The High Elf Love Thread 🥰

No, you asked to make a Horde race neutral.


no we asked to have a modified version of alliance high elves.

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I think that part of the problem is that they feel like everything is clear already… and that the choice to use Blood Elves as the source was because Alliance high elves really aren’t viable. Hopefully the next time this thread gets picked up, everything is clarified.


Void Elves


Oh I’m sure they did too. But clearly many folk feel different.

My way is meant to end the High Elves as a thing for the alliance. Effectively making them all Void Elves.

After that there can never be an argument made.

Game,Lore, story, does and can support Playable Alliance High Elves,
The High Elves and Sindorei are on different paths atm in the game and lore. For several different reasons. Been that way for while now we are use to saying blood elves for sin’dorei and saying High Elves for Non Sindorei, which shows they have both different Identities, Devs see them as different also. No matter how you interpret the words “Kind of are the same”.

a modified version of a horde blood elf, is not what we asked for. the game is an rpg. it has lore consequences, not just visual consequences. we were even willing to have the alliance high elf model be changed enough where it didnt have the same animations, nor the same silhouette. we were even willing to have half elves, where they are so different from blood elves, that the two would only share some skin colors in common and nothing else.

but nope.


I don’t how to respond to you without being mean and hurting your feelings after such a…statement.

So we’ll leave this here as a place holder accordingly.

Those are some pretty harsh words coming from you Hyper. Blood elves have been a thing since TBC, people do have reason not to desire that race to be replicated.


are you being deliberately blind or what. i know you can read. and i know you know my position on half elves. it hasnt changed since before void elves were introduced. that you are still pretending most helfers wanted a copy of blood elves, when you’ve been told 1000s maybe 10s of 1000s of times, that we didnt need it to be a copy and in many cases, didnt want it to be a high elf exclusively, regardless if horde or alliance high elf.

stop pretending. you’re erecting strawmen to burn


People understand what you want, but the way they are viewing it is different from you. Lore is how you view it. Design is how they view it.
If you ask for a modified high elf, then you get void elves design wise.
The best thing to do is simply request a lore addition for high elves. You are also being unusually hostile. Maybe take a step back and relax? I have cookies.


Say it with me now.

High Elves are a copy of blood elves any modifications are still a copy of blood elves.


Well, we’re not sending out mixed signals, are we?

say it with me… i’m a modified blood elf already! see me? i’m a void blood elf. at least with a modified high elf, you woulda had 1) a different model with different animations, and potentially different hair colors and hair styles and 2) different lore. as it stands void elves are a copy and paste of blood elves in nearly every conceivable way, including their own crime of wanting power at all costs.


Model wise yes but like I said before, both can be made to look different through their Lore and different paths they been on to show the different Identities they have, with each side they support/interact with.

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Remind me, why were the void elves kicked out again? Oh yeah, being reckless and power hungry. Because blood elves aren’t like that.

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I honestly think the VE narrative of wanting power, coupled with the fact they made them former BEs and the bulk of Alliance HEs are still in play we will see true HEs as a playable race in game. :blue_heart:

Except that the high elves and blood elves are literally the same race, and so they have the same game design accordingly.

Same lore ultimately. Let alone the high elves have gone about acquiring magical artifacts for their own reasons.


Not unlike my scenario idea. :stuck_out_tongue:


To me I see the Void elves as another sad story added to the High Elves as a race.