The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

You implied it. You have no reason to say that last part then, knowing I never said that.

No, you said my voice isnt relevant. Not my topics. You’re changing what you said

Anyone who’s ever spent much time in the south of the US knows full well that a woman speaking in a silken sweet voice - virtually dripping honey - who says “Oh honey, bless your heart!” to you is telling you in no uncertain terms to get bent.


I live in NY, and Im pretty sure we have our own version of that. “Oh thats too bad”


I said I do not consider you the voice on what is relevant.

Take your own advice please :blue_heart: enjoy your day, oh and do try to read some of the pro HE comments I find them so steeped in lore and from a place of kindness! Perhaps they may sway you to supporting HEs :blue_heart:

Thats quite interesting that you dont bring up this:

Which says more than you just dont want me to speak rather than what I speak about. Just be honest man, lets be cordial.

ions is ‘super sympathetic’ and ‘maybe in the future’

which ofc is developer sweet talk for ‘no’

I said I someone who would be more in line with PRO HE’s wouldn’t even speak for them and said you not even being a PRO Helfer shouldn’t speak for them either?

I didn’t find it that interesting to speak for a group of people to begin with but if you want to bring it up.

You’ve implied it. That is all, my friend.

Also dont a majority of the people here speak for a group. Im pretty sure people have made sweeping statements about Alliance players here.

Does that mean no one can talk about anything, since no one can speak on behalf of an idea or a cause?

There is no point you’re making I explicitly said don’t speak for a group you’re not even apart of based on current arguments.

I appreciate the cordial wording of friend but I do have to say for me to return the phrase there’s several committees that need to approve your application.

Valued acquaintance and fellow wow player :blue_heart: I hope you enjoy your day.

No one here speaks for all high elf fans, does that make this thread irrelevant? Who is truly a voice if neither you or me can be one?

I am here to support HE’s as a playable race and thank the outstanding lore arguments being argued by the PRO HE community and their perseverance and knowledge alone in continuing to stand up for a much beloved race alone makes this thread anything but irrelevant :blue_heart:

But does the PRO=HE community speak for all high elf fans? If not, then that means by your logic
they shouldnt have a voice either.

Does the pro-HE community speak for all Alliance players? If not, rinse and repeat.

Thus is the problem with that form of dangerous rhetoric Lann.

I am also here to support Pro Alliance interests in how I see fit, and see so many others already stating my opinions so I concede some people do speak for me on a great many things :blue_heart:

Do you speak for all Alliance players, Lann? This is the problem with that logic.

The arguments I see stated from others are both my own and arguments I see as a mainstream commonality among Alliance players. No one speaks for everyone that is silly, but it would be disingenuous to act as if many posters are not stating main stream opinions.

And I concede the PRO HE posters can and do speak for me if they feel inclined to speak with a voice that is more than one :blue_heart:

Is it? According to where? Is the mainstream all Alliance players?

This is literally your logic Lann being used against you, either people cannot speak unless they know all of whatever says or it doesnt matter and people have their own opinions. You cant pick and choose, because then you concede that you are saying that I shouldnt/dont have a voice.

Checkmate, youre done. You messed up on your logic and opened the door to immediately disavow any sort of high elf thread by simply saying “do you speak for all high elf fans/Alliance players”.

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If you do not see them then that is your bias showing.

The same when people say “a lot of people oppose HEs” and then I sat here and pretended “who” as if you were crazy for saying that.

I see PRO HE posters echo my own arguments so in that sense they speak for me.

I main Alliance, with only one Horde alt at 120 compared to four in the Alliance. The lone Horde character I keep current is there for the Horde side of the story and - frankly - because a Zanda BM is very relaxed ez-mode.

He obviously doesn’t speak for me, or for the other Alliance mains who don’t want playable High Elves on the Alliance. They’re traitors to their race who abandoned them to their fate while refusing to honor their fallen or join in the work of rebuilding a Scourge-shattered nation and instead just decided it was easier to enjoy the relative safety of Stormwind, Dalaran, or a hunting lodge rather than help.

The rank hypocrisy of doing that while trying to claim some moral high ground is more than enough for me to reject the thought of them being playable.

Add to that the faction dilution inherent in cloning (or virtually cloning) the most played race on the opposite faction (and before you ask: Yes I think neutral races are a bad idea, yes I think Nightborne should have been even more physically differentiated
or maybe unplayable with Withered being introduced instead, and yes I think Void elves should never be altered to look less like the genetically modified offshoots of Thalassians than they are now) and that’s more than enough for me to just say

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tbh Nightborne should have been based on blood elves. They have far more in common with them than night elves anyway.

Ugh, don’t remind me. :nauseated_face: