The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Cool, that isn’t what I asked you. You are avoiding the subject of my inquiry by attempting to justify your questioning of Bourbon’s statement. So, I shall state my inquiry to you in a way which should satisfy everyone of varying levels of educations.

If Bourbon’s observation of the game was unacceptable due to, what you said, lack of purpose. Why do you not level the same critique and inquiry to individuals such as Valarian who conduct the same behaviors?.

One can easily surmise that the basis of your inquiry has little to do with the lack of purpose, and again, is due to your pre-disposition to harangue those with whom you disagree with on the question of high elf playability. In short, a negative bias on your part towards individuals such as Bourbone.

To be blunt, the haranguing was unnecessary because it was purely an observation. Do you harangue every individual who makes an observation of the weather?

Random person: It is cloudy today.
You: What is the purpose of your observation? Is it depression? Joy? Displeaure of the color? You shouldn’t speak if you don’t give reasoning to it.

Ah yes, the purported.
“I am rarely wrong, because I use verbose language in an attempt to obfuscate the discussion to the point the meaning of the discussion is lost!”
Hence, your constantly wails of sorrow at my presence. I don’t tolerate the nonsense you push constantly

You do realize this statement only supports my claim, correct?

Public forum, public thread, open to the public.
If you dislike it, then you can leave and open a discord. Ah, yes, you do have one. Go there if you dislike those who disagree with you.

It sounds as if you are deriving pleasure by being spiteful to others who do not wish to leave you an echo chamber. Which then begs to the question.

Why do you go on a public forum if you do not wish to deal with the public?.
It’s like going to McDonalds and being upset there are people there eating food.

it is weird how you can gaslight people by helping them.


I see things clearly, as do others. I am not blind because I refuse to believe arguments I feel are disingenuous, and I’m even more inclined to disbelieve certain people based on my own experiences.

Where as on the other hand I am more inclined to believe others who I have never seen lie, attack, or make any points that are not steeped in lore. I think the word I am looking for is credibility, some people have credibility to me and I can see clearly where they are being misconstrued.

Fair enough

Hmm, in reference to my earlier posting of Space Ghost.

And a statement of how good and honest only the people one agrees with are.

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I think that sums things up quite nicely, Lann. Thank you for illustrating my point as clearly as you just did.


Has she posted it yet? I went to get some food and a drink.

I’ll use this separate post to address thewhole matter of the forum as a whole. If you believe you should be left to a topic where all you have are individuals who think the same as you. Then you completely defeated the purpose of trying to get Blizzard’s attention.

It was stated explicitly in an interview they rarely consider the forums for anything precisely because of the echo chamber behaviors exhibited. So by demanding other people “leave” or “go to their own thread”, you completely defeat the purpose of trying to get any attention or any serious notice.

If all you desire is group think, utilize a discord. Advertisement, then do as you plase. Otherwise, all you are doing is killing the very cause you wish to have considered. In short, you defeat yourself by seeking to suppress others. Having the antis around helps lend some credibility to your request. Demanding they leave completely and utterly undermines you.

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Anyways, going to bed. I am sure fyarsing will say something. If I am in the mood to read it in the morning I will.
Hopefully, it won’t be anything along the lines of mocking those whose homes burned down.

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Where’d we land on the new thread? I understand we’re nearing cap? Should I start looking for it?

I thought we made one a bit ago, think you’re the next to last post on it too

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Thought Testdemo mentioned it earlier?

He did, and he said it’ll be up when this one caps.

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Ah ok. Thank you.

I think I remember we put the primer back up when this thread got locked b/c it was getting close to cap and we didn’t know if they’d just leave it closed. And since we’re supposed to keep this to one thread we figured it’d be a nice change if we hosted for once.


This was answered, succinctly, by the first line of my response. Here it is again, a delightful read:

The now-emphasized portion is the answer to your question – an it’s now been answered twice. :man_shrugging:

If this thread were called The Weather Lovers Thread, it’s quite possible the answer would be yes. Alas

I don’t think you actually read what was written. :man_shrugging:

You can cite to platform rules all you’d like, it has nothing to do with the way other people determine the quality of your character.

I’m quite certain that the majority of the population would consider crashing a party, and subsequently ruining it by being antagonistic to those who were actually invited, to be indicative of lacking for decency – and, most probably, that same majority wouldn’t consider the people at said party asking you to see yourself out as anything akin to similar.

You’re free to do what you please, I’m free to point out that you’re being discourteous. :man_shrugging:


And now explain how it’s different when you’ve come into the other thread and gone against the title of that thread?

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Well, to be fair here, Tarrok’s comment

seems perfectly appropriate as a response. Should it be considered lacking in decency for High Elf supporters to go into the Primer thread and argue against the thread’s premise?

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God, I wish that’s all they’d done.