Second War was not the new Horde, they still engaged in mass slaughter and mayhem.


No, that is not what happened.

The Horde of the Second War was not Thrall’s Horde.

Thank god you don’t actually work for Blizzard.

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Ah yes. The true end time! Like what was supposed to be the last true end time.

this is post second war horde. The horde inherited from doomhammer by thrall.

The orcs in this horde are the same orcs in thralls horde.

The end time of cataclysm? moruzond tells us that isn’t the true end time. that he as seen the true one and that we should consider a desolate azeroth as a blessing.

Damn man sweet mog.


the old horde was defeated in the second war.

Doomhammer lived however they were stuck and being hunted down to be imprisoned due to the internment act. So they spread out and go into hiding. Doomhammer is still warchief and leads raids in internment camps to free the orcs there. Thrall escapes one day and finds the warsong. He learns the ways of the orcs and of his people the frostwolf clan. He later becomes a close friend of doomhammer. One day during a raid on an internment camp doomhammer was fatally wounded. As he was dying he appointed Thrall as the new warchief and gave him his hammer and armor.

So this is the same horde we see in warcraft 3. It is the same horde that we have in WoW. The difference is it gathered other member races.

There was a portion of the old horde primarily of the blackrock clan led by rend blackhand that did not agree with this and remained in blackrock mountain. This was known as the dark horde who remained twisted in their ways.

So the Amani are no longer on the table gotcha. So the Horde is going to ally with its only option then. The High Elves. Those ones who had by that point already pulled away from the Alliance and now would find an entire nother existence of their people called Blood Elves who now need their help against their former allies the “Dark Alliance”.

The issue is that Murozond only happens if Nozdormu gets baited into an Old God corruption by the Old Gods themselves. With the defeat of N’Zoth, the Old Gods probably will never be a threat again in Blizzard writing.

C’Thun is basically loldead after his plot point got cut in Cataclysm

Yogg is still secured in Ulduar (there has been no follow-up from Legion, so I assume its a dead point)

Y’Shaarj is lore dead

And now N’zoth is pretty dead if not severely weakened after being being Azerite’d into oblivion

Unless Blizzard re-writes how the infinite dragonflight come about, they will never be a focal point in the story again. Its why they have taken up the D plots ever since their failure in Cata.

  • WoD - Didnt appear even though they were allied with Kairos

  • Legion - Deaths of Chrome supposedly had to deal with the Infinite, yet there has been no pay-off.

  • BFA - Tailoring 8.1.5 item questline showed that the Infinite are messing with the timeline rebuilding, but generally is not known unless you are a tailor (professions lol)

So either the Infinite Dragonflight are really weak right now, even after the intervention of N’Zoth or they need a lore re-write to be placed in the current story.

I admire your persistence. I think it’s a ludicrous idea, but I admire your persistence.

did you miss the part where quel’thelas, stormwind, and the dwarves would already be fighting together against the dark alliance by the time we arrive?

I am tired of people ripping apart what I type out and treating each thing as if it is a separate idea when they are all happening together at the same time.

No one thing would make sense by itself. It is when it is all put together it makes sense.

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Why wouldn’t the High Elves work with their kin again? Cause thats stupid. They’re the same people.

because they are part of the horde. The horde that they fought against only recently. the horde that tried to destroy their kingdom.


 but they’re their people. Why wouldn’t they listen to them and join up with them? This is after the events leading up to the new horde so the Alliance has already lost its luster for the High Elves and they were already pulling back away from an Alliance they only really sent token forces to assist anyways.

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I would say BE’s being the modern body governing Quel’thalas have a lot of differences between their kin that fell. Do they have a sense of remorse, yes. But all throughout the game the BE’s have a sense of pride even when it comes to dealing with HE’s, I used this example before but the quest in Winterspring where you meet a Highborne Ghost, HE ghost, and BE ghost and both the Highborne ghost and HE ghost show remorse for the group that comes next considering they all befell the same tragedy, and the BE shows contempt for the HE’s that came before him as if he feels superior. I do not think this is an attitude HE’s embody it is very distinctly BE (its why I like them actually)

I think an AU Quel’thalas would ultimately reflect MU HE’s opinion of BE’s which would be pity in some way, and in turn BE’s would take the pity as a slight and view them as weak or view them with distate, I think AU HE’s would identify more with the Alliance and 
 MU HE’s that do not embody BE culture and personality.

I also ultimately love your AU idea, I just disagree on one point being that BE’s should not have a prominent role, I would want to see them interacting with AU HE’s I do not think they would be friends but I can see them being interested in each other at first. I think BE’s will always respect their past and those who fell but they do not seem to respect current living Thalassian Elves who consider themselves HE, and sometimes view their past with a regret that almost comes off as I think scornful is the word I’m looking for, like a “We’re so better now, I can’t believe we were ever like that” but I think the attitude like in the quest in Winterspring ultimately comes from a sense of regret.

And thus yes I think you are right in your assessment that AU HE’s would not identify with MU BE’s but instead MU Alliance and HE’s that reside within it, like Vereesa, we would probably also have our case helped by having MU Alleria with us.


Excuse me, but High Elves have no kingdom for the Horde to even attempt to destroy. They’re living in other people’s countries, Stormwind and Dalaran predominantly, and the Horde has attacked neither one. Let’s be serious
it’s kind of like this:

“Why are you guys hanging out in Stormwind and Dalaran?”