The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

See, the thing is, she is only using the NPC’s in Stormwind. Now, with the numbers, it is really hard to determind what the true numbers are, because of the fact that World of Warcraft is built over a base of multiple IP’s. So there is different canon numbers to what the in-game numbers are. Something which she is completely ignoring.

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It’s not like not having high elves on alliance effects you in any way either.

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It does effect me. Because it is like a mother baking a cake and the child being told to keep the hands off. We have the High Elves on Alliance side, but like always, we’re being told, HANDS OFF!


whenever youre ready sara or any helfer for that matter

answer me this what do the alliance high elves have the blood elves do not, what is it that makes them so different as to warrant them as a playable alliance AR? why do they need to be playable when the blood/alliance high elves are identical in theme and aesthetics?

Of course it effects me, or else I wouldn’t be asking for them.


Nah, it doesn’t. You can play the race already, and that doesn’t hurt you. And you can interact with the NPCs so you get the story that way on the alliance. So all good.

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Then you need to delete any Tauren/Gnomes/Blood Elves/Darkspear/Draenei/Lightforged/Void Elves/Orcs/Highmountain/Nightborne/Humans/Pandaren and now Night Elves since player populations are already larger than them lorewise.

Except that’s already written that way. Again, playability doesn’t somehow retroactively change the story.

If you feel what the Blood Elves did might have been evil then that’s what you think already.

And how exactly would that happen?

You think Blizzard is going to go back and change the Purge of Dalaran or that they didn’t return when needed after the Scourge or write that they only did it because they where jerks and felt like it?

Once again, it is already written. If you think what the Blood Elves are evil because of that then it’s your problem.

Having another race that doesn’t agree with your practise doesn’t suddenly make your character evil, it makes conflict in the story.

Otherwise Blood Elves would already be considered evil because the Night Elves, their direct cousins, already viewed them that way along with the Void Elves who didn’t agree with being a part of the Horde.


As opposed to every single time they’ve retconned stuff in the story to make the horde the actual aggressor after the game had the Alliance starting a war?

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People have explained countless times what could be done. Instead, it just turns up into post of you continuing with “there is only 2 High Elves in stormwind”.

Here is something from Guzzle’s thread:

People shouldn’t have to explain things to you again just for you to ignore it and continue on the same number argument that you keep coming up with.

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And those are there because void elves. Lets be honest, the high elf population is virtually not represented in Stormwind for having that largest population of queldorei post-Theramore.


Since you all like to quote Ion so much:

“Now, a different type of agency, the agency of self-expression. We are talking about visual character appearance, visual character customization. Everyone here, you have this powerful connection to your character. I’ve seen people spending a lot of time picking your character’s traits, like hair styles, because that’s your expression, that’s your avatar in-game.”


Nah, that was just me using your dismissal of my concerns back at your concerns.


would you like the encyclopedia entry for high elves, caydiems quote saying there are only a few alliance high elves left back in 05, ions quotes? which would you prefer? when it comes to actual alliance aligned high elves there are vew few and i have multiple sources to back me up

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Your concern is that somehow a story that’s already in the setting can affect you if we get a race we actually want to play as. Which does not make sense, as the story has been present since the beginning. The Horde is losing nothing.


Because people aren’t just thinking of those in stormwind, you got the Silver Covenant, you got Quel’Danil Lodge. (Only 2 groups I mainly know off), and they seem to get ignored. Yes, in Legion, there isn’t much to go by for the Silver Covenant on what there real involvement have gone by, but there is still that clear indication that they are still prefered to be Alliance.

Hello, would you like to look at Wrath of the Lich King/Mist of Pandaria/Legion where these expansions contradicts that one line from the Warcraft Encyclopedia?


And your concern is that you didn’t like that one race went with the wrong faction, and don’t care what happens as long as you get what was rightfully yours.


We are not asking for blood elves. You can keep them. We want high elves.


Stormwind is the largest population of the Quel’dorei in the Alliance, yet there is so little representation for that group that they didnt exist for a period of time after Cata, except in like one or two NPCs.

Pointing out other groups does not solve the issue that Stormwind has.

Its like talking about Tushui/Huojin Pandaren representation, then pointing to Pandaria as sufficient.


Like seriously Fyre, here is one true fact: Nobody knows what the true numbers of those who remained to call themselves High Elves are. All we mainly do know is that most of them went Alliance, where the remaining chose to be either neutral or hated by everyone.

Where is the official source to confirm another so called population argument?

Like, the one thing I do agree on from the Anti’s side: There is no knowing who they are as a larger group. Doesn’t mean they can’t all unite together to form a larger group.