The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Add highelfs all you want just give us the skinny Kultiran human models in Kultiras for the new shadow Lands character customization options and I’m in.

I actually would welcome the idea of Maiev being like the Leader of the Night Elves and finally getting back into the spotlight kicking some butt and taking names.

I like Maiev back in Warcraft 3 and it was good seeing her fully in legion but I wanna see more of her than Tyrande. That’s just me through.

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They didn’t roll them up into Void Elves and they clearly do not intend for them to become playable. Either Blizzard thinks there has been closure for their story already or they have other plans for them. We’re running out of Villains, and looking at AU Yrel
 It’s a possibility.

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Yea pretty the Guardians of Azeroth Basically for Khadgar.

As long as other Allied Races like the Nightborne getting more Skin Tunes, beards, and etc as well as the Highmountain Tauren and etc then hopefully Allied Race Shadowlands Customization Options might be a thing in the Future.

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This is something I really want to see.

The protectors of azeroth:
khadgar as guardian of azeroth
All of the titan watchers and keepers including the maidens
the lorewalkers
the timewalkers
all of the dragonflights
the tol’vir
the rajani mogu
the valajar
the earthen

and any other azeroth aligned titanforged I missed.

Maiev is my fav next to Sylvanas!!!

She has this unstoppable almost comedic “I’m coming for you” type personality that I enjoy but it’s also so satisfying to see in action especially say after Teldrasil seeing her talents utilized in defense of her people was nice!

I thought having ‘High Elf customization options for Void Elves’ was a terrible idea at first, but since Blizzard are making Wildhammer Dwarves a customization option for regular Dwarves in Shadowlands, I think this would be the only way we’d ever get something close to playable Helves on the Alliance. It’s pretty lame, and I’d rather have them as their own, unique Allied race, but I’d definitely accept it.

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I do believe it is time that the horde and alliance stop sharing the same neutral city. Dalaran in the second go round felt lazy. They easily could have made a Sun reaver city, or something involving the undead forsaken magi and Blood elves to counter the Dalaran paradigm

as I said the nighthold is the perfect chance for that in the future.

futhermore I would love to see an old work revamp that has an alliance aligned dalaran hovering over the crater and rebuilt its surrounding land back into its’ kingdom. They have been shown to be doing this since vanilla until as recently as legion. it is time to give it to them.

whatcha think of something like half elves (high elves of the alliance+human offspring) ? which would potentially give them access to the new human skins for asians and africans, also, so we’d have the first asian and african elves in the game. shorter elf eyebrows, shorter elf ears, could come up with some great variations, such as vulcans and beautiful /handsome elves, since humans have more facial hair options that half elves could get access to.


kalec blue (kalecgos took on a half elf avatar in tbc named kalec, though he just looks like a human with blue hair, this version is an actual half elf someone painted and i have taken the liberty to color his hair kalec blue, give him a bit of face paint and the characteristic high elven blue eyes, though non - glowing)

kalec blue

Hard pass from me. I want the Thalassian Elves to be themselves. But I think that’d make for awesome extra human customization options; It expands on their place in Azeroth and it would give them heaps of extra flavor.

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Could be cool, especially with the Alliance essentially retaking the whole of the EK after Sylvanas destroyed the only Horde city in the continent, the Argent dawn is already clearing away the Scourge from most of the EK, Worgen can retake Gilneas, and Dalaran can park itself back in its crater.

I thought the forsaken still had control of outlying areas like I assumed Silverpine, Western Plaguelands etc? I suppose it makes sense their grip on it would be null and void now though

they aren’t gonna give us the thalassian elves though. its been 14 years, nearly 15. the only shot we have at getting access to alliance high elven lore is via their offspring, who are primarily half elves. they are updating all the core races in shadowlands, but none of the allied races. void elves are stuck being permanently blue. on top of that, the horde is now the predominant faction and they would pitch a fit if we got access to human skin toned high elves.

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I still stick by what I said. Those things you mentioned are awesome, but they’d only fit as extra customization options for humans, imo. YOu’re definitely right about us never getting out playable Helves though ;-;

Supporting both !!! I choose to remain my own take of the Boleyn family motto “The Most Happy” and I remain The Most Optimistic on the topic of Playable High Elves !

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I’d prefer High Elves as their own playable race but I would accept them as a Void Elf customization if done right. If they were a Velf customization there could be an aesthetic change for their racials. Maybe Entropic Embrace becomes “Runic Embrace” as some people have suggested them using runic power and they’d have a different visual effect for it. Void Elves could also get some of the tattoos and war paint. Maybe even have an in-between style skin. A human skin toned elf with voidish looking eyes. There’s a lot that could be done there.


I would make some changes to dalaran.

First of all the surrounding buildings of the craters are completely rebuilt and in full use as a town.

Dalaran will hover above the crater and would have some design changes the main one being a new “magical orb” like underside (does not replace the entire thing just near the bottom). The reason for this would be to actually act as an artificial sun to the crater as I believe some things should be built into the crater such as a park and the teleportation pad/rune/crystal/whatever to the city proper.

Obviously it would always be in the shadow of dalaran and have no sunlight on it so the orb provides that light source.

The Dalaran crater park I would make use of similar to the stormwind park. Have statues of various heroes of dalaran’s past.

Perhaps a “garden of the guardians” with a statue of every guardian up to medivh. This would give them a chance to properly define how many guardians there have been and who they were.

Guardians seem practically immortal because of their power so blizzard could actually make it to have been like 4-5 guardians across the what was it 2 thousand years of their history?

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if they are going to be combined with void elves what I want to see is the race changed to “exiles” with a new starting zone, intro, and new racials.

The recruitment questline and heritage armor can stay as they are still relevant to the “race”.

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