The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

I like that it puts the faction war as an after thought. Especially now that it’s over (although I have a few more orcs and forsaken to kill…) More or less he proposed that it’s a return and a possible continuation of the stories of some of the races we have interacted with in the past.

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What did the orcs do? They’re no more involved than anyone else.

He has talked about the high elf issue before as well.


its the same old thing. no respect for the lore, just ‘let me play what i want to play’

their rationale is that because they didnt like the compromise of void corrupted high elves, blizzard has to try again until they do like it. its another alliance high elf video(if the thumbnail didnt give it away)


Elune’s moonwell seems to bubble a little happier when an orc is tossed in vs a troll or tauren.

Nothing personal… honest :wink:

See, I was thinking of sub-races as being useful, but more as a way to give the options of sub races without having to do so much. Like a Wildhammer dwarf, and instead of a whole new race slot, when you make a dwarf you can choose that instead of the current dwarves. Maybe change some racials, but using the same customizations (after adding options to the core race)

Stuff like Saberon and Tuskarr seems more substantial than something labeled a sub-race


Oh yeah, there’s no way that would start to get messy.

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Did you watch the video? Honestly just because it has a high elf face doesn’t mean it’s solely about High Elves. Tuskar, and other races would benefit from this idea. It’s a good watch man.


Yeah it really doesn’t seem like a very well thought out idea.

this isnt even this uploaders first high elf video

Thumbnail is more click bait.
He spends most of it talking about other races not high elves.


Your point is? as Sela pointed out most of it is about other races. Try having an open mind instead of jumping to the automatic conclusion that it’s only about High Elves.

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Yeah, and went way out of where I thought any definition of sub-race would go. It sounds like something minor, so stuff like Mag’har, HMT, LFD, Wildhammer Dwarves, stuff that’s basically minor customization options for an existing model and apparently his idea is full blown whole new races.

If I understood his meaning correctly I think he was using the term sub-races as meaning not one of the main races, or races with out a city or even small starting zone outside of their faction capital. Like if you’re Jinyu, you’d start in Stormwind, or if you are Gilblin, you’d start in Ogrimmar. Something like that.


I have an open mind. There’s nothing intrinsic about the idea that means high elves have to be on the table.

I just think it’s a stupid idea and makes no sense in regards to the systems that are being implemented. Who thinks "oh yeah Wildhammer dwarves are being added since they’re just Ironforge dwarves with tattoos. Time for Tuskar. "?

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Maybe it’s using the prefix “sub” that’s throwing me off. It implies a smaller change than a race, or allied race. And since there’s a whole hell of a lot of work that would go into making the races he listed playable, sub seems to fail there too.

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Plus non canonical player races are more egregious than more than one person running around with Ashbringer imo.

That’s why I decided Tarrok is the paladin running around with a troll sword. That and the amount of time and night elf trash I went through in getting it.

Personally I think the idea has potential for many requested races. It would take some work though.

There are alot of good idea’s floating around that could be used to implement long requested races, not just High Elves.

This game has alot of unused customization options that should be implemented, adding more races with using existing storylines would be cool I think.

Not everyone’s cup of tea by a long shot, but personally I think it has merit.


He’s suggesting an even easier format for blizzard to add races. Your not a group of a race your one member who’s decided to take up the cause.

It opens up a huge amount of possibilities for races a player can choose from without being particularly messy with lore overall.

Edit: it also gives higher level players a reason to maybe go back to old zones and content.