The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

I will never understand the whole, They go by a new name, so they are a new Race argument. It’s like saying when a person gets married and takes on the last name of their spouse. They stop being who the were, and become a completely different person. Funny when my sister got married and changed her last name, she didn’t suddenly stop being my sister. All of our history didn’t just up and vanish.

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The birth of Communist China isn’t nearly that straight-forward.

They essentially began as two competing factions at a time when China was split into regional cliques. It makes even less sense to use as a comparison to the elf situation because neither side split off from the other and neither side was a continuation of the previous (Qing Dynasty) government.

High elves are expats, not a unified political movement.

The game, lore, and story, Devs, recognizes them as two different factions, They are separated by choice and for different reasons.

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Was sticking with the elf side of things, since my knowledge of China’s history is pretty spotty.

Stop posting this, high elves aren’t unified and nothing in game, in the lore or that the devs have said support this and in fact directly dispute and disprove this.

That’s what I mean, it’s really, really, really bad metaphor and the fact that people continue to use it shows a gross lack of knowledge about the political situation surrounding the formation of the two Chinas.

Where does it say they have to be unified to be different then Sin’dorei, oh wait thats opinion got it.

Prolly a bit of USian view of history, we were allied with the Republic so some stuff does tend to treat it more importantly than they might have been, because OMG COMMIES!!!

Is this the new antie reason for no High Elves, they are not unified?

Not really new, goes back to the Encyclopedia that used to be on the website

“In consequence, there are so few high elves left on Azeroth today that they cannot be considered a race in anything other than the biological sense. High elves do not gather in any significant numbers, nor do they act as a coordinated whole. They are a very small group of individuals scattered all over the world. As such, they do not have common opinions or goals. Indeed, modern high elves cannot even truly be said to have a culture–only a past filled with glory and regret.”

It’s not new and has in fact been directly mentioned by devs as a reason they make no sense.

Quick question did I say that? You wanna point to it? Yeah? Can you?


I swear if he gives you a straight answer to this one my head may explode all Scanners style

Dunno think you said it here.

Been seeing the unified BS couple of posts.

I think Blood Elves are High Elves, but not all High Elves consider themselves Blood Elves nor do they have the right to even if they desired, and its these Elves I’m interested in on Alliance. I’m not sure how much that opinion differs from others but I have a little Daenerys Targaryen “I know what is good and right” approach to me so I feel sound in my opinion regardless lol


Whew, I’m safe

Its all good, were here for discussion, and I have nothing better to do while I do my work, So life is good.

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I mean it wasn’t that straight, I never said what he’s claiming.

Hmm, I said that if he had given you a straight answer that my head would explode. But since it was the usual quote something you said and then pretend it backs up his argument, no worries there.

Spreading information in a positive way to better shed light on the High Elves to accurately paint the picture on why they should be a playable character creation screen race!

It’s why I frequent the thread, and if I in my immense abilities am unable to add thoughts on a particular topic, I like posts from people who write deep lore based arguments! :blue_heart:


I agree its way better then opinion


Lore based arguments help spread information, and the kindness in delivering that information shows respect for others. :blue_heart:

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