The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

I support your crusade to improve all races, male and female, with beards.

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yeah i mean, they knew one of the reasons we wanted to access the lore of alliance high elves was because they had shown considerable restraint and will power when the sunwell was corrupted. so when they did finally give us thalassian access, they did it through the blood elves, not our own high elves. no bragging rights allowed.

in fact, we inherited the black sheep of the horde, the ones who seek magic at the expense of all else, both ideas (strong willed and wary alliance high elves, vs. lets all follow this demon to hell for the sake of magic blood elves) and we got the latter, the complete opposite of what we asked for.

haha. oh man, trolled or what


I just see Void Elves as their own niche (one I’m a huge fan of, their ideals are things I’m drawn to in storytelling) and I just would hope they give HE’s as their own race, I’d like to work together with HEs in story! But I don’t want the VE story which has so much potential to be hijacked, were basically the Forsaken on Alliance with people being wary of us and that is really unique imo since Alliance doesn’t have a race like that, one where it could have potential reason to question our motives at any given time.


This could be done with so many races in game as well. I think blizzard emphasizes racials a little too much, if they made them less meaningful, they could expand the RP aspect of our “races” to the stratosphere.


I look at the void elves the same.

Worst best case scenario is that they do give them a bit of a high elf aesthetic, but that kinda takes from the soul of what they made them to be. (Plus that would be blizz admitting something was wrong.) they like their internal popularity vs. player, as evident by the corruption items.

If rather see full High elves to continue that story, and why they still appear important enough to be included each expac as an alliance facet.


I can agree with that. I also think the best thing would be to introduce them as their own race. With all the concepts people in this community have created for them they could stand on their own. Especially if they’re given different idle animations etc. I don’t think the ship has sailed on them as their own allied race though as some people think. There’s that cutscene recently with Calia and the Undead Kaldorei. Assuming Undead Kaldorei were the next Horde allied race, what would the Alliance counterpart be? Nothing else would make sense except High Elves.


That would be terrible… but also seems most probable. (Expecting that we don’t get SL races as ARs… hopefully not)

I mean we didn’t even “kill” Sira or Delaryn either… so that sets them up for future stories. Delaryn was a waste of a character, the short time we had with her and I liked her anyway.

(This is Ely btw)


I think the only story facet I could see being explored the most likely if implemented maybe / also what I’d like to see if it went this route, would simply be the HE’s we see traveling studying in Telogorus etc, and accounting for a second generation of VE’s if you will maybe studying with us they consider themselves part of us / it changes them to some small extent. Then the customization they bring would be added…

But I still wouldn’t be a “fan” of this. Void Elves are something that while not asked for have so much potential to be cool, and now that we have them it seems weird that Blizzard if they did not originally make the VE’s comprised of HE’s why change now, the BE aspect is why I like them too as I am a big fan of Blood Elves their ideals and personality as a society align with things I like in story coughs (Lannisters) and then you have VE’s which basically take it a step further into reckless territory for the sake of power!

On the flip side not negating HE’s in the least, I love my VE’s and hope my love of them isn’t mistaken for being anti HE as I have been vocal in supporting HE’s! But on the flip side HE’s I think just have such a mass appeal they stand on their own, and they are also completely different aesthetic / values / etc to them that draw a different type of crowd then VE’s.

Then to your point I think the reason why HE’s weren’t the base for VE’s coupled with their continued use in story just says Blizzard isn’t sure if they wanna make them playable or not, while I don’t think anyone can speak to Blizzard decision on VE’s, all I’ll say is they definitely wanted them to come first, but I don’t think HE hopes should be dashed or smashed because of it!

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I tend to be of the same opinion, I think the fact that VE’s are former BE’s and not Alliance HE’s speaks volumes to the fact the ship isn’t sailed on them! So I do hope they get a AR slot or future core creation slot with no rep grind achievement needed :wink:


not directly related, but you might find this interesting. it contains many things that we can compare to wow elves, and some tangential ideas also.

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Yup! Lmao. Spot on. People think we want to play them because they’re beautiful, but Void Elves are proof that we wanted more than just their aesthetic. We wanted their lore and their characters too. ;c

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Seeing as how until recently with my priest I was always Horde, I have to say I too loved her, and had a YES we’re getting her on Horde !! CHEERS as she gets raised to be a Dark Ranger

But in all seriousness it did seem a smack to Alliance to have this great character who I really did love reading in the short time we had with her, just to … welp

Also semi on topic here but I saw a thread asking what deceased characters we want to see in Shadowlands - and I think Delaryn is the perfect example of someone I’d like to see in Shadowlands, basically a new character (fallen obviously) but someone with a backstory that I can get attached to quickly, the way Blizzard goes through some characters they should really try to keep a good thing going when they get them… although technically Delaryn is still around just Undead now

This is my theory as well. They obviously don’t want to kill off (or transform) all of the High Elves even though they had the perfect opportunity to make all of them Void Elves if they really wanted to. So much so they even in BFA we STILL have High Elves showing up and assisting the Alliance. Even since Void Elves were added there’s new High Elf npcs that walk around and hangout in the Mage Quarter of Stormwind.


I mean…they made it quite clear why they chose void elves over high elves. So that ship has sailed.


And perhaps we shall see them when they add non AR’s in if they add races in the core race section again!

honestly, half elves would nearly solve all of that, for both sides of the issue; 1) they still look like elves with human skin color variants, 2) they dont look like blood elves, 3) they still have access to alliance high elf lore via their high elven parent (and human lore via their human parent) and as a result, provide alot more possible story avenues, 4) because they’re half human, they can have more masculine characteristics or more feminine characteristics (, they wont just look like teenagers, they’ll look like adults)

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p.s. wanna see my silly idea for fae gnomes? so pop some sprite darter hatchling wings on 'em, give them dryads as their racial mount that doubles as their pet during battles. its a pet race instead of a pet class, so the pet is always with them no matter what class they play, helping them perform their role. they cant play dh or dk. when they /sit, a mushroom appears for them to sit on. they can hover with their wings. i’m not a good artist so look past my errors and think of the concept. our first playable fae if ya dont count tauren (i dunno if minotaurs are fae or not. i think they might be)

While Half Elves is a Good Idea on Paper there are going to be some rough points such as the Black Skin Option for Half Elves. Given the fact that both sides Pros and Anti High Elfers really dislike the idea of Black Skin Tunes for anything.

Than again there was Wildhammer Dwarves with Black Skin and some of the Regular Dwarves with Black Skin so I don’t see the problem with adding Black Skin Tunes for Elves?

oh i dunno about that

aint he pretty?

p.s. they’re half human.

What are you referring to in regard to people who reject Alliance getting playable high elves?