The High Elf Love Thread šŸ„°

Wheres the newer source which contradicts the Encyclopedia, Alamara?

More like

Warchief is suddenly written completely different and stupid evil
Depressed orc gets sad and harangues the horde players for how horrible they are
Horde gets turned into the Allianceā€™s villain
Great Alliance Savior gives sad orc a pep talk and manages to convince him where people he knows much better have failed
Sad orc runs off for a bit
Sad orc yells about how the horde has its foundation in evil and can never hope to move past that
Tauren racial leader is remembered as there is an Alliance plot he needs to be the token horde friend in
Writers have remembered the Horde has players too, and that theyā€™re not enjoying this nonsense so they start trying to put bandaids on
Great Alliance Savior supports Sad Orc in his suicidal challenge of warchief so that Sad Orc is swinging around a massively important symbol of the Alliance in his defiance of the Warchief.
Sad Orc dies, G.A.S. walks freely into Orgrimmar where he delivers the only eulogy to a horde hero to an enraptured crowd.
Letā€™s not replace the warchief, weā€™ll just say thereā€™s a council of the leaders that way we donā€™t have to do anything

Gets the set up for a heroic tale of retribution (unfulfilled as the writers eventually remembered people actually play horde)
Steamroll over enemy capital forcing Warchief to go Bond Villain
Massive story about big Alliance hero from WC3 going home and facing her demons
Regain one of the big parts of the Alliance from the RTS
Raids Enemy city that was designed solely to be a raid and not a usable city. Fails to get the leader to surrender so they kill him and then successfully extract
Undoes everything the other faction did in their WC with little effort
Leader of traditionally scary faction gets her scary back and gives some love for the people crying for a more active alliance
Gets Sad Orc to sacrifice himself so they remove their enemy from power without any major losses
Wins all the battle fronts.
Whines about how all their wins were actually losses.

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Too bad that Encyclopedia was consistently being updated during Wrath, right?

I copy/pasted it in the original reply! Itā€™s from the game, years after the Encyclopedia, and directly contradicts the later.

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A vague citation to a 6-page short story is in an entirely different league than a vague citation to 2,000+ pages of dialogue, spread across hundreds of hours of gameplay. :man_shrugging:

Also, bears re-asking:

And the Encyclopedia was around and being updated DURING Wrath of the Lich King. If you are going on a whim and circling around thatā€¦then that means that WotLK lore isnt lore relevant today either.

You destroyed your own point.

They branched off what, 15 years in game time?

And no, when you try to pretend thereā€™s no connection between high and blood elves thatā€™s just wrong. They are the same elves just with a political difference. Thereā€™s a short period of time where they are separate, but 99.99% of their history is shared.

THe encyclopedia was discontinued still during TBC. ALL of its entries are pre-TBC.

THe blood elves are not even part of the Horde in it!


Encyclopedia is still considered canon, Blizzard has never decanonized it.

Oh thats not true, it was still on the site during Wrath.

ā€œGiven the blood elvesā€™ precarious position on Azeroth, it seems increasingly likely that they will form an alliance of convenience with the Horde.ā€

I guess the blood elves had not joined yet the Horde until after WotLK!


Thereā€™s not a single WotLK-era tidbit in the entirety of it.


I mean, the entry was during TBC right? Doesnt discredit it.

damn. when you have to viciously argue for every scrap of differentiation, you have to know deep down the dream is dead

they dont even have their own quarter in dalaran anymore. and we all know they have been replaced by alleria and her void elves going forward. this is over, its time to move on

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So, why the same isnā€™t true about high elves?

Come on, Bourbon, point one single quote from the Encyclopedia that pertains to WotLK. Just one!

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Point to where it was irrelevant if it was still on the WoW site during WotLK. You cant disprove me Alamara.

I already did. You are just too stubborn to admit it.


Is Encyclopedia canon, yes or no? If you say no, youre factually wrong.

Its an outdated source thats been pretty updated by the devs and the Lore

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Its not outdated, its been built upon. Do you understand how an Encyclopedia works?

Reminder that weā€™re both arguing with someone who claimed earlier that there were no Alliance story arcs in Legion.