The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Those concept models and art are amazing. It gives new light and a rather unique look to High Elves separating them from Void/Bloods. Iā€™m a big fan of the tattoos & war paint concept for them especially if theyā€™re a more rugged people now.


At least before the number would be a bit higher, but it seemed to be a bug that when a thread got to 10k posts it would add in all the posts that were removed or deleted from the thread to the number of posts. So youā€™d go from post 9999 to something like post 10436. But they did do that one big patching of the forums since the last time I saw it get that big, so maybe itā€™s been fixed

FYI, One of the Mods explained to me to there was a problem with the forums
some of the threads were auto locking by mistake and this was one of them. Thats why this thread was locked for so long.


Well Iā€™m glad they got it fixed!! Just sad we couldnā€™t send love to the Love Thread on Valentines :worried:


Well thatā€™s good to know! So no mass flagging happened in the end?

Sending some love to the rest of fellow helfers! Oh what the heck, and antis too, come here you old rascals!


Could be, although I guess Jaina has been forgiven for the purge, so maybe the SC was as well?

Play Vulpera.
Youā€™ll be happier.

What exactly should the Silver Covenant be forgiven for?

Their role in the purge of Dalaran, thereā€™s not many ways to slice it in which the event was ok


Iā€™m playing one. Still want my High Elf.

Thanks for coming by though!

Abandoning heir people in a moment of need just to be human boot lickers?, purging their people from a city that they helped to establish?.

I know you guys want them to be the lovely pure and cliche elves that hang with humans and dwarves. But ignoring stuff for the sake of it is quite sad.


Ahhh, the Purge of Dalaran. I actually think that was an expected event. The leader of a neutral Dalaran discovered that some Sunreavers used Dalaran resources to help the Horde (the faction that razed down her city, annihilated the population and almost killed her) steal a weapon of mass destruction to be used against the Alliance (the faction said leader individually sympathized most with). In a world where there are no human rights or international judicial procedures - what exactly did we expect her to do? Locking em all up and fighting back against those who resisted seems quite modest in the context of World of Warcraft.

Sure, we could argue that Vereesa went a bit too far with some Sunreavers and Dragonhawks. Still pales in comparison to what AU Grommash did in WoD and yet the expansion ended with him being a hero cheered by the very same Draenei he previously enslaved and tortured. Letā€™s not even talk about Sylvanas being redeemed in Shadowlands.

If players want to see Vereesa punished for her actions during the Purge - fine, but Iā€™ll want to see Sylvanas killed by Tyrande herself.


I do not think the Silver Cov did anything wrong, in a period of escalated tension, they have Jaina who they have credibility with rousing them up about a plot, Theramore I think had just happened so itā€™s a martial law type situation, they have never gotten along with the Blood Elves / mistrust them since they became Blood Elves. I would say the SC respect themselves / anyone who stayed a High Elf, and members of the Alliance. So in a situation where they have to choose of course they would choose the side that has credibility with them.

Just like the BEā€™s chose Garrosh. There were HEā€™s in Thereamore yes?


This is like reading someone trying to justify stuff like the Holy Inquisition by comparing it to similar events.

This is gold coming from someone advocation for a ā€œraceā€ in the faction that advocates for moral and the ā€œright thingā€

I love the coherence.

Blood Elves abandoned the Humans in a moment of a desperate, dire need. Funny how that backfired though lol

They were locked up. The violent ones were repressed. I believe, um, 3? potentially innocent Sunreavers were ordered to be incarcerated or killed by Vereesa. Ok, sure, sue her. That was not ok.

In the meantime, letā€™s continue pretending weā€™re the best while decimating entire tribes every new expansion.

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Iā€™m not justifying Vereesaā€™s actions - on the contrary, Iā€™m saying they were not ok.

All Iā€™m doing is pointing out how much you guys love to exacerbate Vereesaā€™s actions as heinous crimes that must be punished while being completely ok with other true villains.

You do you :man_shrugging:t2:


I just feel like BEā€™s are as much to blame in this situation for helping Garrosh. I love my BEā€™s and I loved Garrosh, and I love Sylvanas I liked hitting the plague everyone button in the UC scenario lol, but on the flip side I think BEā€™s siding with the Horde in situations like this have consequences.

In a sticky situation like is being described of course Vereesa sided with the people who have credibility with her / she trusts, she as far as I know doesnā€™t trust BEā€™s and even less so during the time of these events, so idk :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging: seems like a moot point with wrongs on both sides, but this is ā€¦ warcraft so :roll_eyes:


Neutral in that they just helped transport and secure a weapon for the most traditionally xenophobic and quick tempered race on the alliance? That neutrality?

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Who is defending Grommash or Sylvanas in here?.

Donā€™t bring stuff that has nothing to do with the argument to suit your narrative.
Thatā€™s desperate.

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Iā€™ve always felt that the purge was just an excuse to make an alliance character care about the faction war again, since half of them tend to be neutral. Nowadays Genn and Tyrande are the only ones whoā€™ll be out for blood

Kind of hard to care about fighting the Horde when most of our major lore characters donā€™t want toā€¦