The High Elf Love Thread đŸ„°

It’s more like a first generation Italian immigrant. Chances are they refer to themselves as Italian-American, but any actual differences between them and an Italian Italian are extremely thin. Like, less than the difference between a mage and a Farstrider.

Guzzle, they just wanted to go off to Stormwind to get away from their parents. You need to respect them and their independence. :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe, but only as a matter of politeness. They’re still the same people.

Oh I’m just making a crack at how serious some __________ Americans (Irish americans can get this way too.) get about their connections to the home country.

Some of it’s time, Suramar had 10,000 years of living in their weird magical slow cooker to change physically and culturally. These high elves just left not that long ago.

Game, Lore Devs, Story all say that those not with the Sin’dorei in one faction of high elves, Unless you take your opinion since they are not united, they dont count, But The Sin’dorei count because they are united.

Guzzle did the same thing about the night fallen rebellion, Three forces responded to Kadgard’s call, The High Elves (1/3), Kaldorei, Sindorei, he tried to say change the narrative to numbers, when they whole story didn’t mention anything about numbers but who responded which. Trying to reword the story, same thing going here.


Someone get me a broken beer bottle.

 since the folks in Quel’thalas renamed themselves from High Elf to Blood Elf. I don’t see what the elves in Stormwind had to do with it.

They didn’t experience that carnage. They don’t have those horrid memories. I doubt they feel that much connection as the folks who experienced the scourge do. So they don’t identify with the term Blood Elf. They’re still a High Elf.

Typical Horde telling others how to live their lives.


They’re first generation emigres.

Try as they might, they’re the same race with a few cosmetic differences, smaller than what other races have as differences within the same faction.

Hands up those of us who had to flee their homeworld because draenei kept forcing them to adopt their customs.


The High Elves Not Sin’dorei chose to stay away from the Sin’dorei for different reasons.


They may be the same race, heck the High Elves are just Night Elves who were kicked out of the tree house. But

They have a different affiliation. It’s like the Pandas. Some went red and others went blue.

Tom and Joe Lightfeather can both be High Elves. Tom went to Stormwind and chilled. Joe dealt with the Scourge, got high on magic and is now calling Tom home to help him fight in some war with some crazed Prince.

Tom has a new human wife whose super hot and doesn’t want to leave Stormwind.

Why does no one care about Tom Lightfeather?

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I would recommend reading Lor’themar Theron:
In the Shadow of the Sun

Gives a good look inside the Sin’dorei


Those aren’t really a group like the one’s we get player characters from. they’re a few portal trainers and vendors. They were never really meant to be anything more than a Blood Elf tie in for Alliance players.

You take this waaaay too seriously.

Doubt it would be that, since they gave out Mounts and Tabard, pet and earned rep,

The Silver Covenant? Or are we talking about the ones in Stormwind? You shift groups as it suits your argument.

I think I love the Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei it’s their differences that endear me to both so much :blue_heart: like the difference between a Lannister and a Stark (moral value parallel in my mind) but I just love them :blue_heart:

Yes, eye color. Big difference.

They know theres a difference, they just trying to rewrite the argument to fit their narrative. Because all the other excuse don’t apply anymore, why they want the rules and certain words not used,

They still haven’t made a factual argument on why not. Thats My OPINION.


Veressa led a bunch of them in Throne of Thunder didn’t she?

All I’m saying is if a rebel faction of Suramar Elves is justified as a playable race, why can’t a militant faction of High Elves be as well?


insert clip Tamra from Real Housewives of Orange County screaming THATS MY OPINION on the reunion couch

It is my shared opinion as well, ValarĂ­an. :blue_heart:

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