The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Then your experience was with some of the helfers, not anyone who rejects alliance playable high elves.
I just donā€™t understand why youā€™re dragging us into it.


Lum, fighting fire with fire in this instance doesnā€™t work out for the pro side of the argument.

Please by all means call people out when they try and reduce the argument from our side to the ā€œfair skin and often deviant intentions.ā€ I often do that. But itā€™s best not to get tangled in tit for tat ā€œwhoā€™s worse than whomā€ because itā€™s like a chicken with a wound, they will drive hard on it and no matter what, they try to make you look like a fool, when you are not.

Iā€™ve figured that there isnā€™t much new to talk about, so itā€™s easy for the discussion to take a wrong turn at a moments notice.


Uh, anyone who says that people are ā€œcaricatures of real peopleā€ for disagreeing with them on the subject of pixel elves doesnā€™t need any help looking like a fool from us, family.


No he didnā€™t.


Elyssaria, still waiting for the Night Elves to get revenge for Teldrassil?

Right which is why in my first statement I said not to fight fire with fire. If he is feeling insulted, donā€™t throw insults backā€¦

I get revenge everyday :sunglasses: dont know when it will stop :grin:

Well, just donā€™t stop. I want to see the revenge become really big.

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Iā€™m using Total RP3.
Thereā€™s other addons that enhance it, but this is enough for me.

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I do apologize for your experience I have muted people on Lannisteros, and the first thing I did before posting on Lannisterian was mute anyone who is overly aggressive in these threads or anyone who defends them. I hope that helps in some way itā€™s the only advice I can come up with really, itā€™s not perfect but it will stop them from pinging you constantly and does give me peace of mind.

Now I can concentrate on remaining engaged with the people here to spread love, information, and just in general hype me up about playable HEā€™s like when they share art etc :blue_heart:


Yeah clearly heā€™s the victim.

Boo hoo, poor guy. Everyone made him say it.


I think my Quality of Life has vastly improved when I chose to not pay any attention anymore to certain elementsā€¦


Yet you keep goingā€¦

/hands Gulkas a mirror


Hoping someday to have a High Elf warrior or hunter with Braveheart face paint.



Whatever man, you guys donā€™t want to call out your own. No skin off my back. Iā€™m sure this cycle of a helfer saying something racist, offensive or just generally disgusting and getting the thread locked every few days is totally sustainable.

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Oh, you mean just like how the Antiā€™s also donā€™t call out on there own?


Iā€™ve called out pros as wellā€¦ about done because it seems to be more virtue signaling than anything. I donā€™t usually ever see any reciprocation from the anti side.


Ely, when he spouts nonsense like this you can not possibly expect silence as a responseā€¦can you? And yet, sadly, I see you offering support and encouragement to him without a single word of reproach for gross generalization and insultā€¦ And yes, I meant sadly as in seeing that makes me a little sad.


Fun fact, I have called out antis several times on the discord. In the last couple of weeks Iā€™ve told off Bourbon, Iā€™ve told off Broflake and Iā€™ve told off Fyre.

The second an anti starts saying you guys arenā€™t real people or insulting your nationalities, I might consider doing it publicly. I would love to see how you guys would respond if we sunk to the levels you all seem perfectly comfortable with several of your side sinking to.


Here is another fun fact, the Proā€™s do get called out by other Proā€™s as well. Just because you donā€™t see it happening, doesnā€™t mean it never does happen.


Yeah, I donā€™t buy that for a second considering youā€™ve all just shown completely uncritical and public support to a guy taking it too far yet again. Just like last time. And the time before that. And the time before that.