The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Not talking about your posts outside of these threads.

Then call folk out without sounding like a toddler who’s lost their head. You go way overboard.

You’re not the only one for sure, so bully for you I guess.

Like all I saw was someone said a thing that could be seen as negative about black skinned elves and the rest was folk arguing over the pastiness of high elves and blood elves which are almost uniform in game anyways

Gods I sure as heck don’t want you to be representative of the pro high elf crowds. You kinda suck. Hope the rest of us can see that.

I’ve seen them call each other out and calm situations down amongst their own many times. I also know they call each other out in their so called den of vipers too.

Funny how it’s folk like you that set them to have to call themselves out anyways more often than not.

I wasn’t there but from what I effectively end up hearing about this is that the pros kicked them out because they were antis
 What, were they susposed to disappear?

Whatever. I’m done on this. Taking one outta Lanns book with this guy.


That would make some people happy, I guess.


Back to work, just wanted to make one more post before it thread caps :billed_cap: :sunglasses: See y’all in the next thread
, because there must always be a high elf thread.


Oh still plenty of time before the thread caps. Still plenty of love to give for the Alliance High Elves to become playable.


Don’t work too hard Ely!!! I am getting ready to have raw king crab sashimi and friends over (this is Lannisteros) though I feel like I’ve said that and the name gives it away I just like seeing this character when I post now lol

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Gotta keep the snakes somewhere.

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Sin’dorei & Alliance High Elves can be made to look different enough to tell the difference based on different paths they took. Especially with today’s technology that the Devs brag about so often. Let each of their the stories supply the difference.


Hyper and I were talking about this staff appearing so different on the Elf races yesterday. Not that armor should be used to differentiate differences but if you give them the stance I’ve seen in a rendering of them a few times they are bound to look different by LEAPS!


Evolution of races in WoW can happen at any time too. Especially with Elves. It’s not hard to explain why High Elves could lorewise start looking a bit different or more muscular/rugged when compared to Blood Elves. Arguably some of the concept art people have made they look more distinct to Blood Elves than Void Elves do.

Skin tones, hair style, Skin textures, Emotional Wares, I would expect a Sin’dorei to b e alittle tougher & rougher looking due to the lifestyles and the trials the been through as a faction, Life with the Horde is not a easy one, Kinda like what is reflected between North and South Korea. Same People different factions.

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I would be interested in your lore-based rationale for High Elves being more muscular and/or rugged than their Blood Elf counterparts.

North and South Korea is due to dietary differences caused by famines

Surely we can find other examples. Lol
I don’t think either the high or blood elves are facing generation long famines.

No I served there with JDO, the right people eat well just depends how important you are. Politicians are fat there, Mlitary are next in line, then people, Then Dissidents thats the pecking order in N. Korea

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I have to admit I loved seeing the Vulpera threads declaring themselves the new best race. And I think I would enjoy posting on my BE’s or He’s respectively arguing about who is more iconic. But I’ll always support HE’s just as I’ll always be partial to Blood Elves, they have the personality as a culture that I like and Red and Gold are literally Lannister colors and then green eyes oof it’s a done deal.

Like I’m imaging threads of BE’s are better than HE’s prove me wrong type with people posting iconic looks of both oof ELF LOVE :blue_heart:

As we all know walking past merchants and craftsmen to go sip wine and discuss magical theory in Dalaran is a completely different lifestyle to walking past merchants and craftsmen to go sip wine and discuss magical theory in Silvermoon.

A variety of reasons could be made up for that but i think the simple reasoning could be them taking up more of a Warrior culture and hunter culture. Possibly even incorporating druidism and shamanism into their lifestyle. At least for the High Elves of the Hinterlands.

Are you suggesting that high elves only feed their higher ups?

The scandal!

Seriously though, we don’t really see any signs of famine with both.

I’d just go the route that a majority of them are rangery types. Personally I don’t think this is true, but that’s how I’d frame that.

I don’t think they should make high elves more muscular but rather change the stance.

That’s just my opinion. (though as you probably know I’m more in the combine them into void elves team)

Not going to argue with you cause your twitsing what i said, but

Alliance High Elves and Sin’dorei can to be made to look different as two different factions based on the experiences and loyalties, whatever you want to twist it past that is you.

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Oi! Dude I’m messing with you. Chill. :laughing:

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You all know that lore reasons almost don’t matter to Blizzard when deciding which races go where?

If they wanted the Alliance to have high elves they would have shoe horned them in like the nightborne or the void elves.

But that’s what the void elves were for. Blizzard primarily wants there to be some visual distinction between the allied races that go on each faction.