The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°


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Edit: It was weird when I first wrote it cause I was arguing with a 3 year old.

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I like Vegemite, but I’m half kiwi. Do I break the rules?

Its great on toast.

Back to more recent points, I agree that most of the ARs should of been cosmetic options for core races. My reason being that why must we create a new toon just to look slightly diffrent when a barber shop option could of been easier, Lookin at you LF draenei.

Always gotta double check the word “draenei” such a weird word to spell for me.


Why is it spelt like that? Phonetically shouldn’t that be pronounced “dray-nay”?

That’s why I stick with

wait, no, space goats

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YES! Glad I’m not alone with that when having to look it up

You guys are making me hungry for Food after all of this Restaurant talk.

You and me both.
Going to pick up a kebab on my way home after gym today.

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Wallah habib, that sounds like a good idea.

Excited to watch this and the video Alamara linked later heh!!! Added to my watch later :stuck_out_tongue:

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Kebab place was closed damn it. Going to plan B, Japanese udon curry.

i am a bit confused by this video. can you describe the difference between an allied race and a sub race as he defines in the video? is it just temporary for that expac in which they appear? how can a race we dont have existing members for, be considered a sub race since they are unique and have no forerunners till their inclusion?

Absolutely haram.

i went over this issue before : unusual body shape races were off the table for core or allied races in the past because of the armor issue. every time an unique core race was added (belfs and draenei, worgen and goblin, pandas), all the gear from level 1 to max level (whatever that happened to be at the time), had to be redesigned to fit that race - every single piece of armor in the game. imagine the size of such an undertaking.

it’s borderline insane to expect a game populated with thousands of unique gear pieces, to redo it all every time a race is added. thus was born the allied races, who were simply copy and pastes of existing races with only cosmetic changes, but otherwise the same gear that fits their copy source, fits them too. the only example that seems to differ are the kul’tirans and i think they were tinkered a bit to accept panda gear, so at least the task wasnt as monumental.

this is why i suggested new playable races with unusual body types, like ethereals, naga, dryads, centaurs, keepers of the grove, hozen, sethrak, lich, banshees, etc, be shapeshift forms, embedded into the various classes just like druids have, with preset armor. of course it wouldn’t be moggable, though it might be customizable in small ways. that’s the only way i could see it being feasible.

But you’re playing a race that is supposed to be on a burger.

I think based off of what I saw with the video, he wanted a rebranding for the same idea. Instead of them being “allied” they’d be “subraces” in that they wouldn’t be given the same treatment as core races (unique starting area, city, etc) and would not have to rely on an impending conflict in order to ‘ally’ with each faction.

They would just be added as flavor content with the major patches.

We’d end up needing a spreadsheet to work out what race we can play.

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allied races are almost that way now haha i mean the starting zone for void elves doesnt have an inn or tavern or even a bed, chair or lounge. no flight point, no profession trainers, etc. just a couple rocks floating in space with people studying the void on them, otherwise, you go to sw for all the starting city stuff.

nightborne have a beautiful sector of suramar with fountains and gardens, but nary an inn, flight point or profession trainer in sight. gotta go to org for that.

thats a significant step down from an unique starting zone with race specific quests, that leads to yet another starting area, and a capital city with every flavor of trainer, both professions and classes, 2 inns, forges, portals, a flight point, etc, and yet another starting area.


Oh yeah I agree. I wouldn’t mind more races being introduced more often just for the pure sake of variety though.

If that means changing the name so we don’t have to worry about them having to do with the immediate story (suddenly Hozen join the Horde. Jinyu join the Alliance) I’d be down for that.

sounds fun though more likely to get mogu than hozen because hozen have odd body type and armor would be an issue. the mogu share draenei male body type, i think, and jinyu share night elf male, so those would be easy

Sounds interesting. I know blizz already said they didn’t like the idea of working with neutral races but imagine if they tried again with Mogu. The sequel to pandaren that makes logical sense. Oh well. I can dream.