The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

True, I didn’t even know all the crap Vereesa went through in her life, but after you read it, your like wow everything she did made sense and her state of mind, Game dont even come close to showing any of it or explaining any of it.


If your head explodes, I am having an All you can eat Tauren BBQ.

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If we are going to have Tauren BBQ, we need sides, like baked bean and slaw.

Meh, that’s an excuse, if anything. Nothing in the lore prevents all High Elves from unifying.


Tauren Kebabs?

I think it has already happened when a group of High Elves united under the same banner as Vareesa Windrunner, forming the Silver Covenant.


If we had a fire mage, and some veggies from Pandaria, we could make this happen!

That is indeed the largest group of High Elves today. But I’d love to see the Highvale Elves and the elves in Outland unifying as well.


There is no harm in it too. As you said, there is nothing in the lore to say that none of the High Elves could unify together.


Except their wildly different objectives, opinions and views? Amongst a group whose inability to compromise these values for the greater good led them to stand by while their people were massacred, I might add.

How do you figure the Highvale elves are going to feel about moving to Dalaran? Or how do the other high elves feel about the fact that the Silver Covenant committed an ethnic cleansing?

They’re not unified politically because they’re not unified in any sense of the word.

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The Silver Covenant and the “Highvale Elves” both favor the Alliance, and exclusively cooperate and cohabitate with other Alliance-aligned individuals – the one exception being any/all Horde the Silver Covenant are legally required to tolerate in Dalaran, but whom they have been vocally opposed to since WotLK.

It isn’t exactly a stretch to presume they’d cooperate, especially if we presumed either that a) Dalaran was destroyed, or the Silver Covenant banished from the floating city, or that b) Quel’Danil was destroyed.

The fact that they exist as sub-cultural groupings, with particularities of their own, doesn’t really speak to their viability as a conglomerate at all. :man_shrugging:

(Which isn’t to say “Highvale Elves” is my favorite idea, because it isn’t.)


Considering Theramore was home to many high elves, and that high elves were themselves persecuted and exiled from Quel’thalas for the “crime” of disagreeing, I bet many high elves felt the Purge of Dalaran was totally justified. You can’t trust Horde scum.


Unless you think of it thusly: for 3000 years, a portion of the quel’dorei of quel’thalas have been living alongside and marrying into the human families of Dalaran.

as a result, by the time the scourge invasion occurs, many of the dalaranian quel’dorei are just as much infused with human dna and human culture, as they are high elven dna and culture. they have human husbands and wives and half elven spouses, children, etc.

this would create the scenario where their loyalties would be divided; either to their ancestoral elven kin in silvermoon or to their newer (if you think of it in terms of new to an elf) kin in Dalaran. could be hundreds to 3000 years of intermingling involved in Dalaran. (correct me if i’m wrong but didnt this all start in Dalaran when humans asked the quel’dorei to teach them arcane magic use?)

I mean besides the fact that the high elves weren’t persecuted or exiled and in fact chose to leave Quel’thalas more than a decade before the blood elves joined the Horde, I’m sure you’re right, despite their complete lack of unity on anything, they would definitely have been unified on an unwarranted murder of their kin because some Alliance filth got killed after they launched an attack on Horde lands halfway across the world in an event they had nothing to do with.




Yes, they were. Stop trying to discuss lore if you don’t know it.


Where do you get this stuff? Most high elves chose of their own free will to remain with the Alliance following the second war and Quel’thalas’s secession. The only exiles were the ones in Quel’Lithien who are all dead now.

Maybe town down the cockiness if you insist on presenting headcanon.


I feel many of the High Elves choose to stay away because of the same Trials Veressa and her family went through picked up the same mentality when it comes to Horde and Sin’dorei choices.


While we know many high elves had that choice, there’s no source that most of them did at all. That’s entirely your assumption.

Again, there’s no source for saying the only exiles were those from Quel’lithien, especially that we have at least two other high elves known to be exiles: Vereesa and the Farstrider Lodge lady (whose name I can’t remember right now), and the Pre-MoP story where a dwarf talk about how he met high elves and point out what blood elves did to them. Also, the example of Lyria and Ennas, which show how dissenters were forcibly silenced.

There were persecution and exiles, that is pretty clear, even if not explored in depth.


Warcraft visual guide is the only source on the subject. It says most.

In the Shadow of the Sun.

[citation sorely needed]


The story, my favorite BTW, only says they were exiled, never that they were the only ones. Quest for Pandaria shows they weren’t the only ones.

It mentions only some elves remained outside Quel’thalas and has no comparison between exiles and those who never returned at all.

In the Shadow of the Sun, Quest for Pandaria, Zul’aman dialogue calling Vereesa an exile, Lyria and Ennas being censored.

The persecution and exile of high elves is fact.

Lor’themar admits he couldn’t lead a divided nation. Guess what was done to dissenters?

Besides, even if a few of high elves are exiles, that’s enough for the others to not trust blood elves at all. You don’t need to suffer an injustice to reckognize it.


Quest for Pandaria says that she chose integrity over well-being. It doesn’t say she was forcefully exiled, it doesn’t say when she made this decision, it doesn’t give any indication that she is part of some mass group of exiled elves.

It doesn’t even say that she isn’t from Quel’Lithien.

I’ll get back to you, my copy is underneath about a giant pile of drums right now.

Is all about Quel’Lithien.

Isn’t specific enough.

Is accurate after she supported the Alliance against the Horde, doesn’t mean she was exiled.

Easy mistake, those are both blood elves.

Yeah, the Quel’Lithien elves were exiled.

You’ve yet to provide any sources of you own saying that this happened. You’ve got one elf who may or may not have been from Quel’Lithien.

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