The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

That is very different from what I said to you.

And I believe that is what you are saying I said yet its not :roll_eyes:

I’m not telling you what’s relevant in the manner you spoke to me after I said VE’s are independent of HE’s to which you “told” me they are.

This is what you are doing yet again, and I will no longer participate in this fashion.

I’m going to take Alamara’s advice which imo is the best form of wisdom out of this entire thread.

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I’ve yet to personally see the source that confirms the hypocrisy of High Elves. Where is it stated that, for example, members of the Silver Covenant not only didn’t help defend Quel’thalas, but didn’t want to help rebuild?

I know I don’t have all available sources on hand, but it feels as though this conclusion is being jumped to. Lord knows the Blood Elves don’t seem to hold anything against the Alliance High Elves, Lor’themar would welcome them home with open arms

Because it’s stated outright that the blood elves were the ones to do it. The Silver Covenant aren’t blood elves.

You don’t have to prove someone didn’t do something or didn’t want to do something in the absence of evidence. You have to prove they did do something or wanted to do something.

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Well, did we see in-game a full mobilization of the High Elves who were not there rushing there to fight or a unified effort to assist in the rebuilding? Did we see them accept the call to honor their fallen kin? Or, instead, did we see almost nothing in the way of them doing anything but continuing to hang out far away from the Scourge, in safety?


Ahem. :sunglasses:

The males look awful.

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It just seems far more likely to me that the High Elves, being nothing more than minor NPCs, weren’t developed enough to be given a role. Were they all cowardly traitors I imagine they’d be scorned and hated by Blood Elves, but that hasn’t been the case at all. Instead we hear the Sunreavers being hesitant to slay their own kind, and Lor’themar being awfully friendly to them

In short, Blizz just doesn’t care enough about the High Elves to bother filling in these blanks


I am here to support the inclusion of HE’s and support the lore rich arguments being argued by PRO HE posters :blue_heart:

Plus, let we forget:

Green eyes are a side effect of being in Quel’thalas during and after the war. As we saw since Kael and his troops in Reforged already have green eyes before they even met Illidan.

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that’s not a very “Hey, they are a fundamental and really important part of the Alliance, look at all they’ve done!” friendly position to take.

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To be fair that isn’t really the position I take nowadays


which is why my argument they were mostly half elves or some portion of elf and human, already, by the time of the scourge invasion, and thus had more allegiance to their nuclear families than their racial heritage. since their nuclear families were human/elf combinations, they stayed with them instead of following kael’thas to outlands. otherwise, it doesn’t make sense.

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I agree and see the wisdom in this thank you for saying what needed to be said Fya! I think its very clear the purpose and way people move, and I am making a conscious effort to not speak to anyone on my mute list that Blizzard provides us with :blue_heart:

I hope to continue to read lore arguments, see beautifully illustrated pictures, and read more theories from the PRO HE posters in this love thread :blue_heart:

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Is this a real thing? I need it!

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There have been way more research then copy & past a thread or echo no you cant have them buy allot of people that are pro or dont even have a stake in the debate, Few examples

The creators of the High Elf Mega thread, which Anties Discredit away with opinion, or the

The Alurna Manifest of High Elves that Anities Discredit with opinion,

Or the Videos

Allot work went to exploring the Idea of Playable High Elves For the Alliance, Before one goes around accusing a group of a echo chamber, how about anties put the same work into why not instead of going around making up opinionated excuses.(imho)


I dont discredit Alurna. I like her research. I just dont agree with her. There is a difference between disagreeing with someone and discrediting them.