The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

He misquoted me first. Note that you didn’t have any objection to that because he was joining you in mockery.

Oh, so you weren’t trying to get a rise out if me by purposely misconstruing my argument to paint me as the racist one, and then quoting the hated Q&A? Begone troll.

Where did he do such? The post above yours, he quoted you word for word accordingly.

Where did he mis-quote you?

Where did I claim you were racist? I stated you hold stereotypical views, and you literally agreed on it.

So what if you hate it? You can hate the fact that a sunburn raises the risk of cancer, but that is what it is. Get over it.
High elves are not going to be a thing for the ALliance. Play on the Horde and drop the unrighteous and unjustified anger you hold.
People will disagree with you in life. Get over it.


Using “” is still quoting. You said I was projecting. You wanted an angry response and you got it, that’s how trawling works.

Cool, so, where did he mis-quote you again? Why is it you are unable to defend your claim?

That is what you are indeed doing.

I pointed out an observation, and you chose to be angry. You even said it yourself. You’re angry. It is all your choice dude. Maybe take a step back and evaluate how you approach things.

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Still trolling I see. If what he said was identical to my post, then my retort was an equally valid interpretation of his telling me to “grow up.”

As for my projecting, riiiiight, because I’m totally the one who riddles my posts with phrases like “protect the sanctity of Blood Elves”

I am mad he did not agree with me so I lied about what he did..
You have not demonstrated any mis-quote whatsoever. That’s

That isn’t what projecting means but okay bud.


No, misquoting is not the same as mocking your post.

Well yeah you are, because a search shows “protect the sanctity of blood elves” has only ever been posted once. By you. You’re the only person who’s ever said that.


Yeah because this forum’s search feature works really well. :roll_eyes: First result on Google.

This entire discussion occurred over the course of 20-30 posts. You’re just a liar dude.

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Oh my mistake. You only have 50% of the uses of that phrase.

The other time was by someone not currently in the thread, in a different thread, a year ago.

Jeez, obsessive much? It’s been a year and you’re still salty about it.

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Perhaps because the behavior I’m referring to has been ongoing through multiple threads over almost three years now, and the culprits have since removed themselves from the search tool by hiding their post history. You’re just choosing to be ignorant of the rhetoric your own side has used in past arguments.

No mate, I’m just not choosing to take you seriously for bringing up something one person posted, a year ago, once.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say I’m a little more switched on to anti arguments and ideas than you are.

I do look forward to you claiming I’m not, though. :popcorn:

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Dude, do you ever have anything constructive to add?

Like you just show up and spew your barf all over for awhile and no one gets to actually discuss anything.

Literally why don’t more high elf pros call you out for this? You’re just negative to everything.

Edit:(oop didn’t realize I wasn’t on Fezzy. This is Fezzy)


What were Tarrok and Bro discussing, precisely? How High Elf fans are awful racists? Funny how I’m the negative one spewing barf when the shoe is on the other foot.

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I’m referring to everything I’ve ever seen you say. Not just from the last 12-24 hrs.

Never once seen you do anything except complain at the antis.


What kind of emo listens to Morrissey?

I dunno, ask Matt Groening that.

Don’t think I won’t.

Congratulations, you’ve convinced me. I’m changing the name of the general chat channel.