The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Actually most if not all directed at me.

Well as probably half of the words I wrote were on the topic of “Why can’t you (Valarian) discuss a topic like a normal person and not change the topic everytime someone responds to a point you make, and then act like you won the conversation since you derailed it?” I’m still going to go with you.

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If that is your single issue, and not the rest of everything else, I don’t think you should be playing this game. Playable Alliance high elves are an extremely small thing to hang the rest of it on.

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Again its not about me bro, Make your case against, ill make my case for.

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That is what I was thinking yesterday actually. Kinda sucks that they’re not working on AR’s customization.

Feels like an abandoned feature. AR’s I mean.

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No you won’t. That’s the whole damned point. I’ll make my case then you’ll ignore it and talk about how much fish cost or something equally irrelevant to the topic


Be careful, I think he’s baiting you. You’ve consistently been a good actor in these discussions and he’s not worth the dark spot.


Make your best argument to me your number one reason why no for Alliance High Elves, Your best Argument. Lets see it

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this is what bugs me. you are actively trying to dissuade people from wanting to play the game, while vehemently defending your preference for your time in game. only you should be able to play the game the way you prefer and i should just go pound sand. bugs me.


I for one hope Void Elves get more tentacle options and N’Zoth eyes.


You’re right

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we’re not getting anything. it doesnt help that you hope we get even weirder. only core races are getting customizations. at this point you should be embarrassed that the devs have spoiled you so thoroughly, you’ve become a detriment to the health of the game


I agree, I just know that whenever Blizzard does anything with the blood elves. They always seem to dust off Vereesa, and her Silver Covenant, as well.

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Not at all, you’re telling me that the one issue you have with this game is it hasn’t given the attention you want to your niche subject. I’m telling you that’s not worth getting upset about. You should pick the game that has the one thing you really need rather than stick around for this one.

What bugs me is when you set things up with drama, then when take things out of context to make more drama.

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I just want us to have the option, you of all people should understand that.


She says, posting on a character the Alliance harangued the devs into giving them because they couldn’t deal with the Horde getting something nice for over a decade.


if its so flippin’ niche, why are you trying so hard to keep it from happening? you know its important. thats why you’re here acting as if it’s a crime that we want to be like you. oh its terrible i tell ya.

I’m for that.

I also think if blizzard wants to truly end this discussion they should have a quest line for alliance folk, similar to the Darkshore intro where night elves get darkened eyes, where alleria and vereesa gather up the SC and other alliance high elves finally form into one main group (a single alliance high elven faction). Then they make it clear that they’re all going to choose to become void elves the same way Alleria did.

From there unlock some other skin tones, and tattoos more like Alleria (tattoos also available to void elves proper). OR make it clear they’re becoming void elves through a ritual. Therfore just our current void elf skin tones but tattoos yesss.

Aside from that it’s still sucky that other AR’s get left out. Kul’tirans could use more faces and hairstyles for instance.

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he says while ignoring that we didn’t ask to play our enemies. we asked to play our allies. not a copy of them either. a modified version.

Because then it wouldn’t be niche. I don’t see you correcting people unhappy with thier implementation on the Horde, I can be unhappy with them on the Alliance. Keep Alliance high elves niche!
