The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

All I took from the purge of Dalaran is High Elves toe the party line for Alliance, and BEā€™s are pushed even further to doing it for Horde, and wrongs on both sides :roll_eyes: which is a common theme from Blizzard, though Horde wrongs to tend to push the the bounds in a more explicit obvious way.

Vereesa and the Helves are mostly used to expand on the Belf storylines.
Now that Alleria is back and the velves are around the SC is nowhere to be found.

Which is funny considering this was a faction war expansion where Sylvanas was a major actor.

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I think it depends on how one viewed the purge. As a Blood Elf player, I liked picturing some Shop keeper working in his shop with his family. When suddenly the door is kicked in by Vereesa and her Silver Covenant. They drop his kids with a few arrows, then decapitate his wife. Then they drag him to the underbelly, where they gut him and toss him to the crocolisks.


I 100% agree on my BE I view it as a total villain point, but on my Alliance I do not. So as a person talking about the issue I view it objectively, but when Iā€™m on Horde I 100% RP events as Horde players and vice versa


:sparkling_heart: woot.


WOOT back at you Hyper! Our Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice thread is back :blue_heart: canā€™t wait to see more HE concept art in here!!

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Filthy horde dogs must be purged :sunglasses:

Especially from Ashenvaleā€¦ Dalaran tooā€¦ you know what. Iā€™ll trade out land for Azeroth. Hehe

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HAH yes! When I go through Ashenvale on Alliance that is my mindset!! But Iā€™m leveling a BE warlock rn and I am enjoying doing things for the Horde! So I think events are just different views!

Iā€™m still waiting for a proper in game cinematic for NEā€™s, Saurfang got what 2? 3? 1? More then one I feelā€¦ Sylvanas got several. Seems fitting that NEā€™s should have got a real CGI what ever cinematic for Darkshore! But yes take Ashenvale too!!

I want the NEā€™s to lead the Alliance if I am honest :confused: , Maiev and Tyrande leading the charge oof my heart strings!


Yay! The High Elf Thread is back! Back to support High Elves and once again hopefully might be playable one way or a another.


Donā€™t worry. Shadowlands will cover the Night Elves with a Tyrande Cinematic or two. After all She is going into the Shadowlands pretty much.

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5000+ messages in this thread later and still no decent beards on their men or women. Donā€™t see a need for emā€¦hic!


That would be Blood Elves. High Elves on the other hand have Beards also same with Void Elves. So in the Future Void High Elves will be a thing atleast in terms of Tattoos with Beards that is. XD

Maybe + hopefully !!! :confused:

But I still think one should have been allocated for the Darkshore Victory, especially since the UC ā€œvictoryā€ was Sylvanas getting away and just destroying her own city lol, (which as a Sylvanas loyalist I Stan, but lackluster for Alliance). So in the faction war expansion it woulda been cool to give that cinematic for Darkshore Victory a retaking of Night Elf landā€¦ I donut like the in game video we got for Darkshore if I am honest though

I hope you are right, I want some good NE vengeance though!! But make it cinematic! And I feel like Shadowlands will be less vengeance focused idk :confused:

okay full stop I want to make some corrections in regards to dalaran. Despite in game events and what many players believe to be the truth Dalaran is not actually truly neutral. Not in the sense of say the cenarion circle or argent crusade.

Dalaran is still a member nation of the alliance. They never left this alliance and they continue to work with the alliance and have throughout WoW. The difference between the alliance and horde is the alliance isnā€™t a dictatorship where all must obey the leader. All alliance member nations are independent and can make their own choices. That is why we typically donā€™t see dalaran and the kirin tor involved in faction conflicts directly.

That is why Dalaran does things such as aid the alliance in the transportation of soldiers or supplies or an ancient weapon. They are part of the alliance. They come to their aid when it is asked like with teldrassil. They help maintain the magical networks as we see with the stormwind mage tower and portal room.

Dalaran doesnā€™t have a large military. It makes sense why they wouldnā€™t commit troops for nearly all conflicts especially between the alliance horde. They really only do so in truly dire situations such as with the scourge and the legion invasion.


As long as its not going to be Valā€™sharah writing. Hopefully that Woodward place would be better and also Better Cinematics too as well.

Which is why if the Horde wanted a Magical City. They would have to combine Suramar and Silvermoon City as a Floating City or just find a Ruined Highborne City and raise it from the Depths and call it a Horde Flying Magic Mage City.

Just basically throwing out ideas.

actually I believe the nightspire is the perfect horde counterpart to dalaran.

It is roughly the same size and do the nightborne look like a group to let some human mages outshine them in magic and the arcane?

oculeth was even curious about the floating dalaran and talked with khadgar about it.

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Yea basically you got the Nightspire for the Horde and Dalaran for the Alliance. Through like with others on here. I doubt the Kirin Tor would ever return to the Alliance fully giving the fact Khadgar remains neutral.

Yes there are some Kirin Tor Wizards who are helping the Alliance and support the Faction but not the City itself.

To be fair I have not cared for Tyrande all of WoW lol UNTIL BFAā€¦ but I much prefer Maiev she is the right kind of crazy the type of person I want on my team.

She just has like that something about her, I wanna see her lead! But I like this new path Tyrande and am fine with that so long as they donā€™t go back to that Legion writing of her ugh

but it is in the alliance. It just does its own thing because it is allowed to.

Khadgar I honestly donā€™t think needs to lead the kirin tor and I believe would be better served joining with magni, wrathion, the titan watchers, and the dragonflights in forming a defenders of azeroth faction.

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