The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

I will look for the staff and try it out thank you! I’m still trying to figure out a plausible reason I have golden eyes, I just like the look comes off regal (come to think of it Lannister’s are known for their green eyes I may change my mind on it), though if I change to Fel eyes I’m gonna write it off as Fel use through being a warlock

So far I’m writing myself off as a failed scholar / studying Priesthood whose family lineage has strong ties to worshipping the holy light. But I am ever intrigued to see how it glows in game!

I mean, if you want to argue for the sake of arguing, go ahead. But to me you’re coming across as being in denial when you say these things.

The fact that Blood Elves have one or two whitish skin tones (which are the ones that High Elves currently use) does not mean that the rest of BE skin tones aren’t reddish. High Elves do not use these reddish skin tones. Why? I don’t know, ask the devs.


Really? So now in the context of living beings with red blood, deathly pallor is the only actual white skin tone? Going through the player options they’re all what would be consider white skin tones, at worst with a moderate sun tan. Hmm, maybe I missed it on the male tones, but I’ll give that blood elf as “sun burnt”

edit: Wait, no, that’s just the org background influencing things on the smaller image, still just a tan.


Okay, I’m not sure what I’m in denial about.

Yeah so they have access to the same skin tones (neither is redder than the other, as I said), only blood elves have tanned options. They’re not red, they’re pinkish. Have you ever tried getting a tan when you’re really pallid? I assure you, you don’t turn brown.

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you should write. write books, short stories.

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Man I’d really like dark skin tones for the blood/high elves. I’d make a fifth belf if they did.

I hope blood elves get them with customizations.

And that high elves get them if added.

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i think originally, they had more of a warm tone and the others had a cool tone. so more red on one, more blue on the other. fits the whole alliance is blue/horde is red theme too

even the color red can have warm or cool tones.
for example, cardinal red has more cool tones than brick red.


this is hyperspace. ingame my char doesnt look this orange. haha its something to do with the armory and how it translates the fx from the staff. odd that it makes this char orange and my void elf, basically stark white lol

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OOF yeah it does appear to render differences based on character, I got two the one you have and one sort of like it with a blueish tint! I will have to try them out and see for myself on this guy!

And while I have never been interested in writing I’m more of a talker lol, I did oddly enough write a popular AAR for a Lannister play through in CK2 with AGOT mod but that’s just because I love Lannister’s (though Elves play on the same personality types I like), and I love reading people’s stories for their characters in wow.

I’m not really into RP I just have to have a good personal narrative is all so idk if that is RP or not, and I suppose I do partake on a single player type RP when I quest. Maybe I will write something for my characters to better my gameplay experience!

I wanna say it was Alamara who shared a character story, absolutely loved that background, fantastic narrative!

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this is what it did to my blood elf, but i had already given her a darker skin tone. she had a tan to begin with. and …orange. yep. she’s orange. not ingame though. ingame she just looks tan with a bit more light on her from one side

I am using it now and do not think it made my forum pic bright :frowning:

Although I do like it, fits well with a caster, and feels good on my Warlock I think in game!

EDIT: I spoke too soon I am glowing

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yer glowing. i’ve started a trend hehe

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you like it? i think it looks cool.

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I do! I want to see it on all Elves now lol, Night Elves, and coughs High Elves, but I like how it adds to my golden Lannister persona!

I wanna say I feel like it looks great on the Thalassian model, but I feel like everything looks great on the Thalassian model lol and we can’t claim all the armors in game :o

haha so true.

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here’s nightborne.

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Though my face does look a little washed out with the glow, I may try a face I noticed is similar in facial structure but with green eyes :money_mouth_face:

waiting on purple? hopefully in Shadowlands … though I do hope for purple eyed HE’s one day too, but I say more eye colors for everyone!

It looks VERY regal on NB :open_mouth:

night elf with it

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That might be my favorite… and make me very excited to see NE customization in shadowlands, it really make you look Highborne imo or at least godly like Tyrande (though this gives me pre night warrior innocent Tyrande vibes obviously heh since you still have your eyes!).

Funny I just had to think would I rather be a Highborne, or godly like Tyrande, I settled on Highborne immediately as the thought came to me idk what that says about me heh!

oh here’s the blonde version. wowzers. we need alliance high elves. omygosh would be beautiful with glowing blue eyes