The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

And I am being cordial with you. :blue_heart:

Do note the heart.

I think past arguments can either show wisdom in growth or the opposite so you are correct I have no idea who you are or what you argued previously, so I will not comment on it past I don’t think you should speak for a group of people?


is not cordial. Especially since cordial means warm and friendly.

Insulting someone while using a sweet tone is just being patronizing and condescending, not respectful. Of course, this is just you trying to gas light people.


Im just learning people have weird definitions for words.

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Well you ought to know it when you see it, and if that’s how you feel I truly apologize for coming off that way.


I think you’re being disingenuous here. You know perfectly well that making people who want playable High Elves in the Alliance miserable is not some unified theme of those opposed to it. I oppose them because I don’t believe they belong in the game, not because I have a goal of making people I don’t know on the internet miserable.

To be sure there are trolls - in every debate anywhere on the internet - who get their jollies from making others angry, and outright jerks who get off on making other people miserable. Having said that; for the most part the regulars have presented - over and over again - the “why” behind their objections. Pissing you off is nothing more than a byproduct of that, it’s not the goal.


insult, then act sweet

Cordial. Yep, thats what that means.


Yep. You make it pretty obvious.

It matters little how I feel, and more on how you conduct yourself. For someone who claims others attempt to gas light him by trying to help them, you haveno qualms trying to do it to others. You’re not a good person for doing such a thing bud. I apologize for being nice and trying to help you in the past. I seem to have hurt you by being nice.

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Anywho, back on topic: if the issue with void elves is that they were originally blood elves
would having them instead originate from the Alliance queldorei solve the issue with them?

Would that suffice as a compromise, or would it not? I think its best to understand what is the lowest level people are willing to go for high elves.

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If that is what you want to call it and truly feel that way then I apologize because I would never want anyone to feel gaslit.

On the other I think this is just a continuation of behavior that I previously called out especially repeatedly bringing it up. Which ties into very said behavior as well as projecting.

Regardless :blue_heart: enjoy your day

Because trying to rile me up by saying “my voice doesnt matter” isnt trying to egg on bad behavior? Its clear as day what you are trying to do.

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you know it wouldnt bourbo, they would just change the script to focus solely on getting a light skin option. whatever it takes to bring legolas back to the fellowship

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I think we need to conduct an educational topic on the matter, along with projecting, as you clearly lack an understanding of the concept. Of course, I am not surprised. You do have difficulty looking at everything clearly. :heart:

I asked this in the past. Alamara said “its too late! GIMME HIGH ELVES!” some time back. If her/his views have changed it would be a recent one.

But even then, people on the pro-side have said it wouldnt be good enough.

Then she can say it, I’d rather not have third party introduction because people can change their views. All I am asking for the the bottom dollar, not the dream goal.

I did not say your voice did not matter. I said what I said. And what I said was.

And I find it insulting you would find yourself to be the sole voice on what is relevant anyways. Because everyone’s voice matters :blue_heart:

Not being relevant = not mattering. There is English definitions for these words.

Did I say I was the sole voice? Stop trying to put words in my mouth I never was close to saying Lann.

Words have meaning, your statement was Bourbon’s view was not relevant and thus, did not matter. It is important you review how you say instead of going on what your intent might be. Of course, you do claim to be psychic, and able to go into different dimensions.

Maybe that’s why
you say people say things they didn’t say?

I did not say your opinion wasn’t relevant I said your voice on “what is relevant”

You do not decide what is relevant to me in a conversation, if it is relevant to you fine. But the fact I do not find you the sole voice on what is or is not relevant is not akin to saying your opinion is not relevant.