The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

I would like tolā€™vir too but honestly I think at a certain point we overstep things. While I would definitely play a tolā€™vir given the chance I believe they should instead be part of a new faction. The ā€œprotectors of azerothā€.

This faction would ideally combine magni, khadgar, the 5 dragonflights, all of the titan watchers and keepers, and the titanforged.

I wish blizzard hadnā€™t setup the allied race system to at the very least seem like a finite thing limited allied race slots. People get the idea from slots because when people look at the Allied race panel, there is only a certain amount of slots and races are usually an offshoot. What I wish is that weā€™d just get numerous races made to be playable without necessarily having to worry about slots. For example: The kelfin literally have every reason to join the horde that the Vulpera do. Ogres and Taunka have technically joined the horde even, but just arenā€™t playable.


The thing is that they have development costs.

Iā€™d much rather we get things like ogres, jinyu etc. than waste the finite content we get on literally green trolls when that could be a customisation option that makes perfect sense.


There arenā€™t ā€œSlotsā€ thereā€™s just space on the UI.

The core races can get even higher than they are now.

The entire idea of ā€œslotsā€ was made up from nothing.

Thereā€™s also people that just use it as an excuse to say what they want is higher priority.


ā€œWasted development timeā€ would be more accurate. Most people who were upset about Mechagnomes arent upset that theyā€™re in the game, theyā€™re upset because they didnā€™t get something they wanted

I mean, I get it


I understand how you feel in that regards. At the same it is worth nothing that making skins and new anatomical customizations also has development costs. Now in terms of the allied race system. If we go by how blizzard has done things in the past for allied races, the only sort of allied races which may be viable for the worgen or undead slot may be something that uses the worgen rig(stuff like saurok or dragons would work nicely) although for undead I think it could just be some kind of relevant undead. If they want with something closer to pandas maybe tuskar or tortollans.

What I actually feel they should have just done though in combination with customization is to just be a lot more open about what races can be included and join factions. One of the big problems is that Wildhammers and Gilgoblins would both be able to be druids. Something like eredar would be able to be warlocks and rogues. If they made this to be just skins, some of the nicest classes that would be most appropriate for them wouldnā€™t be playable.

ā€œWasted development timeā€ would be more accurate. Most people who were upset about Mechagnomes arent upset that theyā€™re in the game, theyā€™re upset because they didnā€™t get something they wanted

I mean, I get it

This is on them. People need to understand that gnomes were never ever going to get anything else but something that was a gnome or used the gnome rig. Its just how allied races have been done.

It wasnā€™t a waste of an allied race slot since that spot was specifically reserved for something gnome like.


That doesnā€™t mean they should deny races they donā€™t want added just because they want something else.

Broken, Ogres, Jinyu, Arrikoa, Tuskar, and the like are all ā€œWasteā€ by that idea because few people would play the ā€œFreakishā€ races.

Thing is they could have done fully mechanical gnomes or not done ā€œgnomesā€ at all.

The whole idea that they have to use the same rig or be an extension of a parent race is not 100% accurate. It just saves development time.


Yeah, but itā€™s like nothing compared to an AR. Thereā€™s no rejigging the rigs, thereā€™s no new voice lines, thereā€™s no new racials. Itā€™s just new skin, maybe new little trinkets on an existing rig.

Races like Eredar are not a great candidate for a customisation option, but thatā€™s sort of like expecting something like fel orcs. Theyā€™re obvious AR fodder.

Not everythingā€™s going to line up, but Iā€™m much happier taking a compromise thatā€™s much more likely to happen than holding my breath over something unlikely because itā€™s not perfect.

Not that it matters because the whole topic of this conversation (forest trolls) are like borderline a certainty next xpac.

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I would absolutely play all of these.

I was just saying that the forest/frost trolls donā€™t need the buffer models nor to be an AR given customizations already coming. Jeez.

You touch my Mechagnome and Iā€™ll find you and camp youā€¦ Or somethingā€¦ I donā€™t know how threats work. (also just kidding)

Broken and Ogres are races that Iā€™d actually like to see playable at some point. Iā€™m a fan of races that are not only appealing, but those that make sense. Especially Ogres. They shouldā€™ve been playable since the beginning


Full mechanical gnomes would be cool, but cyborgs arenā€™t without merit either. Blizzard has done cyborgs right numerous. Let me give you a few examples of cyborgs done right by blizzard:


Moā€™arg Blacksmiths




Then you also have these fel goblins(fan made).

Yeah, but itā€™s like nothing compared to an AR. Thereā€™s no rejigging the rigs, thereā€™s no new voice lines, thereā€™s no new racials. Itā€™s just new skin, maybe new little trinkets on an existing rig.

Now that mention it, this is a bit depressing. Iā€™d actually rather they either just expand a bunch of subraces based on races weā€™ve helped and at least give the the classes and voice lines, but just having them as a skin feels souless and it lacks the same amount of excitement introducing them as a new race would be.

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So, guys.

Iā€™ve mogged Thorisdal and I couldnā€™t help but notice how different the Thalassian crest looks:

Instead of a blood drop, thereā€™s just a blue orb, perhaps a symbol for the sun. Do you think this was the original High Elf crest before changing their name to Blood Elves?


Probably. Is it close to the blood elf one? From what I heard the blood elf and high elf sigils are just red/blue.

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Itā€™s exactly the one that Halduron uses in images which match his outfit.

ohā€¦maybe I missed your question. sorry

The high elves used a unicorn. The phoenix is a blood elf symbol representing their rebirth.

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Theyā€™re nearly identical. The Blood Elf one is red and features a blood drop instead of the blue orb:

Got attitude. Canā€™t let them haters knock you down.

ohā€¦maybe I missed your question. sorry

Cute helm Starla. Perhaps I should take you out for an expensive dinner sometime :wink:


Thatā€™s strange. Why would High Elves use the phoenix as the racial symbol when creating Thoriā€™dal?

Itā€™s never stated anywhere the high elves created it, itā€™s unknown where it came from. But high elves never used the phoenix, thatā€™s a blood elf thing.

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