The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

I am most definitely not encouraging anyone to throw out insults at either side. Itā€™s not right, and it doesnā€™t make anyone look good or smart.

I understand when people are upset, but itā€™s a game and I may have came off as patronizing him a bit.

Silence cannot objectively be considered endorsement because then everyone is guilty of anotherā€™s terrible comments at any given time on these threads.


Want to stop being bit of a hypocrite for a second?

As I said, just because you donā€™t see it happening, doesnā€™t mean it doesnā€™t happen.


Iā€™m going to move on from this conversation, Ely - you know itā€™s less about encouraging him than it is about not calling him on it. Itā€™s disappointing that solidarity wins out this way because apparently I personally am anā€¦

who is nothing more than a


I donā€™t see how I am. Fyre saying high elves are blood elves and a helfer saying weā€™re dishonest and only barely human is not the same thing. Trying to conflate the two is extremely dishonest.

Oh yeah, Iā€™m sure after you all got done patting him on the back and telling him how he was in the right, you all savaged him on discord.

Thatā€™s believable.

To be fair mate, you are a druid.


To be fair you come in out of nowhere to re hash things in my experience, and flat out told me you didnā€™t like me, and that you werenā€™t going to drop personal attacks on me. And Iā€™ve let that go, if someone is bothering you in either side I suggest you just mute them, and spread love, or in your case hype of the Horde and integrity of faction lines that I think thought Iā€™m not sure is something Iā€™ve seen you argue against HEā€™s for.

I would also say Iā€™m unwilling to call people out who Iā€™ve not seen do anything and then have only the word of people who donā€™t have credibility with me. So the most we can do is advise a amicable way to resolve something, like just ignoring those that rile us up.

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Iā€™m going to ask you to stay out of this. Ely and I are long-standing ā€œfrenemiesā€ who, while on opposite sides of this debate, have always managed that relationship with respect, humor, and usually genuine friendship. Weā€™ve known each other here far longer than you have been part of this conversation and itā€™s for us to work out.


I would invite you to stay out of things that poke at me too and yet you do what you want.

Regardless I was offering advice on muting someone if something bothered you, and Iā€™m going to go back to taking my own advice on non involvement in sticky situations.

Donā€™t let him bait you. Youā€™re a positive force and it isnā€™t worth letting the sycophants bring you down. In my experience you elevate the conversation above the petty tribalism. Keep up the good work.


Yeah heā€™s okayā€¦

For a night elf player. :face_vomiting:


When someone makes an absolute ignoramus of himself itā€™s sad that it can put relations so far back.

You should know that I donā€™t think you personally, Bro, starla, Guzzle, or most other antis that pass through here are not instigators. I certainly do not think you guys are caricatures of people. We often disagree on this subject, but I think no less of you for it.

I am not perfect, I havenā€™t called people out appropriately when I could. But I donā€™t expect that you or other antis will do the same every time when they some members are being inappropriate.

If someone thinks you guys are dumbā€¦ then they donā€™t know you well enough. :slightly_smiling_face:

But yes Iā€™d like to get beyond this.

Just frenemies? :disappointed: thought we were friends? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Interacting with certain posters can make us very punchy, which I think is those posterā€™s goal.

It would do both sides a service if not calling out your own trolls, donā€™t egg them on.


And my issue is this is an ongoing issue, an issue that is continually taken to a personal level.

Nothing is ever done to fix it, the best we get is ā€œhey youā€™re completely in the the right on every point and theyā€™re all pricks and deserve what they get but maybe donā€™t tell them exactly how exactly how horrible they are.ā€


You know we areā€¦itā€™s a momentary thing, Ely. :slight_smile:


Blood Elves are High Elves, but not all High Elves are Blood Elves.

EDIT: Thanks Hecatone.


*but not all high elves are Blood Elves.

*Some high elves arenā€™t blood elves.

*some high elves arenā€™t Blood Elves.

*some blood elves arenā€™t high

*high five

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*give blood