The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Well, unfortunately I am wed to the knaifu and to my wolf claw. Everyone else just use knock offs.

Apart from the fact that you’d be running around surrounded by your countrymen despite your race not joining for some reason.

A group of like minded members of your society.

Still would relax blizzard from having to have a major faction join or for them to need to be relevant to the story.

I personally liked the idea. Though yeah it’ll have some holes. It’s a neat thought overall.

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this could work for things like half elves, jinyu, hozen, ogres, etc.

races that are already playable are probably off the table. green orcs, darkspear trolls, blood elves(high elves), etc. so you still wont get a carbon copy of a horde race. it will just be another monkeys paw like with void elves

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Who’s to say a couple of them don’t join a faction. I doubt everyone’s going to play every race all the time. People will roll them at first, but they will die down, just like you saw Lightforged and Vulpera in large numbers at their release. Eventually you won’t see nearly as many.

I’m just saying that I don’t think they’ll skimp on the story stuff if they end up doing the work to make these models playable. I’d still rather that they would have used sub-races instead of making stuff like HMT allied races, and saved the ARs for stuff that’s at least had more of a change to them. Mechagnomes, the elf swap, KT, male zandalari trolls, even DID, as well as the bigger changes like vulpera and such.


It really seems like ARs were a massive mistake and they should have kept them for actual new races like Vulpera, velfs and nbelfs.


Oh yeah. Nothing wrong with that.

I’m only piping up cause it is a neat idea with maybe some merit. It’s definitely not just a high elf video.

It’ll have holes and maybe blizzard should only consider parts of it. If at all.

I really like where you are going with this.

This is another good idea. I like it.

A lot of that comes out of my frustrations with HMT. I want the customization, because dammit I want this character with majestic antlers, but can’t have that as a HMT. So figure since there are some people who want the nameplate to say “Highmountain” or “Wildhammer” give that option, maybe with some alternate racials. but let core and sub have all the visual options, because why not?


Well, because Highmountain tauren don’t have the bull horns. I think the best system is the one we’re getting. Just make is aesthetic and add it to the core races. “Dwarf” does include Wildhammer dwarves,“troll” does include sand trolls.

Yeah but like
 Do something with the racials to make em feel more like they are what they are.

Just little things nothing major. Like change up the Stoneform and make it a stormhamer thing. Minor damage instead of the benefits of Stoneform. (just an example)

Dont know what to do with the trolls.

Why? Balancing racials is bad enough as it is and the core race racials make sense for their sub races. Wildhammer dwarves are also titan forged and can turn to stone, Mag’har also feel the blood rage, forest trolls can descend into a killing frenzy, Highmountain tauren are also big and stampy.

Hell, arcane torrent make sense for nightborne and shadowmeld makes sense for void elves.

If anything we should be moving away from racials.


Mmmm Perhaps the passive flavor racials that have less of an effect then?

my thought is that you’ll have folk still claiming your Wildhammer is just a Bronzebeard with tattoos, same racials same race.

That’s literally what they are.

The idea that sub races need to be mechanically different is just completely unnecessary.

To be honest, I really don’t care for the system either. I would have loved more time spent on the core races, heritage armor is the step in the right direction.

As many have said, so many of these “races” could have been implemented as tabs and options for their “parent” race. I.e. gnomes, did dwarves and HMT.

I am glad some people get good enjoyment out of ARs. Just hasn’t been my vibe. I play human and Night elves primarily.


Fair nough.

Given my thought that folk will just say you’re a Bronzebeard Dwarf when you’re playing a Wildhammer though.

What would you think about the name change when you hover over them. Instead of Dwarf it actually says Wildhammer?

They could just have a little switch that sets the “race” to determine the race that shows up.

“Bronzebeard”, “Darkspear”, “Bloodhoof” or “Every clan but Blackrock and/or Dragonmaw” aren’t terms used in game. Just dwarf, troll, tauren or orc.

None of those groups have sole ownership of the name of their race. Why should there be different names on nameplates? Who cares? A Wildhammer dwarf is still a dwarf.

It matters because Blizzard is on record saying that the player character is a member of the group they are from at the time of their start in canon.

If they’re adding Wildhammers this way, then they should either backtrack that statement or add something to make them appear as they are. As well as other sub groups they may add.

Also Zandalari are trolls and have a different moniker on the hover over. HMT do as well. Fundamentally they are what you said above.

I dont know I personally think it’d be a nice touch. Something to show that you are what you say you are. If they dont then whatever.

Also I suppose I have a bit of a hang up on Wildhammer as they have a very different view of the world from the other two clans (DID and Bronzebeard). Plus adding in their legendary storm hammers and their reliance on gryphons? I very much see that as different enough to be a race all their own. At least an AR. My opinion again. :stuck_out_tongue:
