The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Most kingdoms do things like this in WoW history.

Tbf, Rommath is just under-utilized in general. After the failed idea to make him the Twilight agent on Horde side
hes just been non-existent.

Im also pretty sure Blizzard just doesnt know what to do with blood elves.

I read everything from your post, back.


Are you doing some sort of weird performance art, or trying to be all Andy Kaufman by being completely nonsensical and impossible to discuss anything with because you will skip around between topics no matter what the other person is talking about?

Cause if it is, could you at least be amusing?


That’s funny, because when I read it, it seemed to show that Lor’themar’s command over the various players in his court was tenuous at best (or basically non-existent, in the case of Aethas) and his leadership was undermined by Sylvanas in front of M’uru and everybody, leaving him to pout about it because he had no other recourse. I contend that the High Elves don’t need a single leader to rally behind because it doesn’t do much of anything for the Blood Elves.

Except in this case I think it’s more a rouge militia and a few dissidents/defectors.

Thats what they were.

Unfortunately the writers are less concerned with advancing the world and more concerned with their personal role playing sessions.

It was more Cataclysm had a ton of cut content, that only pales to WoD.

Which just isn’t a faction comparable to a nation state. Blood Elves are the high elf nation state, seat of power, homeland, populous, and continuity of their history.


Who all shut up and do what he says after briefly complaining.

They’re advisers, they’re supposed to give their opinions.

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Whatever Terrok, you go personal, ill stay in lore.

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Look, I commented mainly at other people who are trying to present the Blood elves as greatly divided because they have different opinions.

You seem to come in to back up the whole inner arguing is major point, until you then make a comment about how this is apparently a new argument, I guess about high elves being disunified being a new talking point

Again, the conversation was SOLELY about blood elves in silvermoon.

I double check because you went from seemingly agreeing with the concept and then making fun of it within a few posts

You then say something I think is about how high elves aren’t blood elves and are a part of the alliance, which has nothing to do with what was being talked about.

If you’re going to jump into the middle of an argument, stick to what that argument is, don’t go swapping between multiple different topics that don’t have anything to do with what people are actually talking about.

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Then he just denies that you ever made any points to begin with, assuming you can even interpret his post. That pretty much sums up engaging this poster.


No, then he posts at the thread something like:

Showing Support For True Alliance QUEL’Dorei THE True Elf Men

Night elves were first therefore we are the true elf men!

We tend to get kind of punchy after going round with him a few times.

All land is troll land.

you guys brought up the whole little numbers game again but in a group form not a unified group form.

Until the night elves came it was. (evolved trolls)

Though there were Mogu and tol’vir and Aqir
and nerubians, and mantid later pandaren
 You know the trolls actually had a lot of competition.





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Numbers matter when comparing a nation state to a militia. Otherwise, it was in the context of categories and what constitutes those categories. You’re just kind of all over the place.