The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I refer to this quote, for a great many people. The wisdom it exudes. I do not read arguments from people ignoring lore.


That’s when the ones that are now Horde broke off and when the ones who are still Alliance stayed.

If they are exactly the same how is it “Ethnic Cleansing”?

So when you need to vilify them they are separate but when you want to exclude from being playable them they are the same. Double standard much?


Whaaaaaatttttttt!! LOL.

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To me, I play Alliance as my main. I dont see anything valuable they add to the Alliance in terms of aesthetics that none of the current races already do.

Paladins/Light Culture: Humans, Dwarves, Draenai

Farstriders: Night elves with Sentinels

Magic: Humans (Dalaran), Highborne (if Blizzard remembers to use them).

To me, there isnt anything unique about high elves that pop out to me to want them playable other than the model (which void elves are fine for me). The point to me of allied races was to add something to each side rather than just strengthening current cultural identities.

Its why I would support something like half elves because thats atleast a new re-telling of elven and human lore that can be built upon. Void elves have the potential to be built upon with high elves, but you guys see it as a disservice.

Overall, they dont do anything for me personally except push identities already heavily covered by core races.

Yea I’ve linked that page in arguments before. Philosophical differences has been the only main difference, I said that for over two years now.


It was canon at the time, and it’s still canon where it wasn’t made obsolete by newer lore.

The Silver Covenant existing makes “high elves don’t gather in significant numbers” no longer valid. May have been true during TBC, it’s not true anymore since WotLK.

Just like blood elves feeding of “alternative sources” was true back then, but not anymore after the Sunwell reignition.


Ok so your argument is a personal one, Let me ask you this then, lore dont matter either?

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Lore matters, but at the same time
I dont think something that has lore backing has been the target of allied races except one time with Dark Irons.

We dont have forest trolls, ogres, Rexxar-esque hybrids, high elves, taunka, ice dwarves

Thanks for reminding me. I went too far on the wrong way today.


And my point hasnt been changed by new lore.


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Citation needed. A GOOD citation for this.

Maybe not exact, but they went to purge Dalaran of the elves who didn’t agree with them with the flimsy excuse of one elf acting against them. It’s an ugly nasty chapter that’s stained that organization pretty thoroughly.

Yea I forgot the spelling.

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You’re welcome :blue_heart:

I have to refer to the advice (for my own peace of mind) especially pertaining in this thread, so thank you for saying what needed to be said!


Were are starting to expand into races with ARs, So techniquely were advancing on the Races which might be seen in the future, The reason why? they are in the lore. Lore is valuable. Even Ion said with the ARs introduction who knows what races will be brought in the game.

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That doesnt mean anything. Blizzard has spent time focusing on developing new races and identities with this system to some good and some bad.

It still doesnt change my opinion that
I think they are redundant to the Alliance.

I would be clamoring about iceborne dwarves from here and back, but they have no lore
nor are they mentioned after Wrath so

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They’re perfectly set up as allied race material. Make it happen, Blizz!


I could care less what race was given to who as long as the lore could support it, Based on lore and not opinion or looks, with release of ARs theres allot more options now for the future. WOW is 15 years old, the might have the quarter of the subs they had in in it heights, they need to start investing in logevity aspects to the game, transmog was good, housing would be good, ARs a good step, but they need more is they want to pule peeps in.

Id rather it be a core race, get its own starting zone and opening lore. Not tied to an exalted rep.

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But if we went on lore: we could make argument here and back about every single race associated with one faction or another.

The question boils down to: Do they offer anything unique and do they step on the toes of other races? I will always say the biggest fault of void elves is that they werent originally Alliance queldorei prior to changes.

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Lore even supports High Elves, as a seperate group, even shown in game too.