The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

Face it bro you Sin’dorei sit back while Horde Killed High Elves, You fight alongside old enemies.

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Can you point out where you read all that, because this feels like the other night where I had someone claim to quash a point I was wondering about based on NPC dialogue that I have yet to be able to find.

To who? Lorderon? The Forsaken? The Alliance that Blood Elves left in WC3? To the Alliance of Stormwind which they were never apart of?

Who did they betray? It’s not like they left their people during their time of need to suck on limited magical artifacts, then judge their people for doing what they had to to survive. Then show up and actively fight them. Who’s really the traitor?

Didn’t you just accuse us of trying to rewrite the narrative?

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They were traitors, encroaching on Horde territory. They were with Alliance invaders. If anything those high elves were collateral damage, or part of an invasion force.

When? The Horde hasn’t picked a fight with the high elves once.

And so do they. The humans were not kind to the blood elves.

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Oh god is this the whole fake outrage about blowing up a military port that actively supplied an invasion?

you said it not me.

Horde did it right? Sin’dorei are horde,

Valid Military Target. Therefore you’re not allowed to complain about it.

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They just Oppenheimered it. :wink:

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LOL, its the lore man, same as why Highvale, lore reasons not opinion.

It’s time for the Horde to set up a nice big fort in Westfall and complain when the Alliance takes it out.

You said they meant nothing little reasons, now your defending them ferociously,
make up your mind. This is about reasons why All High elves do go running to the Sin’dorei

In the lore sense you rely on groups that are no longer around?

Do you understand this?

“Haha, foolish Horde filth. You never suspected us to attack you in your heartlands while you have overwhelming local force superiority. You will fall and you will forever rue the day you crossed Theramore. Theramore will reign for a thousand years! Wait, what are you doing with that airship?”

I do understand your only here to say no, you have no lore to say why we cant have High Elves as a Playable race. (imho)

HighVale no longer around? News to me.

And you’re only here to say ‘yes’? This isn’t a thread about cookies.

Pretending that we haven’t given the reasons is the same as us not giving the reasons, And let’s be real here, you give squat about the lore.

and your response was completely unrelated

It was impossible to understand what this meant.


I don’t think you can really say that. Superficially, perhaps. But the Blood Elves are themselves made up of a number of different subfactions led by Liadrin, Rommath, and Halduron, and the fact that they’re ostensibly “unified” under Lor’themar’s command isn’t even really paid lip service to, considering that each of the aforementioned characters is more prominent in the story than he is, and his only real purpose is to show up for five seconds, say something catty to Jaina, and go back in the box for next time.

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