The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Reminding everyone with actual Blizzard-written and approved lore that high and blood elves are not the same thing:


Wasnā€™t trying to ā€œgetā€ youā€¦ more or less that people keep using the ā€œcool and interestingā€ races for the alliance before anything else and they got their ā€œcoolā€ race which was mech gnomes. Those people are not satisfied and want more weird left field races for the alliance.

The alliance in and of itself has plenty of interesting complexity if they would only develop that. Shoot the alliance has an Ancient race steeped in Druidism, Ancient Space wayfarers, dark iron dwarves, cursed werewolves, naval based humans, and tinkerers that over come brawn with brain. We donā€™t need to throw in bird or fish people to get that complexity.


o0o0oo, are we playing the semantic argument? Where we use alternative definitions of pale to act in bad faith? Okay Drede. Or was it Lumineus.
Gosh, with all these semantic arguments, its hard to keep track of who is who.

So you just want a lore change and not an allied race slot correct?

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So tell me bro, you want pure night elves on the horde because the nightborne donā€™t look good enough? I mean no lore reason for night elves to go horde, so aesthetics and altered lore right?

I just want to say I believe people desperately want Void Elves to be considered the compromise. But the fact Blizzard didnā€™t use former HEā€™s as the population base, adds fuel to the fact that Blizzard devs arenā€™t all committed to writing off the HEā€™s as a possibility, because it would have been very easy for them to do away with HEā€™s into VEā€™s.

The very reasons I love VEā€™s everything from being former BEā€™s to their outlook on life applies to a niche that tbh is completely different then the lore niche HEā€™s play to.

And to Elyā€™s point maybe the Alliance has gotten enough odd low played races, and now they will give us what we want. Which is why I think people desperately want to derail their inclusion because if it was as far out there as they would have people believe and if they truly believed there was 0 possibility of being added they wouldnā€™t even care what we were doing asking for them on the forums.

So hereā€™s to my continued support of HEā€™s :blue_heart: and the wonderful lore arguments in favor


I just did Razorfen Downs and the high-elf dragon was awesome. Too bad Blizzard added every other elf :frowning:

I am puzzled about what you are going on about exactly Elyssaria.

They either do or they dont. Theres no desperation about it Lann, stop trying to downplay that some people are generally okay with void elves.

Your next point, I agree with. I would have been better if they used the Alliance queldorei to make void elves instead of sindorei.

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One, youā€™re talking to the wrong person about love of Void Elves.

Two, I have seen desperation from people to call VEā€™s the compromise and imo it comes from a place of desperation for the simple fact that they may not be the compromise because if Blizzard wanted to do away with HEā€™s they would have done so in VE backstory.

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I understand that, but I find it kind of disrespectful since saying that people ā€œwant to desperately view them as a compromiseā€ is insulting to people who do. I dont, because I generally dont view void elves as a compromise.

I think it has more to do with the fact that they are a playable version of the belf model on Alliance. Its not desperation, its just equivication.

And they didnt, which in my opinionā€¦is dumb and Blizzard did a bad job on its introduction. Though, I believe Blizzard will eventually roll in the Alliance queldorei into the rendorei or just place them in the box of irrelevancy.

both groups were defined by the absence of the sunwell. now with the sunwell restored the only difference is the political adjective

ā€˜lore changesā€™ as you said. blood elves culturally, thematically and appearance wise, are the high elves again. we wouldnt even be having this ā€˜discussionā€™ if blizzard never changed their name :joy:

modern ā€˜highā€™ elves are really just blood elves with a different political opinion pining around dalaran refusing to join the horde with the rest of their people. they are a tiny fringe extremist group of individuals in that sense :relaxed:

no youre a void corrupted high elf with skin color reflecting the void energies coursing through your body

In my opinion it speaks volumes to the fact Blizzard is not in agreement on writing out HEā€™s as a possibility for a PC race so they remain in limbo, hence the desperation for calling VEā€™s the compromise. I find it insulting to call them a compromise because they stand on their own outside of and separate from this entire argument. Period no semicolon.


You know exactly what I am talking about. In the past you have said you want Pure unadulterated Night elves on the horde in exchange for High elves in the alliance.

What reasons exactly are you wanting them on the horde for? Aesthetics? Lore (which would require heavy lore alterations)

Because you have pounced on Alamara for only wanting pale elves and bending lore to suit her needs. Similar to how you want night elves?


I think its more telling of Blizzard has no idea what to do with them: if they were to roll them into high elves, I wouldnt doubt the people in here would be angry.

Whats desperate? Its not like people continuously defend that velves are a compromise anywhere. I see more of people saying how they arent. It seems more desperate on the disprovers end than on the fans end.

I disagree, simply because they belong in the conversation about high elves now because they are relevant to the conversation.

I donā€™t? You honestly came out of left field there and left me without context Ely.

Gameplay design. Which was part of an argument about why giving high elves is a bad idea and how it results in an imbalance.

I thought most people wanted the models to not look like trash.

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I wouldnā€™t speak for them, and I would consider myself more in line with them then you, so I do not think you should speak for them either.

We obviously see different things becauseā€¦

I donā€™t consider you the voice on whatā€™s relevant.

Enjoy your day :blue_heart: I am not on my warlock so currently not messing with demons, and to that end seeing as I just made my warlock and heā€™s a BE Iā€™m currently posting on my Alliance priest so neither do I play with Trolls atm.

I will say I continue to despite playing both factions support the inclusion of HEā€™s :blue_heart:

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already happened. for both factions even. isnt that neat? the system you thought would give you access to a currently available race on the horde, gave you a void corrupted variant instead :grinning:

You sure? You dont know anything Iā€™ve argued in the past Lann.

Thats rude. Im being cordial with you.