The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

You have your stance i have mine, I’m not going to argue or do anything to make this into a fight, Ill let people read the lore on their own and make their own decision,

There isn’t an argument when there is only one answer, but there is other stories out there as well.

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Anyways, Ima jump onto Cities Skylines for a bit. Chat later everyone.


Until they band together that story will be hard to tell. Currently the only real faction of them with more than a brief story is the SC and they’re pulled between their ties to Dalaran and the Alliance. There is good story there though.

As far as Quel’thalas’ legacy though i think that would lie with Silvermoon and the blood elves for the moment.

Though all Thalassians have a part to play the blood elves are the majority.

Until we void elves retake our home and show them the benefits of the void of course.

not arguing that, just felt the person was making a valid point and not just tossing matches.


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Ive been reading more and more on Vereesa Windrunner, she not likely going to to be joining the Sin’dorei/Horde for while, she has to many bad memories related to the horde and Sin’dorei, Because a Windrunner never forgets, and very rarely forgives.

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No one said she would.

Its been hinted at in this thread here and there. For the love off her people, or The Neutrality the SC are suppose to have, or i should say follow loosely.

He just really likes the overemphasize the differences between blood and high elves.

Just pointing out the lore bro, nothing personal.

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Just pointing out that it’s your personal spin on the lore.

since this is the same v. windrunner who was thinking if she didn’t have kids she’d run away with her sister and go undead and rule alongside her

Vereesa has in at least one comic suggested she would go back if not for her family and ties to Dalaran

I don’t think high elves are as disparate as people think. Many of them make trips to the Sunwell, and the Blood Elves do not refuse them. They are their people, they just don’t agree on some politics and as I said above have some minor cultural and ethical differences.

Truly though Void Elves and better than both.

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And many Forsaken long for their return to Stormwind. That doesn’t mean they’re neutral.


Hey guys. Guess what I made for once in my life. I know this isn’t something that is High Elf Related but I have to show everyone this very first TF2 Gmod Video. I made.

Its called Giant Baby PalmsMann Crushes somebody. Enjoy


Yeah, but when someone is trying to pass off “She totally hates the horde/blood elves and would never go back!” as lore, pointing out that she has conflicting feelings does kind of kill that point.

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She does hate the Horde and the path taken by the Blood Elves.

A moment of weakness in her life where she doubted to return or join Sylvanas does not mean her hate is false.

EDIT: Let me remind you that Lorthemar considered the possibility of joining the Alliance. Should we say their hate towards Humans was false all this time?


I didn’t say she was neutral either. I said the SC was torn between their allegiance to Dalaran and the Alliance.

From what I have seen so far, and correct me if I’m wrong, Varian had opened communication with the Blood Elves about possibly returning to the fold. I have never seen anything saying Lor’themar had either reached out or accepted.

I wont argue with you guys go read Veressa Family History, See what the Horde & Sin’dorei did to it, make your own judgment if you think she will ever go back. here a little posting I found that explains Veressa mentality, Why she takes the position she does with the Horde and Sin’dorei.



He was considering it. He decided to reject the proposal after Jaina expelled the Sunreavers from Dalaran.

This is shown at the end of the Purge of Dalaran scenario if you’re a Horde player.


Imagine blaming rash and vengeful decisions on the back of your freshly murdered husbands memory and pretending that’s a hint at neutrality.

And calling that a “personal spin” on lore.

Pot meet kettle.