The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Don’t bring up Argus please. I really hated that.

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I occasionally wondered, then I simply shrugged and thought “well it’s just gameplay and this is just one of those handwaving things”, how Druids or Shamans even worked there. Not like Argus was a place with rampant Nature sources to draw from and we were nowhere near the Earth Mother.


The wheel of powers is universe wide so I assume we pulled from there. For gameplay reasons they did not affect a change but I figure in such situations we have less power but not none.

Also there was a huge open portal between Argus and Azeroth so maybe that helped?

You think that makes no sense? We literally killed the world spirit of Argus and there were no elementals anywhere. Shamans had no one to ask for their powers from and no one to honour.

The only way to have used shamanic powers there would have been to engage in dark shamanism to force the obedience of the twisted and decayed elementals of Argus.

Which is a biiiiiiiiiig no no, because then we’d have lost our powers on Azeroth. Just look at what happened to Thrall when he used dark shamanism on Draenor.

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it isn’t a retcon. Void elves still exist. what changes is they are combined with high elves.

Void elves still exist with their void story and high elves are now playable. They just use the same race in game.

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I actually think an alternate azeroth expansion is very likely to happen at some point.

It would be great to see the eastern kingdoms in an alternate post second war scenario similar to the vision thrall had before the cataclysm.

The throne of lordaeron usurped by blackmoore, Arthas and jaina fled to stormwind and are now married, the othe rhuman kingdoms siding with lordaeron to form a “dark alliance”, Stormwind, quel’thelas, and the dwarves forming the opposition to this dark alliance.

meanwhile the old horde still exists in blackrock mountain and the amani are still allied with them.

This could be an expansion that puts the infinite dragonflight into the spotlight.


Except uh oh Spaghetti-o, without the Horde fighting with the night elves and Theramore Azeroth would have been destroyed at Hyjal.

there is nothing saying we have made it to that point in time and alternate timelines are alternate for a reason. Things are different. Things have not played out the same way.

There is also the fact that the legion transcends the timelines and is already defeated thus no legion to invade azeroth.

This is unnecessary. Once the high elves are void elves.

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you can keep saying this but as I said we will continue to ask for high elves and there is always a way to have them added because WoD established alternate timelines can be created.


I would LOVE this idea, in fact I never understood the appeal of AU Draneor I remember people went crazy that they were gonna see all these orc warlord leaders and I was rather unphased, I’m a Horde fan but I’m a more Forsaken / Blood Elf EK type Horde enthusiast and I like the Horde as a whole but I had no real intrigue in AU Draneor

AU Azeroth on the other hand big OOF! I would like the Alliance to be an aggressor for once, I’d be intrigued to see how they dealt with a Dark version of themselves, perfect time to introduce HE’s, and I would frankly like seeing Quel’thalas in its prime. There would probably be a BE content heavy expansion too imo, for me I’m in a place where I support HE’s for the community I think deserves them, and I think it would enhance my own in game world in my head as I play my BE or VE, I do not know if I would 100% make one myself maybe change my mage that I decided to bench for awhile

But this warlock when i am doing Loremaster on that I’m gonna make a Sylvanas loyalist like I feel obligated to do, I wonder what he or modern day Quel’thalas would think in a scenario where real world Alliance allies with AU Quel’thalas and IF etc and Horde goes with the remnants of Horde maybe both against the Dark Alliance? I think it would be amazing to see Quel’thalas in its prime but I think it would reinvigorate my love of BE’s add to faction rivalry because i would always see BE’s as better :crazy_face: but on my Void Elf I feel like there is such a untapped potential of friendship between the two Thalassian communities and when I was on my VE I think I would really love them for Alliance.

All in all I really like this idea and the idea of visiting AU Azeroth I had honestly never even thought of it before I didn’t even know Thrall had that vision, unless it’s the one in that durnholde prison scenario where we go back in time but that dungeon is a little fuzzy to me if I’m honest it was never my fav heh.

No alternate timeline races anymore please. I do believe there are enough High elves to be viable for a stand-alone AR.


It’s just an Alliance fever dream that ignores Alliance adversities and Horde advantages. It’s a scenario where the Horde never rebuilt and expanded, Quel’thalas didn’t leave the Alliance, Blackmoore came to power despite his entire method of coming to power hinged on making Thrall the warchief of the imprisoned Horde, the idea that for some reason Quel’thalas would side with Stormwind over Lordaeron and also leave no way for Horde characters to interact with this story.


I actually really like it oof :frowning: !!

But I also agree it’s not needed to justify a HE core or allied race

But I actually really like the scenario heh :grimacing:

The way I see it major alliance characters in this expansion would be arthas, jaina, and kael’thas.

Although anasterian rules quel’thelas I feel kael’thas would be the more active character. There are also the windrunner sisters.

Other things we would get to see is queen tiffan as this would take place before the stonemasons guild riot. It might actually before onyxia even came to stormwind. Imagine a stormwind still being rebuilt although mostly finished. Varian would mostly be a figurehead character in this expansion as this is pre lo’gosh varian. While still an excellent fighter I doubt he would be as aggressive and willing to lead the fight. especially not when the story would be about arthas retaking the throne.

Also seeing as I highly doubt jaina’s family would turn against her I believe the proudmoores would need to be usurped in kul tiras as well. They could use the ashvane for that. This time lord ashvane as he wouldn’t be dead.

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I don’t mind visiting the past events here and there, just makes a bad Precedent when we are constantly going in the past to replace current populations. As much as this game is Fantasy, it’s nice to also have a believable realism as well.

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well alternate timeline high elves is me simply showing that even if you get rid of every last main timeline high elf we will continue to ask for them. Of course I would rather have our high elves. Although I really do want this alternate azeroth expansion.


Alternate Azeroth during WC2 or 3 would be cool :sunglasses:

Playing through Drustvar made me want to relieve the expirience as an individual character during the scourging of lordaeron


blackmoore came to power because he was backed by the infinite dragonflight.

As for why quel’thelas wouldn’t side with lordaeron see the part about jaina and arthas fleeing to stormwind. You want to know who cares about jaina as well? the crown prince of quel’thelas.

also the old horde is the way for the horde interact with this.

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I’d rather not dedicate an entire expansion to an alternate timeline. It means the story doesn’t go anywhere really.
RIFT did it in the form of alternate timeline dungeons where you saw what occurs if you fail in certain aspects.
What happens if you fail gainst Malygos? The entire world burns down and he chases you through a cavern while lighting it on fire.
What happens if you fail to stop the corrupted faerie king?
He sacrifices everyone you know and love.

What happens if you failed against the God of Death?
The world is corrupted by decay while he walks around in a massive body formed of flesh and fetid decay.

So on and so forth.

Dedicating an entire expansion, however, is not a good idea.

iirc, he was never backed by the infinite timeline. The infinite timeline wanted Thrall to die.