The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Actually I did a costar astrology fill in the blank mad libs thing and according to them I’m an E Girl or (Boy) but I’m gonna take it as a gender neutral term in strides and accept it. I just have a plethora of nerdy interests!

Edit: ALSO here to support HEs hehe :stuck_out_tongue: :v:


But High Elves are not Blood Elves.


It’s a: all blood elves are high elves but not all high elves are blood elves scenario.

Don’t know why some folk still have trouble with that.

Of course Void Elves are superior.

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Except in context that post seems to be in response to someone trying to deny blood elves the history of the nation of Quel’thelas.

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Hmmm, I do like the Void Elves, but only because of the hair styles. But I didn’t really like the entire idea of using also the exact model from the Blood Elves and just give it a new hair style and change skin colour, when Nightborne are completely different to the Night Elves, despite using the same skeleton.

I wouldn’t exactly deny it, but I would say that the history of Quel’Thalas was well known as High Elves before most renamed themselves to Blood Elves.

We must put this misery behind us. We must enter a new chapter! And so I say to you that, as of this day, we are no longer high elves! In honor of the blood that was shed throughout this kingdom, in honor of the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters, our parents, and our children, in honor of Anasterian
 as of this day we will take the name of our royal lineage! As of this day, we are sin’dorei! For Quel’Thalas!

Kael’thas Sunstrider proclaims the rise of the blood elves


Just because we changed our name doesn’t erase our history.

Even the void elves, furthest removed from our kin, have a right to our history.

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Yes, thus why that person brought up that point. That the blood elves are the vast majority of the survivors of the massacre of their people, and that the story of the Thalassian elves continues with them. The other high elves have the same history but they are a bunch of small splinters off the current story of the race.

It seemed to be more correcting someone else’s mistake than just dropping it in as a bump.


I never said that.

Yes, the blood elves have a great reverence for their past and honor those that died, and continue the legacy of Quel’thelas


Tarrok, It is true that Blood Elves and High Elves do share the same history, but present, do they share the same story?


Apperently all the High Elves that didn’t become the Sin’dorei had a different view. what 35 years later they still dont follow Sin’dorei

The point I meant was, that the blood elves are still the same people who built Quel’thalas, that they were known as High Elves then doesn’t change that they were the same people.

The differences between the two groups doesn’t start until they proclaimed themselves blood elves and some of them didn’t take the name choosing to remain called high elves.

Even then it’s mostly political with a little bit of cultural disparity.


Not entirely, there are portions that overlap.

But doesn’t have anything to do with the point really? Just seems to be a way to weasel around the fact that the blood elves are the heirs of the story of Quel’thelas and its history. And that it’s wrong to try to imply that the blood elves have severed themselves from that history so that it belongs to the splinters.


You’re doing that thing again, where you change the topic when you get out argued. What do high elves have to do with what seemed to be an attempt from you to act like the Blood Elves gave up their past?

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Its 35 years since the first war. Not near that long since the name change.


Like ive always said they are two different groups, that have followed seperate paths in the Lore, Game and story, they may share a past, Just like the Sha’ldorei and Kaldorei but they took different roads. which make them different from one Another and gave them different Identities.


You know what, have a ball talking about everything other than what I say in an effort to try and prove me wrong. I might respond if you deign to actually address my actual points for a change


Well, to be exactly honest, while Blood Elves do indeed continue there old traditions, and continue on the legacy of Quel’Thalas, the High Elves don’t. Instead, the High Elves chose to follow a completely different path, to make a new story of there own. Mind you, the ones that did not rejoin there kingdom does not support Quel’Thalas decision into being Allies with the Horde (i think, could be wrong here), but the thing is, there is another story out there, involving the High Elves that are within the Alliance, that hasn’t been fully told yet.


So no argument when talking about who is continuing the history of the elves in question, and assuming that before the split they all called themselves high elves. It’s not wrong to say “the Blood elves are the (pre-split after Arthas) high elves” right?

I was mainly just pointing out that was what it seemed the person you initially responded to was saying. Not merely just dropping that line in out of nowhere

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