The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

I canā€™t believe this isnā€™t capped yet but hereā€™s my daily love for playable High Elves!

Also, I support playable Buff Trolls. I hope thereā€™s an Ice Troll skin available.

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exactly. I see no reason why they shouldnā€™t be their own allied race. If they are to be customization they need to have a model option. giving a jungle troll green skin does not make it a forest troll.

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Easy, because its a stupid idea and a waste of a race slot.
It is unoriginal, and contributes nothing new.
These minor changes to create a ā€œnewā€ race is just promoting lazy design.


Except that it does.

Perhaps you should spend more time researching the topic instead of diving in and telling theyā€™re wrong, mate.


There will almost certaintly be a frost troll skin as well. Even if they donā€™t do buff trolls there are tons of them in bfa using the darkspear jungle troll models.

Seems like a waste of a slot if theyā€™re doing the customizations for sub groups like this going forward.

As said above thereā€™s plenty of forest and frost trolls in bfa using the regular model.

And just as a little victory lap, hereā€™s a fourth forest troll tribe who use the skinny model as well as a forest troll with the skinny model talking to a frost troll using the skinny model.



One the one hand different builds in a race are possible and there are slimmer Forest Trolls.

On the other people want the Buff Trolls as an option and itā€™s one of the main reason people want Forest/Ice Trolls.


Disagree, I used to be heavily involved in the discussion around forest trolls in particular on MMO champ. In the run up to BFA we all signed a big petition that said we were perfectly happy with a re-skin. Which was before the skinny models were widely re-issued to new NPCs as seen in Dazarā€™alor, island expeditions and the Horde storyline.

The bigger bodies would be nice, but itā€™s just not as realistic. Itā€™s something that should be added to all trolls rather than made into a standalone AR.

Not that I think it matters, I think itā€™s nigh on foregone that weā€™ll be getting a forest troll tone in SLs. Which Iā€™m super jazzed for.

Especially given the fact that the Wildhammer will be joining the fray. Itā€™d be borderline offensive if they didnā€™t get to go to war with their ancestral enemies.


All of this fits with what I have personally seen as well.

I agree. I sure as hell wonā€™t balk at the buffer models if they add them but Iā€™m not gonna be bummed without. I also donā€™t think either the Forest or Frost trolls would make for a good AR. Theyā€™re literal shadows of what they once were.

Actually thinking about this makes me reconsider my stance on high elvesā€¦

I know right? Had the Raventusk been an option at vanilla launch my first toon would have been a forest troll not a darkspear.

Yeah it would really be dumb if blizzard didnā€™t have them both.

One thing Iā€™m really interested in is seeing how we get all these trolls. All the troll tribes joining the Zandalari under the red banner is a really big deal, the trolls havenā€™t been properly united like that in millennia.

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Suppose what they did during MoP was Zulā€™s little machination if I remember rightā€¦ Just a splinter group.

Perhaps after seeing the Horde stand for the Zandalari the other tribes realize what they can do for them finally /again.

New queen, New allies. Enough to inspire new loyalty to the empire.

I hope they have little quests/scenarios/lots of folk talking about these groups joining.

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Watched the whole thing. Excellent video. Still hoping for playable unshackled races.

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You people are bad. That is all I can say. Who the hell advocates for less options??

Why do you treat allied races as if there are limited number of them and once all the ā€œslotsā€ are filled no more will ever be made???

Make forest/frost trolls an allied race. Make taunka an allied race. Same for high elves, gilbins, jinyu/ankoan, hozen, mogu, furbolg, ogres, mokā€™nathal, arrakoa, sethrak, sanā€™layn, vrykul, tuskarr, yuangol, and titanforged dwarves.

If they can fix the mount issue also make dryads/keepers and centaurs allied races.


People with 0 imagination and/or people who think theyā€™ll lose everything by letting people request things theyā€™d like.


Tolā€™vir fall in this lot too. Would be cool. But doubtful.

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I love this! No limits should be Blizzards outlook on the game always anyways

You apparently.

Another day, another toxic helfer. :roll_eyes:


Blue eyes for Blood Elves, please!!


Or maybe people donā€™t think like you think.

Because I for one think that HMT were a complete waste of an AR slot because they are barely changed and could have been held off until customization. I donā€™t want minor changes to be a whole new race because a whole new race has different racials that need to be balanced, probably a different set of classes so that if I really wanted some of that customization Iā€™m SOL on the class Iā€™ve been maining for a while now.

Itā€™s all priority, I want blizz to make new races allied or otherwise be more distinct and not just a paint job on an existing race. I can figure out my own characterā€™s backstory and origin, I canā€™t change the model or available classes of my character.

Basically, I prefer fewer race choices but with much broader options underneath that. Put all the trolls together, that means you can have the troll you want as the class you want as opposed to hoping that the cosmentics you want and the class you want end up matching in one out of what, like 7 separate troll races?

And I find it amusing you seem to think theyā€™ll just throw out a million different ARs. Because we donā€™t have enough complaints about supposedly unbalanced racials without adding a ton more. They still need to be developed which takes time and effort, which means thereā€™s a limit to how many they put out.


Wow. Just bad because we donā€™t agree with you? And weā€™re not saying less options, weā€™re saying itā€™s not bad or lore breaking if they donā€™t have them.

There kinda isā€¦ Blizzard takes time to make them, releases them in twos, and has stated several things they look for in an AR. Some races donā€™t meet that and getting them this way is fine.

Hoping these are all customization.

Probably also customization. Though theyā€™d both be fine ARā€™s to me.

Sure, these seem like races Iā€™d want to see as AR and canā€™t be made into customizations.

Hey why not if they find a way around it.

Theyā€™re already going to do this. Itā€™s crazy to think otherwise. :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: for clarification.