The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

What part about “already exist and already are in the Alliance” you can’t understand?

It’s a story that has been in the game since its inception. It can’t effect the Horde story because it’s already there.


I mean fine, I’m good with keeping things as they are and accepting that.

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How in the heck does having characters that are already Alliance lore wise have any effect on the story?

They are already Alliance and already kill you when you walk next to them. They are already a separate population from the Blood Elves who have nothing to do with them except fighting them.

We literally got the exact same Blood Elves dipped in Void and it had zero effect on the Horde story other then fighting them. That’s it.

Is it affecting it now? No? Then playability wouldn’t change that at all.

They are already separated stories. Being playable will not change that.


So you too are advocating the continuing of Alliance just having High Elf npcs?

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Of course you are. You are Horde, the favored child.

Why else you’d be here?


At this point bowing out of a lost argument would have helped you save face better.


And yet she continues, I know.

I mean, just pretending that saying the npcs don’t effect the story so playable elves can in no way whatsoever badly influence the blood elf story because I say so. That’s just weak.


How much void elves, actual traitor blood elves whose growth actually may make more elves change sides and whose existence threatens the Sunwell, have affected you?


Oh look, another numbers argument. Hello, in-game numbers are not canon numbers


I don’t even bother replying to Fyrebusche.


They’re already killing each other.

So if you don’t want any conflict then you really shouldn’t be playing a game called Warcraft.

Are you afraid they are going to start killing you more somehow? If so then that’s actually a good thing since it’s development for both sides.


not really afraid of the 2 in stormwind :joy:

you literally had 4 show up for the fourth war. only 1 even put boots on the ground

Well, let’s see, for one, since they’re blood elves they don’t open the door to giving the appearance of a larger population of high elves that didn’t do the blood elf thing and possibly make it seem that the blood elves were evil and not desparate. No opening for the stupid request so many people have that the alliance elves be retconned into being ultra pure good awesome evils that are good and not the stinky evil horde elves.

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I don’t know why this argument is even used lol. Especially daily, especially after people dismantle it daily. Lol.

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High elves aren’t “ultra pure good awesome” whatevers. They are just not as putrid as blood elves. And that’s what bothers you all about high elves. The idea that your elves chose survival rather than integrity, as Blizzard itself put in the stories.

“You think I do not know what I am? We sin’dorei were given a choice: our integrity or our well-being. As if that were any kind of choice at all. I chose my well-being. My wife chose her integrity.”


I only reply to her, because it is fun to out-prove her number arguments.

Its not like Before the Storm spent most of its time talking about Anduin and glorifying the Alliance. If you an Alliance reader, it sucked. If you a Horde reader, oh boy was it garbage.


its over. you lost. void elves are here and playable. alliance helves will never be portrayed with more presence then them ever again. you cant ignore the elephant in the room any more. void elves are the playable high elves for the alliance and everybody knows it. you arent getting a carbon copy of blood elves

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And that line from a book is why I don’t want to see them playable.

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It’s a story that’s already there. That’s why it can’t effect you in any way.