The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

It just makes me wonder what BE’s would think seeing AU Quel’thalas, maybe an excuse for Blizzard to update main Quel’thalas some! I’ve also always wanted to see Forsaken lands in their prime.

I have to agree with Ely it’s not needed for HE’s per se but I also agree with you I would want this expansion! Idk if I would except AU Sylvanas as a Sylvanas loyalist that poses such an interesting question to me too hmmm :thinking:

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You mean the group the current Horde violently rejects?

My god man, if you have to post on your Horde alt at least put a little effort into acting like you know about it.

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I’d love to see new construction where the current destroyed area of Silvermoon is. I think they could add an academic and cultural center there that the Shal’dorei and Sin’dorei share for studies.


I can understand this however this expansion idea is mostly there as a “filler” expansion. An expansion where we are not fighting a truly major threat although because of the infinite dragonflight this could become a major threat if left alone.

Who dictates what the primary timeline is? the bronze dragons. The infinites are their corrupted form. They could very well make this alternate timeline the primary timeline if left alone and that is bad for us as ours would start to fall apart as it becomes unstable.

Given the potential of WoW we would need “filler” expansions seeing as WoW can last a few more decades if treated right and not being wasted as it currently is.

As it stands with the way things are going we will be fighting the void lords in 3 expansions which is ridiculous.

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This isn’t me saying stuff that has happened. This is me laying the premise for the story of the expansion.

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I love the Nightborne friendship with BE’s it makes sense to me, it feels organic, I also love VE’s so idk if I’m in a niche pocket heh. But anyways I would love that to be rebuilt! And I would be okay with Nightborne presence as I think travel would be something Nightborne do and they have an authentic kinship with BE’s that just makes sense, but I wouldn’t want a merge or Shal’dorei architecture within Quel’thalas, if that makes sense. I’d be okay if they were heavily present like Forsaken in Tranquillen but not really a shared city per se just one they were there in as friends like

I think BfA, like their other disappointing expansions (Cata & WoD), was meant to be more grand but issues kept them from meeting their ambitions. I think there was alot cut out because of them trying to compensate for Azerite Power, layoffs and fan backlash for their missteps.

I get that, I just don’t agree with idea of following an alternate universe as an expansion.

okay for one this is actually my horde main and is the toon I have been playing all expansion. I have only started working on my alliance toons as of 8.3. most of them are still being leveled.

as for the horde they rejected not so much. They still have a lot in common with the old horde. This is doomhammer’s horde not blackhand’s. Thrall looked up to doomhammer.

After they lost the second war doomhammer was a lot more chill and simply wanted to carve out a future for the orcs.

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I got the impression what ever Horde is in AU Azeroth might be extremely humble given the circumstances?? Maybe they would be almost relieved to see help come through in what ever form.

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exactly. This horde as it stands would have no chance. With our horde helping them and both sides fighting against the dark alliance they would be able to carve out a future for the horde to exist without threat of being wiped out or imprisoned.

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Alliance transfers man, swear to god.

What part are you contesting what I have said? please point out to me why the new horde would reject this alternate old horde?

I feel like Forsaken and BEs could be Horde bases of operation in their respective zones, maybe Forsaken would have dialogue of they know these lands better than anyone and give us a bunch of good quest dialogue for taking out the AU Human Kingdom.

AU Eastern Kingdoms or EK in general does have more zones than Outland Draneor though I wonder if they would condense it’s borders

To deal with border issues they could use mountains to cut off some zones.

For instance stranglethorn wouldn’t be needed at all so the pass connecting it to duskwood could be cut off.

Same for other zones and their unnecessary parts. Just alter terrain to make it impassable by ground.

Since flying would eventually be a thing these zones would still exist they would just be empty and be nothing but a copy of the current EK terrain however there would be an invisible wall preventing you from flying into these areas still.

So you can see it but you can never go to it and see it up close.

The fact this is the eastern kingdoms means a lot of the base terrain can be copy/pasted and then worked on from there.

Because the new Horde is entirely a rejection of the old one. Like that is the core of the Horde’s character. It’s anathema.

Not to mention the Horde has significant ties to Lordaeron and Quel’thalas as those are both Horde kingdoms. If anything, one or both of those would be the group most likely for the Horde to side with, more likely Quel’thalas.

this is a quel’thelas that rejects the orcs and the trolls.

You must keep in mind this world’s political situation and not just ours.

The blood elves would not be able to convince anasterian that this horde is good. In all likelihood the blood elves would be rejected after learning of what they have gone through and what they did to survive.

Speaking of the blood elves I would say it would best they don’t have a large presence at all in this expansion for a number of reasons. The primary one being the old horde and the amani. The zandalari who the amani would respect could convince them to handwave an insignificant amount to account for the player characters but convincing them to ally with an entire force of blood elves would be impossible.

The forsaken are the same. they are undead. their presence should be on the down low and be used mostly as scouts as they know the land since they “lived” in it.

I feel like we couldn’t go back to Quel’thalas in its prime and not have a BE POV reaction through story though so maybe their content is just split from dealing with the Trolls etc

the highborne who still wanted to dabble in the arcane, abandoned their highborne and night elven kin and sailed to the eastern kingdoms, setting up their new home in what is known today as quel’thalas. over the course of the next 10,000 years, the distance from the well of eternity, the change in ley lines and addition of the sunwell, mutated them from highborne to present day high elves/blood elves.

once they are high elves and no longer highborne, the story could be picked up and not even have direct impact on newer events. could be a totally unrelated story even. thats alot of years. alot of things can happen.

btw, if you like old lore, this guy took the old warcraft game engine and made his own movie with it based on the lore leading up to the sundering. graphically, its bad, but its really interesting.

Except what caused them to accept the darkspear and orcs is because

  1. The Amani trolls threatened them NOT the dark spear.
  2. The Horde helped the blood elves after they requested it.

Those are two important aspects. Otherwise, theywould have rejected the Horde if their situation had not occurred.

An expansion where the blood elves go to an alternative timeline where they didnt get annihilated would have no large presence?
That’s like saying orcs should have no presence in WoD!

Would not be aligned because Princess Talanji would have no interested in supporting trolls who threaten the blood elves. Simple as that.
Let alone blood elveswould be present and they would not assist in anyway the amani threatening the blood elves.
Nor would they sit back and say "those people who are my family in another timeline? yeah
im going to sit back and do nothing. even though our entire race is based upon honoring those welost..

Your idea is bad.