The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Where in vanilla wow it shows that “Blizzard has said that a lot of high elves are in human / Alliance cities since Vanilla”?

Come on, Vanilla is pretty big, you have to point us the source of that claim. Where’s it?

That’s like claiming the Moon is a flat disk and then pointing: “It’s in that library with a thousand books, go search it.”


Only one among many other Blizzard big mistakes in BfA.


Yeah, they never should have gone that far in the first place.

RPG (which is non-canon) said less than ~10,000 was split between Theramore, Dalaran, and other smaller regions
with the majority ~20,000 in Stormwind.

Let us also remember that the RPG was only decanonized in 2011. Vanilla was out in 2004, when they were still making books.

And we’ve gone full cycle, with you proving one more time that you just want Alliance to not have nice things.

Yet when I have a good argument with you, you reee “ENOUGH” in all caps and bolded.

Also Sara, RPG was still canon during Vanilla WoW.

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I could’ve sworn that it was stated in Chronicles somewhere. Wish I still had the books so I could check

Nice things for you is just what the Horde has, seems to me like you’re playing the wrong faction.

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Same. The best thing we could do for her is not encourage her delusions.

It sounds like you’re arguing that because Blizzard allegedly states that many High Elves lived in in Theramore, Stormwind, and Dalaran, and because Stormwind hasn’t had very many High Elves depicted among it’s populace, that this is somehow related to why High Elves aren’t a reasonable request?

I’m not sure how you’d even connect these two unrelated factoids together to come to that conclusion in the first place, and you’ve yet to provide any sort of in-game evidence that what you’re suggesting is even worth being considered factually accurate. :man_shrugging:


I thought it was in Chronicles too, I dont own so I couldnt reference.

Oh no, the person who seemingly thinks I deserve an even worse experience in the game than BFA inflicted on us since that was bias is upset I don’t think that the Alliance should get the horde’s most popular race for no good reason. I’m crushed.

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Because the RPG was still canon during Vanilla WoW, so my point of it being the major hub of high elves still stands
whichw as later reflected in the Encyclopedia (which is canon).

So yes, my point still is very much valid.

Why do I know more about high elves than the supposed pro-helfers?

His source is “play the game”. He can’t even provide any source to where about within the game.

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Can we all just agree that BfA overall was pretty bad no matter which faction we’re on?


I NEVER once desired any worse experience for you.

I’m not the one going to others’ requests to bother them. I’m not asking for anything for the Horde. I leave the Horde players to request what they want.

I just want playable high elves in the Alliance.

I disagree. BfA is far worse than bad.

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Because the RPGs were still canon during Vanilla WoW, which means the themes still carry over (and that was never something decononized, because its reflected in the Encyclopedia).

Argue against me now.

I tried, she kept insisting we were favored and got a good story.

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and there are people that want playable horde humans :woman_shrugging:

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Yeah, Hello, this is not Vanilla. This is Beta for Azeroth. The story has changed a lot.