The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

not sure i understand what you mean?

Oof sorry I was just commenting on the diluted blood lines and matches, and was inquiring if NB / NE half elf aesthetic would fit with Half Elves or if they’d basically just look like NE Highborne or more Nightborne

oh a half way between ne and nb?

Yes, hypothetically seems like the Highborne would be good matches for Nightborne , but not enough time to have adult PC characters

the second high elf model, was created for the tbc beta to depict blood elves. it was a night elf with some features that looked like current blood elves. could take something like that, shorten the ears and eyebrows and wallah, not a belf, not a nelf but apparently related somehow haha

here’s the model in question


I’m not thinking they would work as a Half Elf variant. Because it wouldn’t be Half Elf, having two Elven parents would make it an Elf. It would be like if Blood Elves, and High Elves had children, they would be Elves. To be a Half Elf one parent cannot be an Elf, or at least not a full blooded Elf. My thoughts anyways.


mag’har and elf might work. or mok’nathal by itself is a horde related half breed.


What would a half Orc/ Half Elf even look like?

I do love that eversong backdrop too heh :sparkling_heart:

True I guess I just got to thinking too hard on Half Elf variants, and imagined my two of my three favorites Highborne and Nightborne :confused:

something like this maybe


That looks pretty nice… I wish Blizzard would give us Half Elves, think of all the possible customizations :grinning:

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I kinda think this might work as well.


If we were to get anything that was half orc it should be with Ogres. That’d give the Horde the playable version of Ogres that they should’ve had since the start

…And they’d be the perfecting pairing for Alliance Half Elves



ain’t he pretty


He is. Don’t let no one tell you different Rexxar.

I would play them in a heartbeat.


i followed it on to a reddit link, where someone had a wowhead model viewer of rexxar in his hat. and one of the comments was that it’s using the same rigging as the kul’tirans. is this confirmed? lol
shoulda known.

rexxar is much better looking than a kul’tiran. haha
lore knows the horde needs to be more popular. :sunglasses:

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Kul’tirans are a whole other story, Strongmen heh.

He is indeed pretty. Were that an option on the Horde I’d have to main one

It is confirmed.

They made Kul’tiran rigging and models then decided to use them to make rexxar a new more unique skin as he’s a major character and more or less unique to boot.

He could easily be the basis for bringing in the mok’nathal to the horde except for one major issue.

The mok’nathal are pacifists, and kinda dislike him. They refused to fight the hordes battles.

Edit: Striked the wrong bits. :stuck_out_tongue: