The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

here to suggest half elves composed of high elves and humans, for the alliance. high elves also acceptable but half elves most logical.


Forever supporting HEs / half elves and the vibrant active community that has kept the conversation going for playable HEs via their artwork, lore points, forum posts, short stories, and role play!


again I will state this: High elves can be combined with void elves if they stop being “void elves”.

Change the name to “exiles” and give them new racials and a new starting zone/intro.

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So, void elves have to change to fit your demands if blizz were to give the void elves the backstory so many people are concerned about?


Nah they’ll be turned into void elves and continue the story of void elves. The void Elves would now be made up of the blood elves who originally became void elves and the alliance allied high elves and the silver covenant all turned into void elves.

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which will do nothing to deter our request. It is far too late to pull that move. It would have been accepted if that is what void elves originally were however they went with blood elves.

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And as a fan of VE’s and a fan of HE’s I do not think the niche that attracts me to love VE’s is the same as peoples interest / love of HE’s and do not think they should be grouped together, HE’s can and should stand on their own as a playable race

EDIT: I also personally like VE’s being former BE’s and do not or wouldn’t want the VE story merged into HE’s, on the other hand I think had they originally been former HE’s I would have been okay with it but Blizzard made the race former BE’s not SC HE’s or any other faction of HE’s which leads me to believe they will never merge HE’s into VE’s and that their team is divided on making them playable because if they wanted to end the request they could have simply from the start made VE’s former HE’s
 but they didn’t an anywhere there is disagreement means they can always change their mind later and then we would have Alliance HE’s


Future Faction Allied Race Suggestion

Exalted at Silver Covenant => Leader Varessa Windrunner [Alliance Only]

Plot Idea => Honoring the death year of Rhonin.


Why? High Elves would be among them then. What’s the difference? You’d have your high elves they’d have either chosen to become void elves or been forced.

I fully agree. What the dream scenario is would be Void elves as they are, High elves as their own allied race with half elf customizations, and humans receiving half elf customizations.

Then update the silver covenant to have all 3 present in it. half elves, high elves, and void elves.

While they may be separated as different races they would be united together as “faction”. A new thalassian government of the alliance.


because it feels fake and blizzard simply trying to off handedly appease the high elf crowd rather than addressing the issue.

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They would have addressed the issue. The high elves would be gone. There would only be blood and void elves.

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They wouldn’t be gone. Blizzard has forever opened a can of worms they can never close when WoD was made.

It doesn’t matter if no alternate azeroths currently exist. They can exist by going there and thus it being created in space-time.

If they add High Elves in as a customization for Void Elves then there should be some racial cosmetic changes. Entropic Embrace could essentially have the same effect but rename it to something like “Runic Embrace” and give it a different look. It’d would do the same exact thing except it would be more High Elf flavored (assuming they went with using runic power as a lot of people in the Helf Community seem to like.)

I also support having all 3 Alliance Thalassians represented under the Silver Covenant though too. There should be a Thalassian District formed in Stormwind behind the mage quarter for them. Give it proper High Elf aesthetics with some lodges etc. The portal to Telogrus rift could also be repositioned to that new district.

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Me too! :hugs:

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Has the Half Elf topic been posted in lately?

This idea is one of the least likely things to happen. I can’t see Blizz at this point changing/retconning the Void Elf story to satisfy the few people who can’t deal with not getting playable allilance high elves.


This would be unnecessary. They would be void elves now and would thus have void elf racials.

This would be unnecessary. They would already have given the high elves to the alliance. No need to add more.

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Yes they can close the can, you just might not like the way they do it if and when it happens. They can close it as simply as marking a transition point in time where, in current zones, High Elf NPCs who are not shopkeepers or random civilians are all changed to Void Elves. The story arc is simply that for whatever reason Vereesa decides to join Alleria and embrace the powers of the Void. The entire Silver Covenant and the High Elf contingent of the Kirin Tor could then be written to all follow Vereesa.

Of course, and we could all wake up in Shadowlands with personal lasers and spaceships. I mean, it is true that anything is technically possible.


12 days ago, it looks like.

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