The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

:heart_eyes:Showing my Daily 100% Love and Support For Playable Alliance High Elves :heart_eyes:

:eyeglasses: Be sure to check out the The Alurna Manifest of High Elves. :eyeglasses:


Saying the blood elves should have no role in any plot that focuses on Quel’thalas is like saying that the worgen should have no role in any plot that focuses on Gilneas.

The blood elves have to have a major perspective because they are the inheritors of said kingdom and if Kael’thas is supposed to be a major player as you described, it would give an in to the blood elves being allowed into the city and in the plot.

Also upon further review, there really isnt a true reason why a AU Azeroth would be visited if Quel’thalas is supposed to be this steadfast empire. Thus the implications:

  1. The Scourge plot point never happened with Stratholme or Quel’thalas managed to slay the Scourge assault in the 3rd War.

  2. The Amani troll must be either be captured or killed.

  3. Lordaeron either is still around or is Arthas’ seat of power.

There is just too much of X to give to make an AU expansion happen, unless something in this AU generates a threat that invaded the main timeline (like the Iron Horde and Garrosh’s intervention).

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we are talking about alternate quel’thelas here not our timeline’s.

This is not the story though. the blood elves don’t run the horde. The horde needs allies in this world. Quel’thelas won’t accept you no matter how hard you try.

If you read the comment chain you would know this does not focus on quel’thelas and is instead an alternate timeline where we fight a “dark alliance” headed by lordaeron that has been usurped by blackmoore who is backed by the infinite dragonflight.

Arthas has fled to stormwind who along with the dwarves and quel’thelas stand against this dark alliance.

Yeah, and in a place where the Arthas genocide did not happen, the high elves would still be isolationist.

Quel’thalas would not accept its own people? The blood elves?
Your suggestion makes absolutely no sense storywise.

why would the blood elves not have a huge part in this given kael’thas is alive?
Poor Rommath gets ignored.

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because the blood elves are allied with the horde. This is a quel’thelas with a different perspective on things. They would look down upon what the blood elves did to survive.

They never suffered the scourge and thus never had their viewpoints forcibly changed in order to adapt.

I mean
probably not?
If the blood elves said “we did this to survive because all of you weremurdered by Arthas and you were corrupted” they would be shocked.
Why would they turn away the people who honored their deaths?
That makes no sense.

Let alone the high elves who would look down were aminority.


you clearly don’t know the high elves enough if you believe they would sympathize with the blood elves. Those that degraded themselves by sucking the mana out of creatures. Some turning to fel magic, and them allying with the horde and the very monsters that destroyed their kingdom.

For sure they would be shocked. However they wouldn’t sympathize with them.

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I mean
 90% of the survivors went the blood elf route. So clearly, I know them quite better than you.

How dare people do things to survive in the face of crippling man addiction. Those children and elderly who died in the years it took to learn mana tapping surely agreed their deaths were acceptable because it was noble!

I mean
the amani =/= dark spear

Thrall =/= doom hammer
Forsaken =/= scourge

I am sure Kael’thas would not at all sympathize with Rommath, one of his greatest supporters, after hearing about what happened.
Not at all. Nope.


I would say the HEs would pity the BE’s the same way MU HE’s do and would feel kinship but their dislike of the Horde would shock them and trump that kinship coupled with their shock of their behavior / mindset as a new culture.

That said I do love the AU idea but I would want BEs having a prominent role in seeing Quel’thalas in its glory.

I must say, I find the idea that the high elves who were always super tepid about the Alliance would hate orcs more than they love their kin pretty funny.


Especially the blood elf DK’s who died as high elves.

“Kael’thas, I died trying to save our people!”


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Why would the infinite dragonflight do that? With N’zoth being defeated, that means that one of the main drives for the Hour of Twilight is now
gone. This also leaves them in a major plot hole with Kairoz being dead and no Old Gods left powerful to follow.

Ultimately, we are also left without a tool for someone like Kairoz to get to AU Azeroth since the Vision of Time was destroyed and no other tool exists post-Cata.


I miss my Worgen DK


I highly doubt the old god plot is done. We have yet to get to the true end time that resulted in nozdormu becoming moruzond.

you can’t deny that some of them did. It is a known fact.

I also wish to point out that if quel’thelas was not an alliance hub in this expansion then what exactly would be the alliance base in the north?

The horde always has zul’aman as their northern base. If you give the horde quel’thelas as well the alliance has nothing but stormwind while the horde has blackrock mountain and quel’thelas.

Yeah like a tiny handful, there’s human and dwarf warlocks, but you’re not bringing that up.

Alliance would team up with their Wildhammer friends. Or Alterac. It’s an AU. Use your imagination.