The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

/skips banging head on keyboard, or banging keyboard on head and just goes straight to smacking self on face with keyboard

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14 years friend. not gonna happen.

Why were they dabbling in it ?

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I see them as separate all together, HEs will be added imo later for whatever reason but for whatever reason they wanted to do Void things with Alleria and give VEs by extension so I truly see HEs being completely separate decision making independent of the addition of VEs, everything from their scenario to recruit them / mindset imo supports that the HE playable race is still in play and able to be asked for by the player base.

It says it right there. Second sentence.

You’ll see how wrong you are when he points out that high elves took a ballista to orgrimmar

except, and you know this is potentiality, which irritates the heck outta me that you’re pretending this is not my position suddenly, half elves. there’s gotta be a large percentage of half elves in the remaining high elf population after 3000 years of intermingling and diluting of bloodlines. any variant could’ve easily been created, resolving the issue with no toes stepped on but you must get delight in seeing alliance players begging for crumbs.

Idk I can see it happening, and now with ARs being a way to throw races in at anytime during a patch or what not I could see it. But in general it took a while for them to add a demon hunter class too that was years before they had a reason to add them in Legion so idk I’m optimistic as ever. The Boleyn family motto was “The Most Happy” I like to think mine is “The Most Optimistic”.

They had better be chocolate chip, the superior cookie.


Well, half elves are a different thing all together than high elves and blood elves. So of course, you could use a different design.


Fitting isn’t it to have multiple love threads active during the Valentines season.


Yeah and something cutting I can’t think I’ve been working for hours please fill in this space with a witty and nasty put down.

The main reason why is because it’s really an unfair and absurd idea to have high elves as an allied race when the only difference would be earrings, less hair color options, and eye color. Also preventing blood elves from getting blue eyes ever. You’re not getting blood elves with less options on the alliance. It’s not happening. Reroll horde if you want to play the sin’dorei. The high elves no longer exist in any meaningful sense. You can not make a population out of outcasts and renegades that are few and far between. Nor out of a covenant of racist outcasts.


well thats what many helfers were asking for, not always by name, but thats what it boils down to - a variant of an alliance high elf, effected by their surrounding culture (which could easily include diluted bloodlines since there’s evidence of that being an issue). use your imagination. when someone says, variant or modified, they could easily mean something like a half elf.

let’s take posture . humans dont stand like belfs. helfs dont have to stand like belfs either because they hang out with and marry humans and might absorb the cultural norms like walk, food, vogue-ing, etc. why does it always have to be a copy and paste argument when almost no one wants a copy and paste.

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Yeah, and they are another part of the unoriginal trope that do nothing but act as an excuse for weebs to play as in their daily fantasy.

No they haven’t, and I know they haven’t, because when I suggested it, they flag bombed not only my topic on the matter but my post as well.
high elves and half elves are different because that half is human, or orc, or something else.
They don’t look elf or human.


thats just because they think a half elf is a surrender. but if you asked those same people if an alliance high elf modified model would be okay, so that isnt a copy and paste, most would say yes. its a semantics argument.


If it is a semantic argument, then those people should be satisfied with void elves. :man_shrugging:

Look, I understand where you are coming from and what you desire. I understand what it means to you, and how it contributes to the story you experience. There are times, however, where the story has to take a back seat to the design of the game. Void elves were a compromise, and while they are a dissatisfying compromise, a good compromise leaves everyone unhappy in some aspects.

If you want a modified appearance? Void elves fill it.
If you the want the lore? They don’t, but that can be changed accordingly.

If lore matters, then lets simply request high elves get absorbed into them. It would be a good idea.

Fezzy had a beautiful idea for it.


but they do stand like belfs and share the same model, all the ones in game that have been referred to. It is a copy and paste argument because they are literally one in the same. You’re asking for an incredibly unfair and unreasonably entitled thing. You want the alliance to have twice as much blood elf as the horde, one blood elf model isn’t enough, because it’s blue and that’s not good enough even though it’s the color of the faction you’re so attached to. You need a light skinned elf or it’s never enough. It’s getting to the point where I want another blue post that restates their solidarity with the blood elf players that don’t want to lose their identity to the alliance.

My biggest concern is that blizzard is known to lack integrity, so maybe they will cave and ruin the game for the horde because of the crybaby alliance feigning horde favoritism over and over. Can never just be happy with what you have. Even when if you got blood elves, the goalpost would shift and you would ask for some other variant of a horde race. Like it did when you got void blood elves and it wasn’t enough. The threads are already out there: “Please bring a monstrous race to the alliance”. It’s just inane. Learn to be happy with what you have on the alliance, and if you want to be a high elf, that’s what it means to play a blood elf. You can compromise if all your friends are alliance and be a blue blood elf tainted by the void. Outcast from your family.

make a half elf based on alliance high elf. call it an alliance high elf and give it access to alliance high elf lore, problem solved. story goes, 3000 years of diluting bloodlines has revealed the alliance high elves to have evolved in different ways than their blood elven relatives. this explains why elisande read them the riot act. they are literally, diluted bloodlines.


you’re ignoring everything i say so you can erect strawmen to effigy

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