The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

well ya know if the male mogu has male draenei body type, what the female body type will be, and just in time for the shadowlands updates to draenei female tails. you will be able to make their tails longer. with jewelry and stuff, apparently. this will be interesting

Wait really? Are there any other cosmetic options they’re adding for races?

humans will be getting african and asian skin/hair/faces. dwarves will be getting wildhammer skins. trolls will be getting every troll under the sun except forest trolls i think. all core races getting updates to cosmetics. allied races not so lucky.


That’s actually really cool. I’m happy to hear it. It’s been a long time coming since the core races got some new unique love. The updates look awesome, but I’ve always just been a fighter for more customisation options in general (another reason I just love HElfs).

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only mention is made of draenei tails and some changes for blood elves. not sure on night elves, tauren, gnomes, worgen, orcs or goblins.


YOOOOOO those undead models look AMAZING! THEY’RE COVERING UP THE BONES! I’ve wanted that for so long. Thanks for sharing the links. I’m super curious to see what they do for the other races, (especially belves, they could use some beards.)

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I will bet my last dollar against this. There are already Horde forest trolls, it makes no sense not to do them but do dark trolls etc.

You can bet your Shiney bright as all get out staff that trolls will have the forest troll skins.

Darkspear(jungle) , Shatterspear(jungle) , and Raventusk(forest) tribes are the only trolls officially a part of the horde. (and Zandalari)

yeah. I don’t think sub races truly fit as it would by definition of the word limit what could be added. His own example, tuskarr, for instance couldn’t be added because they are not a subrace to any playable race.

Without an option to have a beefier male troll, skin alone won’t mean much to those who want to play as a true forest troll.


forest/frost trolls would need to be their own allied race unless blizzard plans to give trolls a model option.

Forest trolls have the body build of an orc, the height of a zandalari, and the posture of a jungle troll. They should be separate.

Also we need throwing weapons re added to the game! A troll axe thrower is such a classic concept! Don’t tell me the animations don’t exist because there are axe throwers and spear throwers in BFA.


Not everyone has the same body build. I see no reason not to give it to jungle trolls in appearance.


I wouldn’t accept them as forest trolls. It would just be a weird looking jungle troll.

I mean
Kul Tirans come in all shapes and sizes including the SW build. Does that mean those are not Kul Tirans?

Why not? They didn’t always look that way. In WCII they looked like green jungle trolls standing upright.

I mean it’d be nice though
 To be beefier.

I really want my throwing weapons back. My first toon was supposed to be a darkspear spear thrower

This is why they need to have a little button that charges what your race shows as when you hover over the player.

Just a button on creation screen to select wildhammer or bronzebeard dwarf.
Or jungle/desert/forest/frost/dark troll.

I’m pretty sure some responses would be “it doesn’t matter, if you’re playing an individual who sided with a faction instead of presuming the entire race did then you can pick either side.”

Some of them do, there’s several tribes who who include members using a modified Darkspear model.

As a side note dark trolls are supposed to be by far the largest breed of troll and up until the SLs reveal had always used the muscular troll model.

As somebody who would really like to play a forest troll, I’m sorry but that’s just not true.

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Throwing my support to playable HEs :blue_heart: again before the love thread caps :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Speaking of we have any idea when that will be?