The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Because the argument has been resolved. What part do you not understand?

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He just made an statement that he couldn’t point to any canon source, so he began to change goalposts constantly to not admit he was wrong.


Again, a non-answer. :man_shrugging:

Speaking of goalposts. Can we argue again about how the blood elf starting zone know means nothing, since you said “lore changes”

Also because I mentioned a piece of canon lore, doesnt mean I moved goalposts.

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The argument has been resolved. What part do you not understand?

Your sealioning is getting really boring.


Look who talks, the queen of the head cannon.
Do I need to remind you when you were treating Helf shamans and Druids as canon because it suited your weak narrative?.

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The BE starting zone is stuck in time
 like literally every zone that is dated. It needs to be revamped, even the intro for it is dated as if Sunwell restoration just happened last week.

Oh not according to Alamara. Thats what she said back in Legion, aint that right?

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See? Moving goalposts. The guy has gone all places, from the encyclopedia to blood elf starting zone, so he wouldn’t have to back up his previous statement with an actual canon source.


ah yes, about ‘lore changes’ :smile:

vereesa did not speak against the horde returning to dalaran, did not leave with jaiana either. vereesa worked almost exclusively with the farstriders throughout legion. supported the kirin tor army at suramar backing the blood/night elven armies. and then hopped onto a spaceship on a suicide mission with aethas and liadrin :family_woman_girl:

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I feel its disingenuous to twist peoples words to make them seem that they say things they didn’t say. I will not participate in this hypothetical situation that is being used applying supposed out of context words.

Whats been moved? You avoided how I call you out on your changed position
and you still cannot refute me pointing to a piece of canon lore.

Game over. Just because you cant beat my argument, doesnt mean I moved jacksh*t

Well, like I said earlier, all you’re doing is demonstrating to casual thread-goers that you’re commentary isn’t worth much consideration – that’s entirely your prerogative, I suppose.


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No, its that the argument has been resolved.

I’m confused
 what is Bourbon here refusing to respond to?

Not going through the Sara arguement again with her.

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yeah i’d love to see an updated blood elf starting area, updated eversong woods, updated silvermoon and updated ghostlands. their shrubbery needs some help too. it looks like landscaping done in plastic trees and plastic flowers


Have you read what Vereesa or the Windrunner family has been through, to bring to her decision making process up to BFA. She is not Joining the Sin’dorei or horde anytime soon ( imho). Actually makes sense why she hates the horde.

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Lets remind ourselves of the true hero of this thread, Alamara:

During Legion, she argued that the blood elves were still a police state because of things that happened during TBC and have not changed even though being in a time bubble.

And now today, she has said “lore changes” to a point that has not received any changes since its inception.

True champions of pure-faith arguing. Never change.

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